Weight Management Center

Bariatric Center
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 78 ratings

Weight Management Center Bariatric Center

Louis Martin Profile Pic
Louis Martin
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Greg Scalia Profile Pic
Greg Scalia
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Theresa Klainer Profile Pic
Theresa Klainer
M.D., F.A.C.S.
John Paige Profile Pic
John Paige
M.D., F.A.C.S.

78 Reviews for Weight Management Center
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<html> <B> My first impression of Dr. Matin was "Wow, this guy is on top of things!" I was so excited about my visit with him that when he asked me if I had any questions, I coulnt think of any. Before our visit together ended, he told me that I would probably have the surgery within the next 30 days. Well, things took a little longer than that for reasons Im still not too sure of, but that visit was in January. My impression of him still hasnt changed. His staff has alot of patience!! I know this because I called them pretty much on a daily basis since early November 2000. Aftercare is a must in my book, simply because I am the type of person who needs motivation! Following my surgery I plan on attending group meetings at least 2 times a month. Dr. Martin and his staff encourage me to keep coming back also. They have made themselves extremely clear on how important it is for his patients to keep their post op appointments! I give Dr. Martin and Staff Two Thumbs Up for the treatment both physically and emotionally while traveling this path to a healthier me!! </B> </html>


I've checked every thing and every other Doctor I could. No one has said anything negative about him. He has a great concern for each patient. I had a list of questions and he answered everyone to it's fullest. I'm very greatful to have him as my surgeon. He spoke alot about what is needed of me after surgery. He even spoke of the risk, which are about the same for me if I didn't have the surgery. Both his surgical and bedside competence are execllent. And his staff are wonderful to deal with me calling every other day with something, and they not kick me out of the program says alot for them. Thank you all for your countless help and patience.


Had my first visit with Dr. Louis Martin on Friday October 27th. I had heard so much about going for the visits to be prepared for such a long wait, etc. I went prepared all but to "camp out". I was never so surprised! From the time I entered the front door I was so impressed. There was no actual "wait" time. The nurse, Caroline, immediately proceeded to take vital signs and my history. Before I could catch my breath Dr. Martin came in, sat down, and it was like I had always known him. He is very professional, compassionate, and kind. He carefully reviewed and discussed my history, explained the surgerical procedure as well as all the risk. He never once rushed and I felt as I could honestly ask any questions.
I found Dr. Martin and all the staff to be very professional as well as caring. At this point I would definitely recommend this medical facility to anyone considering WLS.
Now the insurance fight begins!!!
Went for my pysch eval today. I am still very impressed with Dr. Martin's office staff and their professional but personable manner.
02/16/01 I continue to be impressed with Dr. Martin's office, they are kind and caring.


My first impression of Dr. Martin was that he seemed very friendly and genuinely interested in me and my situation. He was very pleasant and funny, always smiling, always making eye contact. I felt at ease with him at once. His office walls were covered with certificates and honors, magazine articles about him, newspaper clippings, his hallway was like a giant scrap book. I learned more about him and his experience from his walls than anywhere else! His lobby was filled with patients like myself who were nervous pre-ops and also post-ops, there for their follow ups. They were my biggest inspiration and my best resources. It's one thing to read accounts on the Internet, it is another to meet a living, breathing WLS patient in the midst of a terrific weight loss, or one that is several years out and looks as if they have been fit all their lives. Several even carried before pix in their wallets. Truly the stuff of miracles! His staff was VERY thorough. They handled the entire approval process for me and were more than patient with my impatience! I was screened, examined, tested and probed in every concievable way. I knew that nothing was being left to chance. Dr. Martin was very careful to explain every detail to me in plain English, my kind of English. He is very concerned for his patient's comfort and his follow-up care is fantastic. He also has weekly support group meetings that I still attend occasionally, I find them invaluable. Dr. Martin is one of my all-time favorite people. To me, he is is an angel, and one of the most compassionate physicians I've ever met. Today I have lost over 105 lbs, and still am losing, although I am tapering off now. I have about 20 lbs. more to lose. I wear a size 8, I have my health, happiness and beauty back and my quality of life has improved about 1 million percent. I owe a debt of gratitude to this man, and of course to my family for their love, commitment and support. If you are considering WLS, if you truly need it, then get it. I recommend the gastric bypass procedure and Dr. Martin and his staff HIGHLY.

The only negative thing I could say is that the hospital staff (not his office staff) were not the greatest in the world. I was at St. Charles General Hospital and the nurses on duty while I was there were not very attentive and the food was awful, which is strange because the food in the cafeteria is usually quite good. The nurses did not clean up after me regularly and often left what I could not eat (protein drinks/jello/broth) to dry up at my bedside. Yuck. My stay was rather unpleasant, but that was only a few days. Also, be patient when waiting for an appointment, I have sat in his office all afternoon waiting to be worked in on many occasions. It is sometimes hard to get in to see him, there is just not enough of him to go around, apparently. All this of course, is just my opinion.


