Carolina Medical Center-Mercy Hospital
Great job overall
The staff was fantastic all around. The only complaint that I have is that during my stay, I was in a pain much longer than I should have been, and the staff didn't seem too urgent with handling my pain level at that moment. Other than that one incident, no other complaints! :)
Most of the nurses were great ther were just 2 I had a little concern with one was a male nurse and he just seemed to be very unorginazed he other was a female and when I asked her for something her response was I am trying they gave me 5 patients and I will get to you when I can. (ok this put me in a bad mood)
I had a couple of great nurses during my stay and a couple of good CNA's. Those were very considerate, very responsive, and very quiet when they came in the room. The others though were not responsive. They would charge into the room in the middle of the night, turn all of the lights on, and stand there in the room charting while I was trying to rest, instead of going into the hall. 4 seperate occasions I waited over 45 minutes after I was due for pain medication, before I got anything. Each time they said it was because the pharmacy didn't deliver all of the medicines. The good nurses I had came quietly into the room, did their thing with most of the lights off, and eased out of the room to chart in the hall. I didn't even wake up one time they were in. Like I said these were great, but overall I was very unhappy with the quality of care from the others.