Brandon Regional Medical Center

Rating: 4.84210526316 out of 5 with 130 ratings

Brandon Regional Medical Center Hospital

130 Reviews for Brandon Regional Medical Center
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I had my initial consultation with Dr. Chebli on 7/11/2003. I liked him immediately. He has a wonderful manner, was very easy to talk to, and answered all my questions. Postings I had read here commented that he is 'young' and that he has not done as many surgeries as some of the other surgeons in Northern VA. Well, it's getting that everyone is younger than me, so I can't hold that against him! More importantly he told me he had worked under Dr.Hazem Elariny, that Dr. Roll was his mentor and that he networked with the other surgeons in Fairfax, including Dr. Anez.

I had gone into the consultation with a lot of information about WLS so we didn't have to get into a lot of the details of the surgeries, but he said he will cover more about the procedure, risks, complications, etc. at our next consult. He seemed genuinely concerned about the welfare of his patients and realizes what a life changing surgery this is for us.


I've only met Dr. Chebli once so far. He is young but that doesn't worry me, in fact I feel comforted by it. I trust him more. He told me the reason he chose to practice bariatric surgery is because other then working with the terminally ill he couldn't think of another practice that made him feel he was changing people's lives. I was impressed!


My first impression of the doctor himself was a good one. He took the time to sit down with me and make me feel comfortable with my decision to undergo surgery like this. He discussed all the positive and negative aspects of surgery as well as the types of surgery that I could undergo. He talked in great depth about what could possibly go wrong and made every effort to find out if I had any doubts or felt uneasy about anything. Before I left, he gave me a folder with all the information I could possibly want about the surgery, what had to be done before surgery and what my responsibilities were. It had information about surgery types, the nutricianist I had to see, the pulminology exam and psych evaluation as well as a perscription for a sleep study. Dr. Chebli takes his job very seriously and goes above and beyond any surgeon I've had in the past. Overall, I recommend Dr. Chebli to anyone who is considering this surgery.


I had heard that Dr. Chebli was young and cute and that he is, but he's also one tough, strict doctor. He won't operate on smokers and won't operate on me until I quit smoking for two months. I left his office and haven't had a cigarette since. Dr. Chebli also requires that his patients see a nutritionist before surgery (which is really quite helpful). He also wants his patients to be on a liquid diet 10 days before surgery. I told him I didn't know which was worse, giving up cigarettes or giving up food. All in all, Dr. Chebli is very professional and wants his patients to be in optimum codition for surgery. I was suppose to have sugery in March with another surgeon, which didn't work out, so I definitly have a basis for comparison. And Dr. Chebli's attitude and demeanor are far superior to the other doctor I had seen. His office is very pleasant, and his staff has been very helpful. I feel very confident in Dr. Chebli's abilities and I am very glad he was recommended to me.


When I 1st saw Dr. Chebli I was shocked to see how young he was. He was very knowledgable and answered any question I had. I feel as though his office staff, particularly Mindy, needs some help. I know that they have loads of patients but I asked her 2 weeks ago if a letter to the insurance company, from me, would be helpful. So said no. Last week when talking to her on the phone she suggested I write a letter to the insurance company to send along with my info. I feel as though I am trying to plow through a brick wall when I call there. They need to set up some guidelines, some kind of checklist, not only for the patients but for the doctors offices too! I think my PCP could use some info as to what exactly needs to be in the letter. A word to someone starting this process....KEEP ON TOP OF THINGS!!! You need to keep calling all the time so they know who you are no matter if you drive them crazy or not.


My first impression was he is young, however very knowledgeable and was very concerned with my well being. My scheduled time was messed up and I had to wait two hours for him(he was very apologetic), but it was well worth the wait. Dr. Chebli was my second surgeon and I'm glad I went with my gut feeling to see another surgeon. His office staff was great,wonderful woman who made me feel comfortable and kept telling me that he was a great doctor and worth the wait...she was right. He stresses aftercare and seeing a nutritionist before and after. He is confident in his capabilities and able to answer all my questions and concerns. On the initial visist, I would rate Dr. Chebli a perfect 10.


My first impression was a good one. He was young,very confident, and took all the time you needed to ask questions. So far the staff has been great.


I was impressed with Dr. Chebli. I saw him in Dr. Roll's office. When he came in the room he asked a few questions and since I had done so much research he didn't need to explain a lot. He gave me a very informative packet of papers and told me to read that and decide what surgery I wanted to have and call his office. I called the next day, I have decided the Lap-Rny. I was not impressed with the lady in the office. She knock on the door while I was in with him, and he seemed very disturbed with this. The bad thing was it wasn't anything that important that she wanted him for, it could have waited. Other than that I was impressed. When I called Mindy at Dr. Chebli's to tell her what surgery I was choosing she was really nice on the phone, she is going to call and see what requirements Aetna has, in order to get the ball rolling. She said hopefully I will get a date for mid to late January. I am really excited.

***December 10, 2002***
Well I was approved. I just want to say that Mindy at Dr. Chebli's office was a great help. I gave her my info and she sent it right away, Aetna wanted more info, so she called me and got a letter I wrote and a letter from my PCP. She sent the info on Thursday and I was approved on Tuesday. Now I have to get a date to see the dietician and then she will schedule my surgery date. Hopefully late January. :)


Very concerned that I know all the risks and expectations up front, spent a lot of time with me, even drew out the surgical procedure. I have been pleasantly surprised with Dr Chebli all along. When I had problems on weekends he was available and took time to call in medication for me at my local drug store. Staff is very professional. Margie seemed aloof at first but as I have gotten to know her she is a very pleasent person

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