Brandon Regional Medical Center

Rating: 4.84210526316 out of 5 with 130 ratings

Brandon Regional Medical Center Hospital

130 Reviews for Brandon Regional Medical Center
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Very ,very sure of himself, almost to the point of being \"cocky sure!\"Over time I realized that I did not want to have a surgeon that was not sure of himself. I realized what I saw as \"cocky\" was really a confidence in his ability that I liked.rnrnThe first thing I noticed at my first individual conference was how organized to the extreme he and his office staff were. I LIKE organized! TO ME THAT SAYS EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS DO NOT FALL BETWEEN THE CRACKS. He made sure I had all the information and he was very patient in answering all my questions, and especially my husband's questions. MY HUSBAND DOES NOT PARTICULARLY LIKE DOCTORS. He mostly feels that they do not take enough time with each patient, just hurries them through the process. He really liked Dr. Chebli right off because he took the time to explaineverything as many times as needed so we understood. He took great care in making sure we understood everything at each appointment.rnrnThe office staff are wonderful. They met my needs though sometimes a little slower than I would have liked. When something is so very important to you, it is sometimes hard to remember that you are not the ONLY patient!!rnrnOne of the things I like is the mandatory aftercare and that he tells you up front that it will be necessary for the rest of your life.rnrnDr. Chebli requires a lot of presurgery testing, but it made me feel confident that he was not cutting corners anywhere.rnrnI had an ulcer that just would not heal and the process he went through, even to insisting to an outside doctor that they do certain things they did not feel necessary, made me feel like he was not willing to make shortcuts. Twice my surgery was delayed for reasons that he felt were just not safe at the moment. Though I was very frustrated with the delays, I ended up having a good feeling of safty, and confidence that all would go well when the surgery day came.rnrnI would give Dr. Chebli a top rating and reccomend him to any person wanting a TOP doctor!! One they could trust completely. I feel he always has my best interests in sight.


My husband and I went to a seminar given by Dr. Chebli. We went expecting it to be a big sales pitch but it was very informational. Also it wasn't just about him it was informative in general. It was good that he emphasized the risks of surgery and went over the mortality rates several times. He was upfront regarding the self sacrifces that a patient would have to make, as surgery is not a cure all or a magic bullet. He was a open about cost, but he was too optimistic regarding insurance paying for surgery. Although I had access to several different insurance plans with various insurance companies I found the options as they relate to bariatric surgery are very limited. So, I just had my surgery on Sept 21, 2007 and my insurance didn't pay for it. rnrnHe is confident and secure in his knowledge and does not make any compromises with your health or comfort. His office staff is very helpful and informative. His hospital staff is for the most part very caring and also very committed to your health and comfort. He is a bit East Coast in that he is kind yet a bit distant, but I am sure Seattle will mellow him with time. Dr. Chebli makes it known during his seminar that his patients are expected to have a long lifetime association with him. His pre-op and aftercare manuals are extensive and easy to understand. He bluntly and explicitly stated the risks of surgery. I underwent an extenssive battery of pre-op tests through various specialists based upon my physical history and whether that issue could affect the outcome of the surgery. I give him and A+, his patients' success is his whole focus, he cares about the person within, and I think his surgical competence is superb. I am very pleased with my surgery, my surgeon, and excited about my future.


I first met Dr. Chebli at his informational seminar- and have just had my first initial appointment.rnrnThere is one thing you have to be prepared for- he does not mince words. Blunt and to the point! Very Refreshing! He tells you how it is, like it is~ rnrnI am so thrilled that he is not taking any shortcuts, and I feel incredibly safe in that he has requires a very thorough workup! rnrnSo far.. So Good!


I love Dr. Chebli and everyone that works with him. I first met and heard him at one of his seminars in Bellingham, WA. His whole attitude was great and he just seemed so passionate about helping people and this is what drew me to choosing him. rnrnI have talked to other people and other doctors and some of them just didn't make me feel as comfortable. I can honestly say I was always comfortable with Dr. Chebli and his assistant, Lisa. They are both just awesome! rnrnThey explain things in great detail and are happy to answer any questions that you may have. I would recommend Dr. Chebli and NW Hospital to anyone looking into WLS.


I first Saw Dr. Chebli at a seminar. He presented a very well balanced educational seminar. His assistant Lisa is knowledgeable, hardworking and answers any questions you may have. She will get back to you promptly if she has to research it.rnrnYou are presented with a well organized notebook - which has everything laid out for you. It is easy to understand. His approach is a very cautious one. He is now working in Seattle at Northwest Hospital and not Fairfax as listed above. He came from there in 2004.rnrnThere are a multitude of tests you must comlete. Some of them I don't think are necessary - but hey...I'm not the doc....and if it helps him help me to be successful, I'm all for it. He is very self-assured. I'll let you know after the surgery if there is something I missed. But so far, I believe he will be terrific>


Dr. Chebli is a terrific doctor. He is confident and skilled. He explained things in great detail and gave me all the information I needed to feel comfortable about the surgery and my care in the hospital.rnrnHis office staff is quick and friendly. They always make you feel welcome and comfortable.rnrnThe only downside might be that the hospital care at Northwest Hospital after surgery was spotty at best. Some nurses and CNAs where responsive and professional and some where not. One nurse in particular was a float that day and did not understand the importance of a particular situation I was in and reacted very slowly. Much of the staff at the hospital seemed overworked and running ragged.


