Rex Sherer

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 115 ratings

Rex Sherer Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

19 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

115 Reviews for Rex Sherer
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Dr. Sherer was very open and honest concerning risk and possible complications from the surgery.


I never thought today would get here, but it did. I had my consultation with Dr. Sherer. I have to say, he is a WONDERFUL man. I felt very comfortable with him. He listened to me and my mom's questions and never acted like he was tired or bored with us. He said I needed this surgery. I have lost a few pounds though!! I was excited about that. But, I also found out that I'm not as tall as I thought either LOL. Now we play the waiting game with insurance. I'm so excited!!


I must admit that i was very nervous when i arrived at the office. I had to wait almost 45 minutes before he arrived. He was in surgery. Anyway it didn't take me long to get in to a room and talk with him. He gave me a great deal of information and had answered most of the questions i had. His confidence in his work helped eased my anxiety. The only thing I didn't like was he seemed a bit rushed. his beeper kept going off. He had to leave out a few times to answer a call. but when he returned he seemed to be all about me. as for his office staff, they seemed to be ok with me as a first imression.


Dr. Sherer and all his assitants were very nice to me.Excellent bedside manners and a firm beleiver that this all lies in Gods hands. I was treated greatly and never felt rushed. All my questions were answered and than some. This is the first doctor I have ever seen that has not rushed or made me feel like I was bothersome. They were very patient and that gets a lot of respect with me. I would recommend him to anyone.


I had an appt. with Dr. Rex Sherer in Alabaster on 9/25. He seemed very concerned
as a person and doctor. He said this was not
a "quick fix". This will be a life changing
surgery. He wanted to make sure I was ready
and I assured him I was. I had a long sheet of questions to ask him but he answered each
one before he asked me if I had any questions. Dr. Sherer told me that they
have been blessed with all of their surgeries. I believe he is a Christian man
and I have faith that he will do a fine job.


My first impression of Dr. Sherer was great. I feel lucky to have him as my surgeon.


I heard about Dr. Sherer from a friend of mine at church who had the surgery done by him. I called to get the info packet. I was surprised at how quickly it arrived. My wife and I sat down and read through it, then filled it out. I was impressed with the info packet. It gave a lot of the risk and wanted to let the person know everything about this surgery before even applying. We decided to go ahead and mail the packet in.

It was only about 2 weeks and we got a call from Dr. Sherer's office to schedule an appointment. The appointment was set and now all I had to do was wait.

My appt. was on 10/10 in the morning. I went up and my wife was going to meet me there. The first thing I noticed was that there were oversized chairs in the waiting room. I was impressed. I did have to wait awhile, even after my scheduled time.

When I got called back, my wife was able to join us. I was weighed in by a nurse, then taken to an exam room. She took my blood pressure and asked a few questions. Then she told me that Dr. Sherer would be in shortly.

It wasn't over 5 minutes before he came in. I noticed that he seemed to be serious looking. He introduced himself and then we got down to business.

Dr. Sherer was very honest with my wife and I about the dangers of the surgery, but also the dangers of not taking care of my obesity.
We only talked for about 15 - 20 minutes, but he answered all our questions.

As we left, a nurse took us to the check out desk. The receptionst there told us what would happed next.

His whole office staff was pleasant and helpful. I would recommend Dr. Sherer to anyone considering this operation.


dr. rex sherer is going to do my surgery. i first met him on nov. 5, 2002. i was so impressed. i had some bad events that day and while in the office he spoke of god and as he was leaving he turned and said... mrs. poe, god bless you i knew then god had a hand in this situation. he went over all risk in a very detailed manner. had plenty of time for me to ask question. he had done a friend of mines surgery about 3 years ago and she had told me a little about him. his office staff has been so great also.


I didn't get to spend much time with him after waiting for almost 3 hours. I spent maybe 15 minutes talking with as he got called to an emergency surgery. It was a little frustrating because I had driven 3 hours to see him. I am going to use him because from others that have used him I think he is a good surgeon and that is the most important thing to me. I can overlook most everything as long as he does a good job during my operation. I did like the fact that he seems to be a religious man. I have a good friend that used him over a year ago and she has lost almost 130 pounds. She recommends him to everyone.
He does not have a structured aftercare program. He recommends that you get into counseling to get to the root of your food addiction which caused your obesity in the first place. He did address all the risks quite bluntly but I think that is better than trying to downplay the risks.


Ok the truth is .. as I watched him walk in the door that I knew he was going to be one of those snooty doctors who acted, like they really had better things they could be doing. Well I am hardly ever wrong in judging someone's character... BUT... LOL I have to say that once he got in the room and I gave him my full attention.. He gave me his. He was a nice man with kind eyes. He talked to me alot about how it was in Gods hands .. that he was the one mastermind behind his work and that God was the only one who held the answers. I liked how he put it.. that he was doing work but that it was Gods miracle or plan that leads his patients through the surgery.. its in his hands Dr Sherer said. We mostly talked about how it was important to be sure you could handle the ... after the surgery life changes.. And he basically told me to pray about it and then come back and talk to him. so far I like him. And I don't think that will change through out my progress. Thats all I can say for now. If you have questions , I'll be glad to answer them .. MUAH SHAE =0X

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