My first impresion of Dr Martin was very postitive. I did not take the "regular" route to see Dr Martin. Usually you go through the Weight Mangement Center's (WMC) orientation where you get a lot of basic information and learn who all the players are at the WMC (they use a multi-disciplinary approach). I was refered to Dr Martin by my PCP and another specialist I saw for my back. Both Drs highly recommended Dr Martin. Dr Martin sees clinic patients two days of the week (Tue & Fri). The other days he's doing surgery and patient follow up.

I was very impressed with Dr Martin. He took the time to talk to me (as he does with all his patients -- that's why there's usually a long wait on clinic days). He went through several options and discussed each one with me -- even drew pictures in explaining the different sugical options. All of this on my first visit.

Dr Martin is a VERY exprienced sugeron and participates on several experimental Weight Loss procedures conducted by the FDA. Dr Martin is on of the few who participated in the Lap-Band procudure and I understand he's involved in a couple of other procudures since I've had my surgery on Aug 10, 2000.

Dr Martin's office staff are very nice and each one treated me with respect and concern. The WMC consist of the Surgeon (Dr Martin) and the Medical follow-up Doctor (Dr Raum) who monitors your general health while in the hospital and follows you through the post-op and recovery periods to be sure your body is responding appropriatly to the surgery. He monitors the type of weight your losing (fat or muscle) so that you have the best possbile chance to become the healithiest you can. Besides the two physicans there is a psychologist, social worker, dietian and an exercise/fitness Specialist along with the patient representative and someone who helps with the insurance approval. So in short when you get Dr. Martin you get his whole staff. I haven't even mentioned the fact that he has a whole group at the hospital who assist him with the surgery (he's a professor of sugery at LSU).

The question of which is better -- surgical compentence or bedside manner -- I would say both is top notch. His overall rating would be EXCELLENT.


Dr Martin was a very patient Doctor...I have only heard great things about him...the office staff are very nice,but when it came to getting me approved by my insurance did not do all the could...it was only because of the persistence of my husband that I was finally approved,,,he bothered the insurance company and the staff at Dr Martin's office ...(a real pest!!)
The only complaint I would have is that you may have to wait 2-4 hours in the waiting area,,,but I have waited all my life to be thin,,,so that doesn't seem to be a big thing to me,,,They really encourage aftercare,,and have trained phyciatrist on staff....he was very honest about the risks of surgery,,,yet didn't scare me witless,,,(:)
I would rate the Doctor a 10 right now,,after the 29th,,,I will rate him again...
Well, today is Jan.5th and I now rate Dr.Martin at a off the chart mark,,,you could not ask for a better Doctor...he kept my family up to date with my progress day of surgery...and when I say I have had hardly any pain,,,,,,,,,well a doc.that can do that is great..........lol....


He is a very sweet person. He spends as much time with you as you need. He'll explain everything to you, and answer all your questions. He'll laugh at your silly nervous jokes, and hold your hand when you cry. Expect to spend plenty time in the waiting room, because he treats all his patients like this!!!


I met with Dr. Martin's associate Dr. Rham today. He did my consult. Dr. Martin is no longer seeing new patients. We must first see Dr. Rham. He was very nice and encouraging. The office staff was very helpful and friendly. I look forward to going again in a few weeks.


I was referred to Dr. Martin by my friend Dr. Michael Sarr who is the chief of surgery at the Mayo Clinic, MN. He is a soft-spoken, caring, and knowledgeable physician. He has done over 1200 gastric bypasses. He gave me his beeper number! so I could get in touch with him at any time. The office staff can get things done, and they are VERY kind and sympathetic.

My biggest problem has been traveling 3 hours (and taking a day off from work) to get aftercare, which Dr. Martin is adamant about. Their aftercare program is very structured, with medical, psychological, dietary, and group support sessions.

Dr. Martin explained all the risks involved (which I knew already) in a seven page? consent form.

I think Dr. Martin is great. He operated on me over the Christmas holiday as a favor to me, and I appreciate his doing that, as I know it probably took time and pleasure from his Christmas.

I cannot say that my postop stay at LSU University Hospital was very pleasant. I don't know if it was because of Christmas, but the staffing seemed short, rushed, and diffident. I have spoken to many other patients, and they have told me their postop hospital experience was the same at many other hospitals. Expect to take a family member/friend advocate to take care of you and make the staff pay attention to you in the hospital, no matter what hospital you go to.


I have my first appointment with Dr. martin on aug. the 29th. will fill in the details there after...I had my appointment , it was nice and informative. My husband went along with me and was able to ask questions. Dr. Martin took much time with us and answered all questions we had. all in all it was a nice day...be prepared to spend the day.

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