I could not have asked for a better surgeon or a better hospital. Dr. Chebli has been amazing.


I first saw Dr. Chebli in July 2006 at a presentation on WLS at NW hospital in Seattle, WA. My thought was he must be a really good surgeon because although he was knowledgeable, he was also arrogant and testy. His responses to the participant’s questions were completely answered but for some of them, only after a biting comment or two. He said, “I’m on my soap box tonight” several times and I wondered if that soap box was not a permanent fixture under his feet. He was extremely confident in his surgical knowledge and had a team of professionals that offered a complete pre- and post op program of support. I knew that I need and wanted both a skilled surgeon and the support the program at NW offered so I was willing to put up with a surgeon with attitude to get to everything else I wanted. After that night I went to his website and started reading comments from his patients. I was a bit shocked to hear what a nice person he was! Really, the testimonies were full of not just what a skilled surgeon he was but also how great he was as a person. Patient’s referred to him as, “Dr. C!” His office staff got glowing reviews too! The more I researched him and the program at NW the more I liked them. It took me 6 months but I finally scheduled an initial appointment with him for January 2007. rnrnToday I am so glad to be a patient of Dr. Cheblis’. His office staff, especially Lisa, is top notch. Dr. Chebli explained his recommendation for what type of surgery I might benefit from the most. He was very clear that in the end it was my decision. He had an educational and instructional 3 ring binder of information all set up including what pre-op tests I needed to schedule and how to contact professionals to accomplish this. He was professional and to the point. I got the impression that as his patient he will perform my surgery skillfully and I can trust him. It seems like he will do what it takes to give me the best opportunity for a successful outcome. Selecting the NW hospital bariatric surgery program with Dr. Chebli as my surgeon and all the other professionals is the right decision for me.rnrnDr. Cheblis’ website has all the information you need. rn


I initially encountered Dr Chebli at one of his free information seminars. He was well organzied, informative, straight to the point but willingly responded to audience participants questions throughout. My initial office visit was to the point but at no time did I feel unable to ask a question or request explanations. He presented his opinion of what he felt would be the best surgical procedure for me with excellent reasons. He provides potential patients with a notebook which lays out the course of actions the patient must take; ie the professionals one must see, the required pre-op tests, etc. He even includes prewritten prescriptions so as you progress towards scheduling a surgical date, you can simply complete the Rx, cut it out, and schedule the necessary appointment. Dr Chebli is very thorough with his explanations of the procedures, pre-surg weight loss requirements; risks of surgery; and emphasizing that surgery is not a guarentee of successful weight loss, it is just a tool. I would highly recommend Dr Chebli. Lisa, his office assistant is unbelievable. Never have I felt so welcomed in a doctor's office. Lisa has always returned phone calls, summarizes what has been discussed and she always smiles - rain or shine.


Like so many of us, I first met my surgeon at the informational seminar sponsored by Northwest Hospital in Seattle, Washington. I took him to be no nonsense and perhaps even a little impatient. I must admit, I liked him immediately, for these are attributes I suspect I have more than a touch of. rnMy consultation was very matter-of-fact and quick, and I got the sense that he had been through the routine with potential patients a thousand times. This was fairly clear in the manner he went through the procedure information, the straight-forward way he explained all the steps necessary for me to get to the stage of scheduling the surgery, and the need for me to lose 5% of my total weight (16#) on my own. I took this curt explanation on balance, since he did hand me a fresh clean binder filled with all the info I needed to complete the pre-work, so I figured even though it seemed he was going through the motions with me, no doubt expecting he'd never hear from me again as is more common than not, he did after all give me a nice new binder. So already he was investing in me, in the form of at least $2 worth of office supplies.rnI'll get back to Dr. Chebli in a moment.rnContrasted with Dr. Chebli's all-business demeanor is his office manager, Lisa. She is caring, energetic and interested, is able to handle stress well, and whenever you talk to her, no matter how busy she is, Lisa gives you the clearest impression that not only was she expecting your call or visit, but you are the only thing of importance at that moment in time. I bet if her hair were on fire and you walked in, she'd appear positively delighted to see you. Plus she talks fast and always speedily recaps what we've talked about (again, my impatient disposition loves this). Dr. Chebli has a gem with Lisa. And of course, she's easy on the eyes. =) rnSo back to Dr. Chebli: during my pre-op appointment, Dr. Chebli was less rushed but, if it were possible, even more business-like. I love this. This isn't me buying a car. I don't need or want him to talk to me in soothing tones. He is going to put his hands, or at least his instruments deep inside me and reroute my plumbing. I want a surgeon who says things like (in response to my question about possible leaks): \" could put your boot on those sutures and pull hard, and they aren't coming out.\" rnDuring the seminar, Dr. Chebli was frank about the costs, both financial and otherwise, of the surgery. He emphasized a lifetime of follow-up visits and blood-work, but made it very clear that [lack of] money would not be the reason for a patient of his to not receive after-care. rnDr. Chebli moved 3,000 miles from a succesful bariatric outfit in Virginia to start NW Hospital's Bariatric Surgery program. So far, being pragmatic as I am and really digging the whole ying-and-yang of him and his office manager, I am blessed to have found Dr. Chebli. My surgery is on Friday, February 23rd (as I write this, 36 hours away). I'll update later on whether he sewed me up with a screwdriver still missing somewhere. =)

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