Weight Management Center

Bariatric Center
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 78 ratings

Weight Management Center Bariatric Center

Louis Martin Profile Pic
Louis Martin
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Greg Scalia Profile Pic
Greg Scalia
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Theresa Klainer Profile Pic
Theresa Klainer
M.D., F.A.C.S.
John Paige Profile Pic
John Paige
M.D., F.A.C.S.

78 Reviews for Weight Management Center
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I haven't met Dr. Marin yet. My first appointment is Aug. 11th. I have not gotten insurance approval yet but I'm still going through with the appointment and I'm staying positive. I have yet to hear anything negative about Dr. Martin. I've heard nothing but good things. I can't wait to meet him!!


I haven't met Dr. Martin yet. I've been going through the evaluation/assesment process. Next week I have an appointment with the nutritionist, which is the last part of the initial process. Then I'll see Dr. Martin.
I like the idea of a total team evaluation. I feel less like a member of the herd being pushed through the procedure.
The hardest thing in dealing with Dr. Martin's office, for me, has been scheduling appointments. Work and distance limit the times that I am available.
I like the set up offered here. A full team assesment - physiological, psychological, psychosocial, nutirional, and physical- is completer before any procedure is done. They also offer a variety of services. Besides regular diets, they offer 2 surgeries. The Gastric by-pass and something called Lap-Banding. (Lap-baning is a procedure done by laproscopy in which an adjustable band is put around the stomach.)
Dr. Martin also offers group therapy, both pre-op & post-op.
What Dr. Martin offers seems to me to be much more holistic than any other program I've investigated or been through.


I didn't quite know what to expect, but Dr. Martin was very kind and understanding. Be prepared once you schedule your appointment to wait at least an hour or two because he always runs behind schedule. I didn't quite understand why at first, but once I met with him, I realized it's because he takes his time with you and wants to make sure every single question you have is answered. He even made a drawing of the surgery and what would happen. He doesn't rush you in or out and that's important, so it's definately worth the wait. His staff speaks very highly of him. He also has a wonderful staff. The person working on my insurance approval was very quick and obviously very thorough because I got an answer within two weeks. That tells me that she's experienced and knows what these insurance companies require, therefore she does all that she can on the first shot. Overall, I'm very happy with the process so far.


My first impresson of Dr. Martin was that he was a very caring person and as time went on I realized my first impressions were right. When you go into his office, he will take as much time as you need to explain things to you. His office staff is great and always have time to answer any questions and help in any way that they can. I have NEVER called there and felt like I have been rushed or was asking a stupid question. Dr. Martin explained everything about the surgery, after care he wants to to go through and the risks involved. I do not feel that I could have asked for a better doctor.




I was so very impressed with Dr. Martin. He was thorough and professional and was still so very kind. I am so thankful to his skill as a physician and his humanity. I recommend him highly. His office staff was excellent! They were helpful and supportive.
I like everything about him and his helpful


Dr. Martin seems to be a very kind, caring man. I must admit that I have had little contact with him. This has disappointed me. My surgery is on December 27, and I must admit I am nervous. His office staff is very supportative. I have really enjoyed talking with them. Whenever I call with questions or worries, they are patient and understanding with me. I suppose the risks have not taken much time in our conversations. Probably because I don't want to bring it up much. He has told me that the risks are minor. As for rating him, I will wait until after the surgery and give you an update.

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