Mia R. 21 years, 11 months ago

Hey Justin. My surgery is Monday and my mother is completely against it. For the last couple of weeks I've been thinking she was going to give me her support despite how she felt. Well, today I found out different. So, to you I say, as far as your friends or anyone else who doesn't want you to do it....You have to do what YOU feel is right. Do what will make you whole and complete and feel good about yourself 100%. For the ones who say you are taking the easy way out, tell them they can join the club my mother with my mother. They have two choices: 1) Support you regardless of how they feel or 2) DON'T support you. If they love and care about you, they will choose option 1. God Bless you. You will be in my prayers!! And I wish you much success and happiness on your journey!!!

tonyskid 21 years, 11 months ago

Hi Justin, I just read your post on the message board and had to write to you. I am a 47 year old male and I had my WLS on 02/19/2003 and PROUD of it. I had people that said to me that I was taking the easy way out but then again they were not in my shoes. Myself and my wife had done research on this surgery for over a year before I decided to do it and I did it for myself not anyone else. Like the other posters said do what is in your heart, I did and I am the HAPPIEST KID ON THE BLOCK and you will be to. If you need anything or someone to talk to just let me know, us GUY'S have to stick together because we are out numbered by a whole bunch on this.

Ann Marie N. 21 years, 11 months ago

Justin, do whats in your heart. You have done all your research. You have waited for this for years. Dont let other people make you doubt your decision. Good luck with your surgery, God is watching over you.

Michelle H. 21 years, 11 months ago

Justin, Your friends just don't know any better. My family and friends said alot of crazy uneducated things. It is not your job to explain and educate them. Just tell them you appreciate their love and concern but you have done your research, you are confident of your decision, and you look forward to the procedure. I assure you post-op they will come around and be nothing but supportive and amazed as your weight falls off. My friends now tell my story to other obese people and reffer them to me to discuss this wls option. I eat whatever I want just much smaller portions. I NEVER feel deprived. How wonderful that you will spend your 20 something years as an active young adult free of this heartbreaking disease. I wish you all the best! I am soo excited for you!

jwd430 21 years, 11 months ago

Justin, You are doing what you are doing for yourself and no one else. Don't let others influence you if you have your mind truly made up that this is what you want to do. I know someone over 18 months out and he is able to eat ok. Good Luck

Jamie M. 21 years, 11 months ago

Justin, I had a similar reaction from my mother but as me surgery approaches she has become more supportive. Until your friends have walked in YOUR shoes they really should not comment tais way. You do what YOU feel is right for YOU. Best wishes Jamie

Jaimie L. 21 years, 11 months ago

Justin- I am so sorry to hear about the run in you had with your friends. Obviously, if they think that this surgery is a "quick fix" than they don't really understand it well. My best advice is to sit down with them and explain it to them step by step. Tell them that their support is very important to you, however you will continue on with the surgery either way. This wasn't an easy decision to make for you, and that you know that you will have to adjust to your new eating habits, but it is well worth it. Best wishes to you!

Sharon Neva 21 years, 11 months ago

JUSTIN~~When you wonder what is coming....tell yourself that the best is coming....the very best that life and love have to offer.... the best that God and His Universe have to send....Then open your hands to receive it.....It's yours.

Debbie B. 21 years, 11 months ago

ANGEL REPORTING IN - Justin has given me the honor of being his ANGEL. (He reminds me of my godson!) Justin's big day is April 11 - please everyone visit his surgery page and send those great AMOS wishes for a successful surgical experience! Thanks, Debbie

Kay C. 21 years, 11 months ago

GOOD LUCK JUSTIN!!! Look forward to hearing from you on the other side! You'll be in my prayers for a quick, uneventful recovery! Keep your chin up and your spirits high!!
About Me
Birmingham, AL
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2002
Member Since
