Enloe Medical Center (COE)

Rating: 4.23255813953 out of 5 with 104 ratings

Enloe Medical Center (COE) Hospital

Deron Ludwig Profile Pic
Deron Ludwig
MD, Bariatric Program Surgical Director

104 Reviews for Enloe Medical Center (COE)
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Dr. Ludwig heads a complete program designed for the success of the bariatric patient. With his RN Kathy, a tireless individual, who seems to work 24/7, nutritionist Mary, RN Dana and a host of support personnel, they have crafted a program that takes the patient from first meeting, through surgery, and on to post-op success. I was fortunate that my wife had the surgery first. I wasn't going to have it, but after attending a pre-op meeting with my wife, I was so impressed with the way the whole program was designed, I asked my primary physician for a referral. They are not there to \"sell\" weight-loss surgery, and they don't treat patients like dummies or little kids, The entire process is explained and the risks and benefits are laid out for each patient to weigh and consider. The surgery itself is done laproscopically, and the hospital staff are beyond excellent. Dr. Ludwig visits his patients regularly in the hospital, as do Kathy and Dana. Dr. Ludwig is not only a competent and skilled surgeon, he genuinely cares about the long-term success of his patients.


I can't say enough good things about the doctors, nurses and staff at Enloe. Everyone was exceptional. This was my first major surgery, and I was a bit nervous. The compassion, caring and professionalism of the nursing staff are beyond anything I expected! I give them the highest recommendation.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

Dr. Ludwig is the best! He is very kind without a hint of ego that is a common triat with surgeons. Dr. Ludwig is completely devoted to the emotional and physical well being of his patients. The entire staff is there to help and support you through the process from the start. His nurse, Kathy, is there every step of the way. She meets you at the hospital at the crack of dawn on the day of your surgery and makes sure everything runs smoothly and supports you emotionally until they roll you in to surgery. Then the next day, there is her smiling face again to see that all is well. I thought about this surgery for years and had consulted a few different surgeons, but as soon as I met Dr. Ludwig and his staff, I knew that this was it! I had my surgery on September 15, 2006. The unwavering support hasn't slowed down a bit, in fact, I felt so good about my decision to go ahead with the surgery that I lost 30 pounds BEFORE surgery with the support of the wonderful, caring people in Dr. Ludwig's office. If you live in Northern California it would be to your benefit to see Dr. Ludwig in Chico, Ca. His office number is (530)891-1651.


I was very impressed with Dr. Ludwig when I went in for my first appointment. The two things that my sister and I both noticed werernrn#1 He has a very holistic view of the surgery. I appreciate that he takes this situation not from a solely biological stance, but assesses the cultural impact of everything involved.rnrn#2 He treated his staff extremely well. We walked out to the reception desk after my appointment. Rather than interrupt the office staff's conversation he quietly stood at the desk and waited for them to finish. He then addressed them very politely using words like \"would you please...\", and \"thank you\". This alone makes me like him.rnrnIn the few weeks since our appointment I've had a few questions. These were handled so kindly, and promptly by the office.rn


What can I say about Dr. Ludwig.... He is a wonderful doctor!!! He made me feel comfortable the entire journey from pre-op classes to check-ups! rnrn He has a wonderful staff witch is so amazing!!! rnrnEvery question I ever had was answered!! The after care has been wonderful as well. They have classes on nutrition, portion control, and many other topics. rnrnThen they have the support group witch also helps answer questions that come up from month to month. rnrnDr. Ludwig has an AMAZING program and I would recommend anyone looking for a great surgeon to perform there gastric bypass surgery he is your guy!!!!


Dr. Ludwig is a wonderful talented surgeon. He also cares about his patients. I feel very fortunate that he was the one to operate on me and give me a second chance at health and happiness. The after care program is great and I am just starting to attend the monthly post operative classes.rnrnI am also a registered nurse who works in the acute care setting. I am very particular when it comes to medical care for myself and my family. Trust me, Dr. Ludwig is the best of both worlds. He is an excellent surgeon with a great bedside manner. Northern California scored when he decided to move his practice to Chico!!


Everyone I came in contact with did everything to make me feel comfortable and relaxed!

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How accommodating was the hospital in allowing visitors to see you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How would you rate the parking accomodations?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

I have been blessed to have found Dr Ludwig and his entire team. From the first day that I called his office for just info they have been friendly, helpful, and supportive. Dr Ludwig and his staff has proven to me that he cares very much about his patients and thier concerns pre and post op. This includes after hours also! I personally have called the after hours receptionist with a concern that was very common and immediatly received call from Dr Ludwig himself, to reassure me I was okay and how to make myself more comfortable. Sometimes you need that assurance from your Dr. not anyone else and when I needed to hear it from him, he was there for me. That meant alot. His entire team is wonderful. Dr Ludwig has been very honest with me about the risks and benefits and when I didnt believe him, I was wrong! I really didnt believe I'd be off my high blood pressure medicine after surgery, but... I havent taken my Blood Pressure meds since the day before surgery and my BP has been normal ever since! I cant say enough about this team here in Chico. They are truely a blessing!


Except for a minor problem, the nursing care was outstanding; Dr. Ludwig's staff works well with the hospital staff, and as an RN I found nearly everyone involved very professional.
Enloe also has an excellent reputation for infection control issues, and as a former IC RN this was extremely important to me that Enloe has been recognized for this.

How well equipped was the hospital to handle overweight patients?
How much privacy did you feel the hospital gave you?
How restfully quiet did you find your experience?
How responsive did you feel the hospital was in give you pain medications?
How responsive do you feel the staff was in helping you with your general needs during your stay?
How sensitive was the staff to the needs of overweight patients?
How safe did you feel that the hospital was well equiped enough to handle any medical emergency that might arise during your stay there?

Dr. Ludwig's staff was my first contact fr information. I met Dr. Ludwig on my first appointmant, he was professional, personable, and above all direct. He did not treat me as just aother \"FAT LADY\". As an RN I tend to look at a physician's interactions with his staff, and their's towards him. I found Dr. Ludwig and his staff very professional, but definately comfortable with their respective responsibilities. rnDr. Ludwig gave me an overall PE, and explained to me and my husband, in lay terms what the program consisted of, how things would proceed, and his expectations of me, as well as his commitment towards his responsibility to me.rnAll information was given in an understable format, with plenty of opportunities for Q&A's. There are numerous resources, and each member of the team is encouraging, and willing to listen (probably for the umpteenth million time) questions, concerns, and anxiety of the individual.rnBecause of my special financial circumstances, my insurance would not pay; eg. Medicare/CHAMPVA, therefore I used my Medicare set-aside from my work comp settlement to pay for this. I did receive a discount for paying cash, and it helped reduce the financial conserns I had.rnDr. Ludwig and office/hospital staff should be rated 99% great, It's too bad there isn't 2 of him. rnDr. Ludwig and his staff are the best I have found. I have researched lots of surgeons in the Northern California area, and Dr. Ludwig, and Enloe have the best reputation.

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