Hi Justin, I had trouble getting through to you on your email, but I wanted to tell youThanks for the email. I cannot imagine me going to a public place to swim/exercise, but I need to keep moving. I have noticed since I started the water aerobics that my knees began to feel a little better. So, I guess I'll have to risk the embarrassment and go to the fitness club. Maybe if I go during the day there won't be so many people there... I know we shouldn't care what people think, but after so many years of being made fun of (with my clothes on) I cant imagine putting on my bathing suit in front of them and feeling so self conscious .
I read your profile and read the message board everyday, I can tell you are a kind and gentle soul. Thank you for sharing your story, and thanks for encouraging me. You are doing great on your weight loss, looking good Justin!
I wish you continued success in your weight loss! Thanks again!! ((hugs)) CJ