New England Medical Center Hospital

I enjoyed my stay as much as one can enjoy a hospital stay. The nursing staff was awesome, from pre-op to the recovery room and then on to my room. I never felt ignored and all of my needs were handled promptly. My room was a double, but the other bed was never filled, so for 2 days I had a private room. The staff was always respectful of my privacy, even apologizing for waking me to take vitals. All in all, it was a very positive experience!

Excellent experience, with perhaps the exception of nursing, which was understaffed in PACU (recovery room) the nurses were angry on this day, and arguing. Up on the floor, I had a little problem with two nurses who were uncomfortable with a menstruating patient and apparently did not like to do foley care. I ended up with a urinary tract infection (big surprise). I was angry about this. I was unable to do these things for myself, and the nursing care, in my opinion, was sub-standard. All other nursing care was excellent. Everything else was excellent. My doctor and his staff-- couldn't ask for better. Support staff were professional and friendly. Nursing morale, as I alluded to- is low, in my opinion.