R. Chad Halversen

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 73 ratings

R. Chad Halversen Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

33 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Max Age of Patient is 68

73 Reviews for R. Chad Halversen
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I chose Dr. Halversen when I read on this site that he has a good sense of humor. I need this.

He was very good. He was very specific about the risks of surgery. My surgery went without a hitch without a single complication.

He has an excellent aftercare program, which we have to pay $500 for. One problem is the classes at his office are always on Thursday mornings, and I work Wednesday, Thursday and Fridat nights. I will get all the info anyway, and will just have to make use of my local support person and weighins.

Which is better, surgical competence or bedside manner? People: SURGICAL COMPETENCE!!!, hands down! I am a nurse and have seen the most idiotic doctors (not these guys ) with huge practices because their patients just love their bedside manner. I will take a grumpy skilled doctor over a slick bumbler any day (think Dr. Becker!)


Dr. Halversen was WONDERFUL. I came from Washington State to have surgery with him and I was TOTALLY and completely happy with him. He was not rushed in our pre-op appt which was 3 days before the surgery. He didn't leave the office or act rushed when I had a long list of questions to be answered. In the hospital he was very attentive on his hospital rounds. Great surgeon!!!


I met Dr. Halversen on May 8th and he introduced himself as "Chad". He had a firm handshake and direct manner. He layed out the program for me emphasizing the after-care and things that I could do that would make this unsuccessful. He states there is no guaranteed success if you don't follow the program and why would anyone sabatoge themselves but ppl do it thinking they can beat the system. He doesn't believe in supplemental protein sources for the most part and feels you can get the proper amount thru food. He does allow protein drinks on occasion if they are low carb also. He said to call him and ask for him directly if I have any questions left unanswered. He said the risks of complications is approx 20% but that includes even small complications that are easily remedied...he says even ppl with complications are usually back on track by 3 months and are sucessful.

The office was very nice with large furniture and casual atmosphere...staff friendly and helpful. I would rate him a 9 and was pleased with the consultation .


I love Dr. Halversen. He is the sweetest man and humorous too. He has made this whole thing very easy. When I went in for my 2 week check up he was able to tell me exactly what I was feeling before I ever said anything to him. And he had change my outlook on this surgery 180 degrees. He checked with me every morning in the hospital and has a wonderful caring bedside manner. He knows is job very well and really cares about his patients ( I got a hug before I left my 2 week follow up). I highly recommend Dr. Halversen!!!


I think Dr. Halversen is wonderful. I saw him everyday while I was in the hospital and he seemed very caring.

His office staff is a little slow to return calls after surgery and almost non existent to return calls before surgery. But I have to realize just how many patients go through there every month.

I am only 11 days post op when writing this and I have to admit...I'm feeling pretty good. I think his surgical competence is excellent along with his bedside manner. He made me feel like he could do this surgery with his eyes closed and he probably could with the 3000+ he has done. Part of me felt like it was a little like assembly line surgery. One right after another.

I have not experienced the aftercare program yet that his office offers and that you have to pay $500.00 for, before surgery. But I am sure it will invaluable to me in the up coming months of my journey.


He seemed very nice - he answered all my questions. He was professional and business like. Since I am self pay (absolutely excluded on my insurance)he was very matter of fact - when do want to do it? I got the feeling that he does so many of these that it is sort of like a factory in that office. But a very well run factory - they have it down to a science. The office offers a support group for after the surgery. When I said I was concerned about potential side effects he said "There are no side effects that compare to the longterm effects of being morbidly obese." I feel very confident about his abilities and experience.


He is awesome, very comfortable and puts you at ease. I had my first consult with Dr. Halverson last year in April. I have had so
many problems with insurance and financing that I have finally decided to just
do it self pay and get on with my life. Dr. Halverson put me right at ease, he
treated me like a real person, not a fat person, and explained how the whole
procedure works. I have another appointment with him 4/12/02. They say that he
is about 3 weeks out for surgery. I want to get on the schedule immediately. I
will post my surgery date as soon as I get it. I love this site, I have people
that I can talk to that really understand where I am coming from. Thanks


Dr Halversen is just as others described him. He was friendly, smiled alot and made you feel very comfortable. He has been with the RMAP for 4.5 years now and only performs the Open RNY. He enjoys his work and it shows. He was not pushy about the surgery and made it clear it was my decision whether or not to have it. He believes in its success, but emphasizes that the patient is ultimately responsible. I feel very confident in his abilities as a surgeon.


Dr Halverson is wonderful very supportative and always in good with humor with his patients. The nursing staff at his office is also very helpful, the remainder of the staff however are always busy and it seems seldom able to take your phone calls and answer questions. I had to just keep after them call frequently to get the information and results I needed. Over all good service and Dr. Halverson and his group have done several thousand RNY surgeries and the hospital has some special set-ups just for large pt's also.


Dr. Halverson is a wonderful surgeon and doctor. Hes funny, truthful and takes alot of the fear away. However, his receptionist (whom I don't know by name), is something to be desired, but I fixed her wagon by sending a letter of complaint to Dr. Halverson. The office was nice, and the remaining staff very caring. Especially the nurse named Roz. Out of scale of 1 - 10, I would rate Rokcy Mountain Surgical associated a 9 only because of that rude receptionist. Dr. Halverson, is a definate 10+

I was too kind with what I said about the office help. Hands down, they suck, and they suck bad. Dr. Halverson is still great but where they get their employees is beyond me.

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