R. Chad Halversen

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 73 ratings

R. Chad Halversen Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

33 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Max Age of Patient is 68

73 Reviews for R. Chad Halversen
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very out going and easy to talk to. very caring.
his impression has not changed.
the office staff is wonderful to work with they are all ways there when you need them.
there wasn't any thing I disliked about him.
they do have a great after care program, the only problem with me is that I live in Oregon and he is in Utah.
I attended a gastric bypass confrence and had all my questions answered there about risks and all so watched a video.
on a scale of 1-10 I would rate Dr Halverson a 9.
both are great on bedside and surgical competence.


I have only met him once so far, he has a trust inspiring nature, and put both my husband and I at ease. He answered all of our questions, and even made me feel as if I had asked some new ones!
Staff was good, I got the impression they were very protective of their doctors.
There was much talk about the after care part of this, and because I know several people who are using this set of physicians I know that there are to be several sessions that will follow-up my care. I find this conforting.
I have done much investigating on this surgury, I started looking into it six months before I even made an appointment, so I feel like I have done a lot of preperation on my own.
My husband works for the cornors office so he has knowledge beyond what is normally available. So I really didn't rely entirly upon what the doctor had to impart to me. From what I have read about Dr. Halveson, he seems to be one of the top in this field, and the main thing is although I have only met him once, I do feel that he wants to help me. This is so much more than I could have said about many many other physicians I have expericenced in my entire life. Most doctors, I think, shy away from folks like me, I am sure it's as frustrating for them as it has been for me.
I will have to reserve rating anything at this point, I am not in a position to intelligently conclude an answer here. I think he must posess qualities that are encouraging and trusting other wise I would not have come this far.


Very nice, kind. He belongs to Rocky Mountain Physicians Associated and they practice at the St. Marks Hospital complex, however, he did the surgery for me at Cottonwood Hospital because that is where my insurance pays the best. There is a good aftercare program. Of course I don't have personal experience with that yet. Dr. Halversen came to see me each morning at 7:00 am (!) when I was in the hospital, much too perky for that time of day!!
The office runs smoothly, I don't want to say "assembly line," but they are well organized. They are willing to answer any questions. The doctor did talk about risks involved in the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. I did not really have many questions to ask, since I had been researching the surgery for a long time.


I made my appointment for a conseltation yesterday, December 1, 2000. My appointment is scheduled for January 5, 2001. I have spoken with the office staff twice, and they seem very friendly. They had openings in two weeks, but I was forced to take a later appointment, because of insurance issues. I will comment more after the enicial conceltation.
Today, January 5, I met with Dr. Halverson, and was very impressed. His office staff did everything they could to make sure all my needs were met, and I was glad to finally be able to get the process started. Dr. Halverson is very friendly, and was more than willing to answer any questions about the procedure. We also met with Janine who is a member of the office staff who has had the procedure three years ago. It was good to meet with someone who has been through the procedure and has had good results. The office staff will be submitting the letter of medical necessity to the insurance company, and after approval, they will call to schedule a surgery orientation, and the actual surgery date. Dr. Halverson is very friendly and knowledgable, but he doesn't hold anything back when it comes to information. If you ask him a question, he will answer it as truthfully as he can, even though it may not be the answer you were looking for.
I had my surgery on February 15, 2001. Dr. Halverson is a terriffic Doctor. His surgical compatence and bedside manner are both great, and I would highly reccomend him to anyone looking for a surgeon. The office has a well structured after care program, and it is highly emphasized. Good luck! It's worth it!


I went to the Annual Gastric Bypass Conference at Park City. I not only got to meet Dr. Halversen, but some of his patients. They all loved him! When I finally had my consult with him, I agreed with them. He is funny and makes you feel very comfortable. I highly recommend him. He is an excellent surgeon. I had no problems at all!
His office staff is also very friendly and informative. They have a good aftercare program including support groups in many different cities and newsletters. You are also encouraged to call the office with any questions.


