Lettitia H. 21 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I hope to get a date soon. I just finished all of my pre-op testing. Good luck in the future with your weight loss. Remember, God has a plan for everybody!!

Shannon Z. 21 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the support, I need all I can get! Three weeks from today, I am a nervous wreck! I hope it is very uneventful. Congrats on your success!

Joanna S. 21 years, 3 months ago

Justin - Thanks for the vote of encouragement. I just read your profile and want to say CONGRATS! You have come a long way and I can't wait to join you. I too have been having some negative comments from family and friends but told them I have been researching for over a year and YES I am sure I want to have this done. Praying that you continue your success.

shurell 21 years, 3 months ago

thank you so very much i could not have gotten this far with out the support of my Lord and with out the help of my wl family thank you and stay in touch Shurell B

Carla A. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Justin.. thanks for the wonderful encouragement. I now just have to be patient and wait.. wait.. wait. But, no problem, it gives me a change to get all my ducks in a row. I hope that you find things will be ok even with the enlarged stoma. I will keep you in my thoughts..

Rena L. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Justin, Thanks for you wonderful words of encouragement. Congratulations on your weight loss - I guess you have made that goal your set for fall! Keep it up.

luvmygirls02 21 years, 4 months ago

Hey cutie...Yeah I know, Yet another girl hitting on you. What is a young man to do?!?!? So I just wante to thank you for posing whil I was in the hospital. I am hope now, and doing good. Thanks for the message. I loved coming home knowing all my wls friends were rooting for me. Take care sweetie!

Lena N. 21 years, 4 months ago

Thank you for your support. However I am afraid I will have to put my surgery off. I am a smoker I quit for almost two weeks then everything in my home with my kids and other stuff I started back up. I plan on trying to stop tomarrow so pray for me cuz if its put off I will never have it done. I think it would help if I had an outlet. Any ideas???? Lena

Debbie T. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Justin,I read your journal it was very encourageing,and also wanted to thank you for posting on my page I apreciate it very much,and congrats on your weight you are doing great,but did want to ask you about your smoking as I am a smoker you quit just a few weeks before surgery,well how did that go please post to me I am having such a very hard time with it,was so glad to have some one that smoked to talk to about it cause my surgery is 10/03/03 It has went very fast for me just went to my family dr. then got a appointment with my surgeon and go on 09/30/03 for my pre op only took me a few mos.please post me and let me know more about your smoking,I ask my dr for patches said to close to surgery have to go cold turkey,well Justin I am so glad you put your journal up so I could read it,sorry not real smart when it comes to computers but hope you get this,and good luck in your life with what ever you want to do I know you can do any thing,and I'm saying a prayer for you tonight that everything work out with your stoma that you keep up the great work may god bless you.

Evett B. 21 years, 4 months ago

9/20/2003*****Justin thanks for your words of encouragement. I read your journal and it really helps to read the ups and downs. I’m sorry that you’re having problems with your stoma though I must tell you this information is vital to anyone who is going through the process and even for those who feel like you because they have not lost weight anymore should not have to feel like failures. Also, my husband had the WLS and you know he does tell me that sometimes he does not feel full all. Where there any other symptoms you where feeling? I would also like to tell you that you should never feel bad if you can not reach your goal the fact that you only have 70 lbs. to go say a lot for what you have gone through. Did you ever think you would loose this much weight before you had the surgery? Though you have the problems with the stoma did your doctor tell you if you kept in a strict diet if you would still be able to loose some weight? I know you say you feel hungry all the time but since you can eat more than the ounces that doctors usually tell you, do you now eat a salad and protein with lots of veggies? I know it is a silly question to you and I can not imagine what you are feeling. I’m the kind of person that likes to give out the encouraging point no matter what. I also wanted to tell you that I don’t think that everyone eats the required ounces doctors tell you because I have seen a few WLS patients and they can eat more than the required ounces. All I can say Justin is that I will pray for you and no matter what keep the faith. Everything is a lesson in life and I hope that this lesson come out with a good outcome for you, ok. May God be with you and best wishes and prayers going out to you to get through any barriers you get in your WLS journey. Make sure to keep us updated, I will keep an eye out to see how you are doing. God bless you! :) Hugs.**
About Me
Birmingham, AL
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2002
Member Since
