Brandon Regional Medical Center

Rating: 4.84210526316 out of 5 with 130 ratings

Brandon Regional Medical Center Hospital

130 Reviews for Brandon Regional Medical Center
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My second meeting went really well, and I was able to get answers to a lot of my questions. He went through the procedure thoroughly, explaining what will happen, how long it will take, even little details like when my husband could visit. Also, I came prepared this time with a list of questions, which he answered clearly. I feel better about the whole process now.

At the first visit, I felt kind of rushed. I was a bit conflicted about the procedure. He scheduled me that day for a date 7 weeks away. I was kind of blindsided, but he rushed me out the door, and told me to start scheduling tests. I understand this isn't everyone's experience, and maybe it was less his manner than my own shock at the thought of having the surgery so soon, when I had mentally prepared myself for a 4-6 month wait.

I chose him because he does the procedure laproscopically, but nobody mentioned that he requires that patients lose 10% of their body weight before the surgery. So, I had 7 weeks to drop 20 lbs. If I could drop 20 lbs in a handfull of weeks, I wouldn't be talking to you, hello!!

The office staff was great, and helpful, my approval was done before I knew it, and they've been really supportive, letting me drop in to weigh myself.


Dr. Chebli is a very gifted surgeon and all around nice person. I feel very blessed to have had him as my surgeon. Unfortunately, Dr. Chebli moved to Seattle just over a month after my surgery. My post-op care is in the excellent hands of one of Dr. Chebli's former colleagues, Dr. Amir Moazzez. Please know that both Dr. Chebli and Dr. Moazzez are highly skilled surgeons and will take very good care of you.


Dr. Joseph Chebli is a most thoughtful and professional surgeon. He was very empathetic towards the physical, social and psychological difficulties endured by over-weight people. As an RN, I knew what I desired in a surgeon, and I certainly found it with Dr. Chebli.

First impression: Very professional, friendly and a gentleman.

He is moving his practice to the Seattle area in July, 2005, and I encourage people in the NW to contact him for their bariatric evaluations and surgical procedures.

I would rate him Very Excellent.

My surgery was 6/10/05, and went very smoothly and just as he had described to me.


Before choosing Dr. Chebli, I had done quite of bit of reading about him and what his patients thought of him. On all counts I was very impressed. When I met him, my opinion was solidified. He has a wonderful way of putting you at ease, and listening and answering your questions. I came away feeling reassured that if I were to go forward with the surgery, he was my man!

I spent a good bit of time after my appointment, reading the notebook he gave me,reading more information on the internet and doing some serious soul searching. I came to the conclusion that, yes, this is what I wanted to do. I called the office to see what next steps should be taken to start the whole process rolling, and found, much to my disappointment, that Dr. Chebli was planning on leaving the area in the very near future. However, I was assured by the office staff that Dr. Moazzez, his partner, was a wonderful doctor and had trained with Dr. Chebli. *Sigh* I'm sure he is, and I hope to find out for myself shortly. So its back to the internet to read up on Dr. Moazzez. I remain hopeful, but disappointed that the confidence I had come to have from meeting with, and reading about Dr. Chebli needs to be cultivated again with another doctor. Oh well, if first you don't here we go!


He was very nice and answered all my question.
I have talk to other people that had him perform their surgeryand thought he was great.His staff was nice and very helpful.
I have only met with him once and will see him at a free seminar in May for any one interested in bypass surgery.
I have not found anything I don't like about him.
Other patients speak very highly of him.
Very strict on after care.
Very good at letting me know all risks.
Good so far.
Haven't had surgery yet.Date June 28 2005.


Dr. Chebli is a very informative man he really wanted me to know everything there was to know about my surgery he took time to make sure that I understood. My impression of him has not changed he has taken very good care of me and always has taken time for me.They have always been nice to me overall they are pretty understanding. He is a great DR, and a wonderful surgeon he has given me another chance to live and be happy, Im very thankful I found him. He wants to make sure you follow taking care of yourself after surgery to ensure your health and weightloss.He went over everything many of times to ensure that I understood every inches of my risks and complications that could happen.Dr Chebli I would rate him a 10 in every part of my journey through my surgery and post op. He is just a wonderful Dr, and person he has been great Thanks!


MY first impression of Dr. Chebli was that he was very personable but also very matter of fact. He made it very clear that I was to quit smoking or I could forget about having surgery. The office staff was very courteous, friendly and helpful. I am preop currently, have a date and have tests scheduled.

Having gone through surgery I have to say that I am very pleased with my surgeon. He is a very capable doctor and I felt totally comfortable putting myself in his hands. His staff continues to be courteous, helpful and solicitous and I very much appreciate the atmosphere when I go for appointments. Couldn't be happier with my choice!


My first impression of Dr. Chebli came while I was sitting in the waiting room. A patient of his who had surgery 4 1/2 months ago was raving about how wonderful he is. The wait was a bit long but I figured if he was taking his time with the person in front of me, he would do the same with me; I was right.
My girlfriend and I are having the surgery together and his office allowed us to meet with the Dr. together.
He seems wonderful and kind. As a nurse, I have met many doctors/surgeons who treat their patients like cattle - herding them through just for the money. I felt that Dr. Chebli took his time to explain the different procedures and answer any questions we had.
He is very strict about his low carb diet 2 weeks prior to surgery for those having laproscopic and very strict about loosing 10% of your weight prior to that time also.
It only makes the surgery easier and my recovery time shorter; I can't argue with that!
More to follow...


Very likable person who cares about his patients and appears to love his job. His office staff is very helpful and uplifting. I have had surgery before and so far the surgery has gone great. I have had no complications. I would rate him a 15+ on a 1-10 scale. His sugrical competence must have been great and he has great bedside manners. He is an extremly likable person that makes you feel very at home and open to discussion.


My first impression of Dr. Chebli was that he knew what he was talking about, and he had a regimin that I needed to follow in order to be successful. I am so glad for that, since I have done so well after surgery, after what he taught me pre-op. His office staff is absolutly wonderful and competent. They helped me get my approval in no time! The only thing I think I am having a problem with is the last few appointments I have had to wait over an hour for my appointment. I am glad I didnt take my husband, since he would have not been as patient as me. I hope this will get better over time, but he is a popular surgeon, and I think he is thourough with everyone who comes in the door, so this makes him late :) But in my opinion, he is worth any wait that someone may have to endure, he is excellent!

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