My initial appt. was on 1-24-01; I was disappointed because I had to wait 3 weeks to get in....the holidays slowed everything down! However, I was impressed with the doctor and his staff, they were very knowledgeable, proficient, and kind. All of my questions were answered; I had done a lot of research up front, so didn't have a lot, but he answered those I had thoroughly. I appreciate the fact that they have a great after care program. They have started chargeing a $500 program fee that is not reimbursed by the ins company; this covers all of the after care literature, mailings, support group stuff, and so forth. A small price to pay for everything that is included!! Overall, I would rate them a 9 out of 10 so far. The only area that I wasn't pleased with is how set the office staff is in their routine; I was approved in 4 days by my ins company, but it took the office staff 2 1/2 weeks to get everything together so I could schedule my surgery.


My personal Dr.'s Nurse had worked with Dr. Halverson and told me he was sincere and caring. She was right, he understands all that we obese people go through, the frustration, and deperation. He is understanding and great on hugs. His office staff is kind, supportive and personable. Most of them has been thriugh the proceedure and can help.
You are nly on your own as much as you want to be. If you need help, reach out and they are there for you. Aftercare can meen the difference of sucess or failure.


Dr. Halverson was very personel and put me at ease right away. So far I've only seen him for my initial appt. He was funny and was able to joke with me. Very honest and let me know straight up with all the questions I asked with out hedging or sugar coating.
His office staff was very helpful. I did have trouble at first getting ahold of them, but they were very apologetic afterwards. (I called on a week when everyone was on vacation)
I chose this office because of their after program and after talking to SEVERAL of their post-op patients. Their office Rocky Mtn Associated Physician have been doing this for 21 yrs.
So far I would rate Dr. Haverson very well as well as his office staff.


My first impression of Chad Halverson was that he made me wait over an hour. He must be very, very busy. Once he actually spoke with me, I realized why he was running so late. He's very thorough, compassionate and tender hearted. The office staff is kindly but a little scatter-brained. I've had to repeatedly follow up with them, and they keep losing different aspects of my file. (great)

I would rank Dr. Halverson an 8/10 overall. I guess I'll see if my opinion changes after the surgery. His bedside manner is good, but I can definitely tell he's being pushed past his limits. He must be very, very busy.

He does offer free aftercare for one year following the surgery, which is nice.


My doctor Chad Halversen, seemed very knowledgeable and supportive. I could tell he was on my side and believes in this surgery. He explained all the pros and cons. The office staff were friendly and put me at ease. Hes in the same office as Dr. Sherman Smith at Rocky Mountain Physicians. All the doctors work together to support one another. The clinic offers a very supportive atmosphere for post op. And I have talked to other clients who have been here and who are very pleased with their surgery and how they were treated before, during and after surgery.

Just wanted to let everyone know that Doctor Halversen was great. He was there every morning I was in the hospital and answered all my questions patiently and was open and honest about what had happened during my surgery and what to expect. He seems to have a personable bedside manner and I am not unhappy that I had him for my surgeon at all. The only complaint I might have is I wish I would have had a little more warning about how that drain in my stomach was gonna feel when he pulled it out. It has alot of suction and it was pretty uncomfortable. I told him wow that is hurting and he stopped and asked me if I would rather he did not pull it out, lol, I think that was an attempt at humor on his part. I just asked him how much more was to go and he said about a foot and told me to breathe in and he pulled it as I breathed out. It came out fairly quickly. Sometimes on stuff like that I like to know whats coming, Im a big boob when it comes to pain but if I know its coming I can prepare myself. So far though his office staff has been great. They have answered all my questions and have even checked up with me at home. I have my first visit with Doctor Halversen since the surgery on Oct. 8th.

I just thought I would jot a note here about my Doctor. Yesterday I was having this weird thing happening to me where my stomach was knotting up like a fist and it felt like it was squeezing. If I was pregnant I would have sworn I was having contractions but im not pregnant. This went on all day till I was starting to gasp for breath from the intensity of it. I finally called The Doctor and it was after hours. I thought it was so cool, he called me back within like two minutes. He assured me I was ok, I was having muscle spasms. He said I had probably sneezed, coughed or twisted the wrong way and irritated the muscles which is already in trauma and healing from the surgery. I was very relieved and a little heat took care of it.

I saw Doctor Halversen today October 8th, The visit went really well. He answered all my questions and said I was doing great!

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