Carraway Methodist Medical Center Hospital

The hospital has an overall gloomy, dreary, shabby, old appearance. It is quite reknown for it's trauma facility so I made the mistake of believing the entire facility would be of the same quality. They were understaffed, rude, totally insensitive and neglectful. It was a terrible, terrible experience.

Prior to my release, the nurse initially refused to give me any nausea medication for the trip home (I had a two hour drive). I had been incredibly nauseated during my entire hospital stay and I also have problems with motion sickness even under normal circumstances. The thought of getting in the car without nausea medication almost reduced me to tears. I have had numerous surgeries and have never had a problem with getting nausea medicine prior to the ride home. After I got ugly with the nurse and told her that they were being downright cruel, she checked with her supervisor and they gave me the nausea medication.