Carlos Barba

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.75 out of 5 with 111 ratings

Carlos Barba Bariatric Surgeon

10 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Any

Max Age of Patient is Any

111 Reviews for Carlos Barba
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I liked him first of all. His staff is the greatest and I'm treated like "family" when I'm there. All of the staff have been very informative and especially helpfull in answering questions, and believe me, I had questions! At first, I was nervous with doctor Barba, but he made me feel comfortable in a short time. His surgery program has a long waiting line and if you are looking to have surgery in a few months, don't count on it. There are at least 6 doctors that I was required to see and all of them had to approve me as a candidate for the surgery.
Surgical competence rates the highest for me but a good bedside manner speeds recovery in my opinion.


Dr. Barba impressed me as a regular guy with alot of confidence in his surgical abilities.His office staff was super.I just hit it off with the Dr. and his satff so have nothing negative to say about them. I would recommend Dr. Barba to anyone wishing WLS but apply early this man is booked solid.There was great structured before and after care and support groups.He has great surgical and bedside manner


Doc. and staff seem really nice and helpful.


I didn't get to meet Dr. Barba until 2 months preop. I liked him right away. I didn't feel embarrased by my weight with him or any staff member. The office is extremely busy, but that is because they are very good. The hardest part was waiting a whole year to get to the surgery date. I had to go through a lot of preop appts with other doctors to get clearance. A lot of phone calls and scheduling and running around. Dr. Barba is big on aftercare. They have seminars for information, reading material, handouts, and meetings with old and new patients.

I rate him as an excellent doctor both in surgical competence and bedside manner.

The only thing I didn't like was not getting an appt with him until I had all my other appts done, but the office told me it was the only way they could schedule him because he was so busy.


I met Dr. Barba tonight and I was impressed with his wealth of knowledge and his successful case histories. I am interested in the Gastric Lap Banding. I just want to do the right surgery. We also met with his dietician, who was pretty much textbook, as well as his APRN who explained about office procedure as well as insurance. Risks of the surgery were well advised, as well as the aftercare program. Overall, my first impression of Dr.Barba is a good one. He appears to be smart, friendly, and has a good sense of humor. He also spoke with people individually after the program, which I thought was very nice. So far So good!


The orientation session was PACKED! I liked him immediately. Seemed very experienced with a good record. I have only met with the nutritionist, judy, and liked her a lot. He was very thorough about the risks.


I first met him during the orientation meeting
that we, here in Ct. must do. He was very informative and seemed like he cared so much for us.
I have been in the office a few times and everyone there treats you like you are normal and not everweight.
They respect you and that is so important for us who have been looked down upon for so long.

His office manager nurse sets up appt. for everything you need to have done from the fist visit to the consulting visits to ht e post op visit and she is wonderful.

Dr. Barba is there with you for the surgery, when you wake up in recovery, and comes to visit you each day in the hospital.
He will see you 2 weeks or less in the office and then 3 months and six months and then one year then each year there after.
I had extra visits because I had an abscess in my incision line and he kepts a close eye on me.

Dr. Barba and his nurse manager sit with you before you get your surgery date and discuss the surgery.
They tell you and your support person all about the good and the bad that could happen. There are no secrets in that office.

I would rate dr. Barba a ***10***

Dr. Barba is wonderful


Dr. Barba and his team are the best!!


My first meeting with him was with my husband. He was very nice to us and made us feel comfortable. However, we waited a bit too long for him tend to us. He was clear on the risks of surgery and made sure he answered all of our questions. We have not met with him again as of yet. His staff is great!


Dr. Barba had a nice calming attitude. He
smiled at me while I was waiting in the
sitting area. That told me that he cared.
Rosemary was wonderful. She informed me that
she was going on vacation in a week and would
not be able to set my appointments to see the
other doctors. I told her that due to uncon-
trollable circumstances I'd had to wait 18 months
already and that I would really appreciate it
if she could fit me in as soon as possible.

Rosemary was just as informative as the doctor
and they both gave a lot of info and advice.

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