Weight Management Center

Bariatric Center
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 78 ratings

Weight Management Center Bariatric Center

Louis Martin Profile Pic
Louis Martin
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Greg Scalia Profile Pic
Greg Scalia
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Theresa Klainer Profile Pic
Theresa Klainer
M.D., F.A.C.S.
John Paige Profile Pic
John Paige
M.D., F.A.C.S.

78 Reviews for Weight Management Center
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I didn't meet Dr. Martin until 5 days before my surgery, when I was signing consents. I have issues with some of the other staff members, so I was reserving judgment about WMC until I met the surgeon of my choice. I knew Dr. Martin was the most experienced Lap-Band surgeon in my area, so I was willing to give him a chance.

I liked him immediately. He is very charming, with a disarming sense of humor. At the same time, he is very professional and knowledgeable about the different procedures he and his staff perform. He is patient, answering all questions (although our talk was so thorough that he answered most of my questions before I asked him.) He has a Lap-Band of his own, and though I didn't ask him any personal questions about it, I liked that he has been on the other side of the knife. He's fit and trim, too; a great advertisement for the Band! The aftercare is pretty structured; as a Band patient, I have several more visits to look forward to for fills, etc.

I can't say enough about what a great guy Dr. Martin is. His bedside manner was wonderful .. first thing after my surgery he sought out my husband and complimented me to him about what a "great job" I'd done losing weight prior to surgery. On my first visit back to him after surgery, he complimented me to his nurse, in my hearing. He didn't have to do these things, but I treasure them and draw encouragement from them often.

I can't think of any negatives about Dr. Martin himself .. I would recommend him without the slightest reservation.


Dr. Martin developed the laproscopic procedure and is involved with new procedures in trial studies all the time. I have yet to actually meet with Dr. Martin, as I have not yet been approved by insurance. However, I have grown fond of various staff members over the last 7 months. They have a very strong before and aftercare program, requiring examinations with the one of the staff internists, one of the staff nutritionists, the staff physiologist, the staff psychiatrist, and the staff social worker, including a financial advisor. Their insurance specialist deals with applications etc. to insurance, but if you have Cigna or Aetna, be proactive and involved in building your case, as these are the two toughest insurance companies. Risks of surgery are addressed. Attendance to a minimum number of group therapy sessions, with other pre-op and post-op patients and supervised by the staff psychiatrist is required prior to and following surgery.


I liked him right off.

My impression has never changed.

I feel like an importan person when I go in the office.

I do not have any dislikes about Dr. Martin.

Listen with an open mind and open heart.

Aftercare is just as important.

If you follow what is told to you and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Everthing is told to you up front about risks.

I would reccomend Dr. Martin to anyone.

He's an A + in my bookd.

All of it is great.


My first impressin of Dr. Scalia wasn't very good. He was so serious and did not seem to friendly. My husband didn't like him at first. I did, however, keep in mind that I was not looking for a friend, but for an experienced surgeon. During my hospital stay I began to like Dr. Scalia. I had complications and he stood by my side. He even spent his Christmas day with me to ensure that I was allright. Overall I would recommend Dr. Scalia to anyone!

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What can you say to some one who has the skill,knowledge,passion and compassion to help you begain a new life. Some how "THANK YOU" just does not seem adequate.That is how I feel about Dr. Louis Martin. Dr.Martin and Dr.John Paige were my surgeons. They along with Dr.William Raum (medical doctor)and the intire staff at weight management center have such a caring hands on approach that no matter how scared or nervous you may be when you start your weight loss surgery process that some how you know you will do just fine. At WMC they take a conservative approach to your treatment,it is a team effort between surgical,medical and psychological. There is also a post surgical approach that is followed at WMC that is by far the most comprehensive of any WLS program I have seen to date.Again THANK YOU and I look forward to having you share in my journey towards a new life. - Peggy Grace -


I have now had my wls and Dr martin was great. he has had lap band so he kind of has an idea of what his patients are going through.i give him an A+


Doctor Martin I think is a great doctor. He gives you all the time you need to ask whatever questions you might have. He never rushes anyone. He takes his time with everyone. I love that in a doctor. My first impression of him has never changed. The office staff is good too. They have a lot to deal with so I think they are doing the best that they can. I liked everything about my doctors.


Dr. Martin has one of the best reputations for wls in the United States. He and his associates (Dr. Scalia, Dr. Klainer & Dr. Paige) are all well trained and their program is top notch. The general organization of the office is a bit chaotic and can be extremely frustrating, but the medical/surgical care can't be beat. The program is on the conservative side and is an interdisciplinary team approach. No searching for a psychologist, a dietitian or anything. Everyone is right there in house. If you can pass the frustration test in dealing with the office part of the clinic, you will be in good hands.


I haven't met Dr. Martin yet, but I have heard lots of great things about him, especially through this website. I have heard that he is very caring and takes his time with you to make sure you understand everything that is involved. I've met a few of his office staff and they seem generally nice and caring, they really cater to overweight people.

I meet with my surgeon, Dr. Martin, on this coming Friday, Feb 7th. I've already have a pretty big list of questions to ask him and I can't wait to ask them. I have met him on a few occasions now, he is a very busy man, he is very caring and extremely patient. I can't wait to talk to him in detail about my surgery and what his expectations are for me. Will update after my consultation with him on 2/7.


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