Rex Sherer

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 115 ratings

Rex Sherer Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

19 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

115 Reviews for Rex Sherer
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First impression was that he was compassionate, my impression stayed the same throughout.

Staff is very nice, and knows exactly what they are doing.

Least liked the fact that there is no real relationship seemed like you meet him once, get the approval and then you are in for surgery.

He really emphasizes aftercare, and gives some resources, but they don't have a structured aftercare program.

He was very blunt about the risks of surgery which I liked because I wanted to know everything beforehand.

I would rate him as excellent!

I think both.


Let me tell you about Rex Sherer. This man is the epitome of a consumate professional. His staff (at the Brookwood office) was more than pleasant, and they were very attentive to details. Even though I had researched the surgery for years, the Physician's Assistant (Mary Beth) explained the procedure to me in graphic detail. She took the time to answer all my questions, and helped me to see all the nuances that I would have taken for granted.
Dr. Sherer is a dedicated man, with very grounded values. His expertise in the surgical suite is evidenced by me, and I would hope that others would consider him as their surgeon. Two thumbs up for the Cahaba Valley Surgical group and Rex Sherer, MD!

On a less than positive note, the Brookwood Medical Center's Bariatric floor had only adequate nursing staff coverage. Although I was not adversely affected, I feel that if I had not been a nurse, and not been in good shape, I may have been in a little danger at times. I trust Dr. Sherer completely, and am glad that I had no complications. If I did, I would have rather been at Alabaster (Baptist Shelby Medical Center).


Met with Dr. Sherer, after a 2 hour wait, the wait was worth it. He took his time and explained everything to me and my husband. At this time I have no negative things to say about him or his staff they are GREAT and would recommend them to anyone.


Dr. Shere was very impressive. He told me about the surgery and was then patient when I asked my few questions. He covered most of my questions during his talk. He suggested I get into therapy, which I have scheduled for August 21, start an exercise program, started with Beez Fitness, and consult a nutritionist, which I have scheduled for August 25. The next few days will definately be busy.


First saw Dr.Sherer on June 5th. Entire consultation took an hour and a half. He is very direct, honest and it is clear he strongly believes in by-pass surgery as a method of saving someone's life. I felt at peace with him and confident in his abilities. Office staff very nice. I had heard that sometimes you had to wait a long time past your appointment time to see him, but I didn't. He strongly urges you to return to see him. I will be going back in 7 days for my first pre-op visit and I have been told they want me to return every three months for the first year. Dr. Sherer was very clear on the risks of the surgery, but he was also clear on the risks of obesity. I am very pleased with my surgeon and although his bedside manner is not the best I've seen, he has been nice and I'm more concerned with competence than personality. He is just a factual person, and doesn't get into personal things with his patients. That is fine with me.


My first impression of Rex Sherer was that he was very busy. When I had my first appointment, I only got to talk to him for a few minutes, he had to sew up someone's arm in the ER. He did spend about 10 minutes with me and went over the risks of the surgery. His PA spent more time with me, and I felt at ease. When I saw him before and after my surgery, I got a chance to talk to him further. My husband and I were impressed with his skills, he does seem very busy, but gets right down to business. His staff was good, no problems. I felt like he could be more personal with me, but I also felt like during my visit, he was on his way to an surgery and didn't have time to spend with me, but came right back after to follow up. As far as I know, I have had no complications, and I feel he did a great job. The program at Brookwood Medical Center is great with aftercare, and they have support groups!! Information is just a phone call away. I overall rate Rex Sherer very highly!


Dr Sherer was recomended to me by someone that my sister knew. He and his wife had used Dr. Sherer. It was important to me that I was going to a Christian Doctor. Dr. Sherer was very understanding and very helpful answering all the questions that I had for him. I feel confident that he knew what he was talking about.

The staff at Dr. Sherer's office was real nice and I was s glad that the woiting room was not packed when I was there. I did not hav to wait a long tim but whn I went to he back Dr. Sherer took his time explaining and conforting me with my decision.

Dr Sherer stressed to me the risks of thissurgery nd te complications that could arise. He laid it all on the line and left no stone unturned.

He sugested to me that I become involved wth a small support group or proceed with some type of counseling for my own benefit.

I will have to update you as to bedside manner-etc--when I have my surgery.


2/11/03: I have an appt with Dr Stahl on July 11, 2003. They have a 5 mos waiting list. I guess that is good....hopefully it means that he is so good, people are willing to wait!! :)
******4/11/03: I changed my Dr to Dr. Sherer because they were able to move my appt up to May 20th. I am so excited. The change in surgeon is no big deal...I would gladly see any of the 3 in this group! :) ******5/20/03: I really like Dr. Sherer. He is a very personable person and seems like an extremely competent surgeon. I am very happy with my decision. Dr. Sherer spent a good deal of time talking to me and answered all my questions. Prior to him coming in, I had a consultation with Matt. He was also very nice and informative. It was an overall excellent experience.


My impression is that he is very caring and precise. I feel very comfortable knowing he is doing my surgery.

Office staff was very nice and helpful to me.

He strongly emphasized after care and was upfront about the surgical risks during my visit.

The only thing I didnt like was his office location-too far from my house and work in my opinion.

I will give an overall rating after the surgery


My first impression of Dr. sheere was that he was kind and belived in the lord and he was willing to do what he could to help me get my life back. My impression did change as time went on I became more and more pleased with him and the staff. His staff was very friendly and pleasant to me and most helpful and they answered many question for me also. I haave recommended him to many people because he is a very good doctor and a good person who belives in the lord and that is important to me. Dr. Sheere did not sugar coat the risk nor the danger of the surgery it shocked me he was so upfront with it but at the same time he was concerned and showed it and let me know that I could have my life back with the right food and help from friends and family. Dr. Sheere has both great bedside manner and sugerical manners. In the hospital he made sure that I was taken care of and that he was still concerned and that helped me a lots.

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