Hi Jason. I saw your question about whether the Open RNY hurts. Ummm, YES it does. Its not the incision, its the muscles. Feels like you've been suckerpunched about a hundred times. Then there was the gas pain. Nothing can be done about it except walking. So, walk alot! By day 3, things get progressively alot better and every day after that gets easier. I also had a little reaction to the staples so I was VERY ready for them to come out.
Don't worry, it is worth it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat! Check out my profile and see my pics for a little inspiration. I'm getting ready to do my PS on Monday and I'm having the same fears all over again. Surgery is scary!! Its normal to be scared but you will be fine. Your doing this for all the right reasons, to be HEALTHY!! Good for you!! Go ahead and email me if you would like.