R. Chad Halversen

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 73 ratings

R. Chad Halversen Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

33 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Max Age of Patient is 68

73 Reviews for R. Chad Halversen
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My first impression of Dr. Halverson was very likable, very good bed side manner. He's very good at listening to you, you don't seem rushed. His office staff was very nice, especially the surgery scheduler Mindy, she was very great in helping me get things rolling. I would recommended Dr. Halverson very highly, although I have not had the surgery yet, my heart tells me--he's going to do great! The after care part of the program sounds great, they really stress this. My rating of Dr. Halverson is a 10 right now, could change after surgery, but I hope not.


Very Positive



Non Judgemental

Great Personality

Very Important



Both are great


I really like Dr. Halversen's bedside manner. He is kind, friendly, professional, and knowledgable. He has an excellent reputation. His office staff have been extremely helpful, kind, and professional. His support/aftercare program is excellent. Risks of surgery are addressed in a video all patients watch at initial consult, and he discusses those risks that you have questions about with you personally. At this point in time (3 weeks prior to surgery), I have been extremely impressed with him and his staff. I would give them an over-all "excellent" rating.

10-03-01--6 weeks post-op and I couldn't be more pleased. He was kind and warm during my hospital stay. He found a very diseased gall-bladder when he got inside, so, he took it out, and as he says, I got the "blue-light special". He has been jovial, warm, and extremely professional during my post-op visits. His nurse has been very helpful in answering promptly the questions I have. The after-care classes and support group and wonderful and very helpful. I highly recommend Dr. Halversen and his staff to everyone!


Well Dr. halversen is a really nice doctor he was great...when I meet him for the first and only time so far he was nice caring and really seems to know what he is
doing..I'am glad I picked him...The staff was really nice friendly and always willing to help.. although I would have like things to move a little bit faster like getting,dates and things done..I'am not the kinda person to wait..but from what they tell me there make some changes in the process...and I also understand that there are alot of people other then me..trying to get the surgery to and the surgeons can't work 24/7..but all in all so far iam very pleased...well see how things go after surgery.. well its after surgery and things didnt go so great althought I still do love my surgeon..he is wonderful..but the people in the office thats a whole another story..I had so many problems after with getting my disiblity claim done right and basicly being called a lair about talking with someone three diffrent times about the same thing and it was a freaking work relase form..and one other thing they never call back and if there vocie mail is full and u leave a msg they never get it and if u wait on the phone your waiting time is forever... my god I dont know if its because they dont have enough people in the office to help with all the case load but I know this the xtra stress after surgery was not needed and now there are days that I can't keep food down and want to call but sometimes fear of having to deal some of the office people keep me from calling..so unless its life or death I'll wait till after hours that way I can talk and deal with only my surgeon..I'am sorry it this some rude but I think it should be know..I also feel that with all the crap I have had to put up with I should get my program fee back...at times they we're unwilling to help and down right rude...but the kinda of person I'am I tried to always be nice..but to the point I'am really not sure if i would have went with them agian if I knew the after surgery things would happen...well I think I vented enought...


I only spoke with Dr. Halversen for about 5 minutes. Because of a mix-up with my pre-surgical consult, he saw me last thing in the day and I got the impression he would have preferred to have gone home instead of getting me in (even though I had waited in the lobby for 2 hours).

I hear he is an excellent surgeon so I'm going off recommendation, rather than personal feeling. As long as he is superb at his job, I really don't care if I have a personal relationship with him or not.


6/20/01 - Although we've decided on a surgeon, he doesn't know that yet. We still need to get our consult set up. More later...

6/22/01 - Pre-op Surgery consult set for July 18, 2001. Surgery scheduled for Monday, July 30, 2001.

7/18/01 - Consultation canceled due to emergency surgery...not mine. It lead to a confusing day. We kept an appointment at hospital to pre-register and stayed for a pre--op orientation class. An all day event but still haven't seen the doctor.

7/25/01 - We have finally met the doctor. I was beginning to wonder if that would happen before he showed up on 7/30 in mask and gown to do his thing. Luckily he did. He seems very nice. Has an interesting sense of humor. Talked to both me and my wife and and asked us both if we had any questions. I've heard good things about him, and other than waiting until 10:15am for a 9:00am appointment, we didn't have any problems today.


He is very nice and friendly. He walked into the room and said, "Hi, I am Chad." He explained what he would do and answered my questions and said that this would help me.
His office staff have been helpful and professional. He has a great aftercare program.

Surgical competence is more important than bedside manner. It is good though, when do can have a doctor with both because he will need to talk with you and teach you. A doctor with a poor bedside manner and who makes you feel like he doesn't have the time of day for you is not for me.


I think he as all the intentions of helping.I have been working more with staff, I appreciate the willing of the staff to help. I am really excited about the changes coming to my life.


Haven't meet him yet. Just started the process by filling out a 12 page form to get the ball rolling.


I LOVE Dr Halverson. He is very funny and upbeat and helps you to feel comfortable. The office staff is generaly very efficient and friendly. They have a very structured aftercare program and send out regular newsletters that are very helpful. I am very grateful for dr. halverson for giving me my health back!!!!!

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