Rex Sherer

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 115 ratings

Rex Sherer Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

19 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

115 Reviews for Rex Sherer
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dr. sherer when i first met him seemed very nice ,he seemed to care about helping people and was very honest and straight about every thing, he also seemed to be a Godly i learned more about him as he cared for me i grew to like and respect him more.his brookwood office staff are kind and helpful they return your calls in a prompt maner.i recomend this dr. to any one that is thinking of having this done.i do think they need to inprove on the after care area some ,its not bad ,i just think they need to give you more info about your diet . God bless you and best wishes


My first impression of Dr.Sherer was quite pleasant. He's tall and slender and has a very kind disposition. I enjoyed talking with him and he made me feel very comfortable. The staff at Cahaba Valley Surgical Group all seem to be quite competant and pleasant as well. I can honestly say that there was only a single negative experience for my consultation which was the hour and fifteen minute wait. He is a very busy person, so if you plan on visiting him you need to be prepared for half of the day to be pretty much gone.
Dr. Sherer makes the risks of the surgery known completely with detailed stats prior to meeting with him by way of a very informative video. I am looking forward to my next visit which will be when we schedule my surgery date. I'll update later.


He is a wonderful Christian man.,He never change thur the whole thing. he does have an after care program and if you have any problelms they will contact you asap to help you.He did talk about the risks of the surgery and i listen to him ecepet about the smoking. that was my fault. He is the most wonderful man i have met an so careing about his paitents. he is great at surgical competence and bedside manner. I love him for changeing my life.


I had my initial consult with Dr. Sherer. I found him to be a kind, gentle soul that has been blessed by God with a gift of being not only a wonderful surgeon, but also a compassionate human being. He spent more than adequate time with me and my husband. He explained an pointed out the raw and sometimes painful truth. He explained the benefits/risk of the surgery. In my case the risk of not having the WLS far out weighs the risk of having it.

Dr. Sherer explained the need for a support group, therapist or other support for eating disorders/food additictions. He explained that it could make the process easier and more successful. Overcoming your issues in relation to food - comfort, bored, depression, or etc...

After meeting with Dr. Sherer I felt completely satisified that God has pointed me in this direction. I had such a sense of calm and comfort after meeting with Dr. Sherer.


My first impression of Dr. Sherer is that he is serious about letting his patients know the true risks and possible complications from WLS. He is straight forward and at the same time very compasionate to his patients. He was willing to listen to and answer all of my questions without feeling like I was rushing him. The thing that I like the most about Dr. Sherer is his faith in God. He told me "As a surgeon I can not HEAL you, and you yourself can not heal you, but only God can heal." Also when I was leaving the office he said "remember everything is in God's Hands, and there is no better place to be." He then walked us to the check out area and said "I'll see you in a few weeks, God Bless You", I will tell you I am very impressed with him. His office staff was very friendly and I did not sit in the Lobby waiting for more than 20 minutes. On a Scaloe of 1-10 I give him a 11+.


I meet with Dr. Sherer on November 23, 2003. The meeting went very well. He and his staff were very informative. We addressed on the risk involved with the surgery. He let me know of the risk of having the surgery and risk involved with not having the surgery and remaining morbidly obese. I would highly recommend him and his staff. I realize surgery is not for everyone but after only 13 days post-op it was the best decision I have ever made. I saw him after my surgery but I did not see him over the weekend one of his partners came checked in both days. And Dr. Stahl was very nice.


Dr. Rex Sherer was one of the kindest people I have ever met. He was careing and honest and puts his trust in the Lord. I was very grateful that he shared this with me, because A lot of doctors I have know seem to think they are it and some think they know it all and can do no wrong. Dr. Sherer was up front and his whole attitude was just so awesome. He is the kind of person you meet and would love to get to know more about, you know to be friends with such a person, there was such a complete humbleness about him. He has such a sweet spirit about him, I felt very safe.


My first impression was that he was a very jittery man, however I was at ease with him and able to talk matter of factly. Dr. Sherer is refreshingly candid about his christianity and that was a huge bonus for me. The office3 staff is very helpful and considerate.They explained all of the risks and did a good job of informing me of all possible complications. I would rate the Alabaster staff at a 10. They dont come much better in my opinion.


I really liked Dr. Sherer. He is very up front and straight forward about this surgery. He is also a religious man. He said that he would do everything in his power to insure a successfull surgery, but that ultimately everything was in the hands of God. I really haven't had much dealings with his office staff other than phone calls, but they seem to be very nice. Overall I give Dr. Sherer very high marks and I am pleased I chose him as my surgeon.


Let me tell you a little about Dr Sherer. He is straight-forward, to the point, polite, and very caring. He told me that I was a good candidate for the surgery, but he also said that the surgery is just one tool, and that there had to be other tools that go along with it to make the lifestyle change that needed to be made. He was right!
He didn't beat around the bush about the risks of the surgery, and told me straight out that if he had to cut me (while I was undergoing the laproscopic procedure) that he would. I agreed!
He took an entire 4 hours to finish the surgery, just to make sure that everything was right.

I researched surgeons for over 2 years prior to having this done. The Cahaba Valley Surgical Group is second to none, with Dr. Sherer at the top of the heap.

Thank you Dr. Sherer. You are truly a kind Doctor.

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