Brandon Regional Medical Center

Rating: 4.84210526316 out of 5 with 130 ratings

Brandon Regional Medical Center Hospital

130 Reviews for Brandon Regional Medical Center
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I liked Dr Chebli right away. I had been scheduled with a hospital closer to my home but they closed the bariatric department before my surgery date. rnDr Chebli and his staff were willing to take all the prep work I had already finished (food diaries, psych eval, exercise notes, etc.) so I was able to keep to my original schedule! rnI changed from liking the doctor to admiring him because he treats me like an intelligent adult. He does waste my time by repeating information that he has asked me to read. Yet, he answers all my questions without talking \"down\" to me. I really appreciate that. I realize some people might think he is too demanding but this is a serious, life changing surgery and patients need to be aware of all they need to do.rnFinally I grew to have great respect for him and his staff because of the great care they gave me during and after surgery. They do not take anything for granted. They are very careful and have a detailed protocol for patients to follow in order to insure great results.rnI rate Dr Chebli and his staff as an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10.rn


Lovely man he is a real joy to go and see. Very knowlagable in all things WLS. He was right to talk me into a Gastric bypass. His staff is so friendly and full of energy and fun. I love seeing them each and every time. Thank you Dr Chebli I really recommend him to the fulliest.


This is the guy - look no further - just call!rnrnWhat a staff - you are in good hands.rnrnStright talk -no BS


Dr. Chebli is such a breath of fresh air. He tells it the way it is. He is so informational and such a patient teacher. He wants to make sure that you understand everything and that no questions go unanswered.rnrnMy surgery date was Nov 4, 2008; however, I knew going in that the surgery might not happen. I had to possibly have a biopsy of something first and if the answers were not definitive, the WLS portion would not be done. Unfortunately, that is just what happened. My new date is now Nov 25, as long as the results are good.rnrnDr. Chebli made sure that he described everything to me in great detail, and my husband.rnrnDr. Chebli's staff is wonderful. They all take special attention to make sure that your privacy is protected. They do everything in their power to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.rnrnThis is a wonderful place to start your journey.


My first impression of Dr Chebli was that he's very confident in his abilities. My impression hasn't changed much but I have found that he has a great sense of humor.rnrnHe seems very serious first off but can take a good teasing. rnrnDr. Chebli's office staff is very supportive, knowledgeable and ready to help you be successful before and after surgeryrnrnThere's not really anything I didn't like about Dr Chebli. Sometimes I think he gets in a hurry during appointments but if you stick to it you can get him to answer any questions you have. rnrnDuring the information seminar Dr. Chebli outlines clearly the dangers and risks of the surgery. He also puts up specific numbers that pertain to any sides effects that his patients have suffered. He lays it all out there so you can judge for yourself if this is something you want to do.rnrnI think Dr Chebli and his staff are great. They have changed my life for the better. rn


My first impression of Dr. Chebli was that he was incredibly technical - he could answer all the questions being asked - and was very technical and direct in his answers. Over time, my lasting impression of Dr. Chebli is one of a very kind and compassionate phycisican - he is incredible in his follow up and support for his patients - I am overwhelmed by his \"bedside manner\" - and felt like I had an advocate throught my surgery and post op. If you are considering him for your surgery - congratulations! I had been to several seminars before attending his - and was always a bit turned off by what I perceived as empty promises - the you'll be beautiful stuff - I was looking to be healthy! On a scale of one to ten - Doctor Chebli is a 12 - and I had my surgery before he was named one of Seattle's best docs - that only confirmed my decision. When the going got tough - that's when he was at his best. I have no other physician that combines the best of competence and bedside manner to such a high level. He's an easy guy to love!


My first impression of Dr Chebli was that he is very self assured and full of confidence. He comes across as a bit arrogant. Once he begins to present his information on weightloss surgery, you tend to realize that he has alot of knowledge. He lays everything out, both the good and the bad that can happen with weightloss surgery. I immediately felt safe to have him as my surgeon. He has alot of screening requirements, and that is a good thing. Dr Chebli makes it very clear from the beginning that the aftercare will be a life long commitment. His staff have all been so friendly and helpful. I would rate him very high, and that was before I found out that he has been named one of Seattle's Top Docs. rnrn-----7/25/08--- I am now 16 days post op. My regard for Dr Chebli has only increased. My surgery turned out to be more difficult than expected, and I am so thankful that Dr Chebli was in charge and making the decessions during that procedure. I ended up spending 6 days in the hospital before being sent home. Each day, even week end mornings, Dr Chebli came into my hospital room to check on how I was doing, and to talk to me. That made me feel safe. I trust his judgement completly, and would recommend him to anyone in the Seattle area who is thinking about having this surgery done. The recovery has not been easy for me. I am having some issues with my new pouch, and some very difficult days along the way, but I do not regret having this surgery. Not for one minute.rnrnI have not needed any insulin since the surgery, and my need for prescription medications has dramatically decreased. I look forward to a more healthy future with great anticipation.


Is it okay to say that you love your surgeon? Well I do, Dr. Chebli has been so wonderful and has made this life changing event so effortless. From the beginning of this experience I have had great information and support by Dr. Chebli and his staff. He is personable, professional and very warm and engaging. I am not afraid to ask him questions, admit to my short comings and grow from this experience. I am a type 2 diabetic on insulin for 13 years, I had hypertention and sleep apnea when I approached this decision. Dr. Chebli made sure that I was aware of the risks, challenges and of course the benefits. Surgery and my hospital stay was without incident, I love the Northwest Hospital, it was great. I am 6 weeks post op and I went from 278 lbs to 235 lbs. and from taking 80 -90 units of insulin to 10 units. I have been overweight most of my adult life and I am beginning to see that I can have good health and be around for a long time. I have a grandbaby coming in Feburary of next year and I am so thrilled to be healthy and able to enjoy all that this experience will bring me. I can't say enough about Dr. Chebli, I am very relational and his competence as a surgeon is important but the fact that he calls to check on me after a problem makes all the difference to me.


My first impression of Dr. Chebli is that he is very competent and tells it to you straight. No sugar-coating. I like that. I'm very impressed with his office staff. They are always courteous and so very patient with all my questions. Dr. Chebli and his team greatly stress aftercare and support groups. This tells me that he doesn't just cut you loose after surgery - he's dedicated to helping you make this a successful lifetime change.


Dr. Chebli is great! He's funny, down-to-earth and compassionate, but thankfully not patronizing. He tells you like it is and treats you like a human being which is WONDERFUL. His staff is exactly the same: they take care of you and look out for you, but don't pity you; everything is upbeat and positive there. They have WLS down to an art...even have prepared binders with all the info you will need in order to get information together for insurance approval. They also have an amazing support group and resources (nutritionist, therapists and access to a state of the art workout facility). Additionally, Dr. Chebli was named one of Seattle Magazines \"top docs\" for 2007.

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