Hi Justin,I read your journal it was very encourageing,and also wanted to thank you for posting on my page I apreciate it very much,and congrats on your weight you are doing great,but did want to ask you about your smoking as I am a smoker you quit just a few weeks before surgery,well how did that go please post to me I am having such a very hard time with it,was so glad to have some one that smoked to talk to about it cause my surgery is 10/03/03 It has went very fast for me just went to my family dr. then got a appointment with my surgeon and go on 09/30/03 for my pre op only took me a few mos.please post me and let me know more about your smoking,I ask my dr for patches said to close to surgery have to go cold turkey,well Justin I am so glad you put your journal up so I could read it,sorry not real smart when it comes to computers but hope you get this,and good luck in your life with what ever you want to do I know you can do any thing,and I'm saying a prayer for you tonight that everything work out with your stoma that you keep up the great work may god bless you.