R. Chad Halversen

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 73 ratings

R. Chad Halversen Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

33 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Max Age of Patient is 68

73 Reviews for R. Chad Halversen
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Very Personal and friendly, answered all questions.

Bubbly, professional and easy to work with.


He is honest when a question is asked.



With the attitude you must know its what you really want



My first impression of Dr. Halversen was "What a character!". Very friendly and up-beat.Love his sense of humour. Answered all my questions. Liked him more each time I saw him

Office staff are friendly and knowledgable

Dr. Halversen doesn't do Lap RNY. Feels open surgery is safer for the patient.
Aftercare is a must, and Dr. H. is very strict on what he expects from his patients; but understands weak moments. Rocky Mountain Assos. Physicians have a Bariatric support group in several areas along the Wasatch front.
You can call and talk to his staff anytime; you are assigned one of his nurses, who follows your aftercare. Most questions are relayed through her.
I think both bedside manner and surgical competence are both important, and nice to have. I wouldn't mind if the Dr. had a terrible bedside manner as long as he was a good Dr. Dr. Halverson has both qualities. However these views only reflect my personal experience with Dr. Halverson. I would choose him again if I needed to.


I haven't met Dr. Halversen yet. I will meet
him the day before surgery. Will post more after I meet him.


Dr. Halversen is awesome. My husband and I really enjoyed talking to him. We met him on 3/7/03 for my consult. His office staff is really nice and very happy going. When you walk into his office it is very heart and home warming.


Dr. Halverson is extreamly witty with a great knack of knowing how and when to make the situation light. He has sence day one been approachable, we have called him at all times of day and night and never has he been grumpy or unapproachable. His office staff is effeciant and are thre for you, when there is an actual medical need they will always put you on hold and go ask or call the dr. Dr Halverson is part of a group of Dr.'s that belong to the Barriatric support center, so the after care is handled by them. They offer several programs and support groups and classes across the state, however the do charge a 500.00 fee. Dr. Halverson and the group of dr.'s he works with require you go to a class before your initial consultation which goes over the risks and what you can expect in the surgery and the recovery of the surgery. I would rate Dr. Halverson, his staff, and all the other Dr.'s we have had the oppertunity to work with as extreamly compentent with varying degrees of bed side manner. Alll in all even though complications and several hospital visits we have benn extreamly pleased with our experinece. There was only one time he was too busy to answer my questions, but that was understandable cause my husband wasnt doing very well and he had to get him back into surgery asap. He did however come back after the emergency surgery and answered them.


1. I thought he was very helpful, friendly, and easy to talk to.
2. my 1st impression was right on, he had excellent manners.
3. He has a very friendly office staff, they dont beat around the bush, and give it straight up.
4. He really cares both pre/post op, he was such a good surgeon, i recommend him to anyone.
5. the afterprogram is excellent, i like getting the newsletters, and most of all seeing my hope rise each day.
6. If you are looking for everything in a surgeon you diffently found one, even my referring doctor said he was the best.


My first impression of Dr. Halversen is that he knows what he is doing. He also has a great sense of humor and good bedside manner. I am glad that I chose him to do my surgery. Surgery is in just 6 days and I can't wait!
As far as the office staff goes, the nurses really seem to have it down and know what they are doing. The front office staff, seem very busy and can be a bit harsh at times, especially on the telephone.

Dr. Halversen took the time to explain everything and answer any questions that I had, not only the positive things, but also the risks involved in having the surgery.

Overall I would rate Dr. Halversen very highly. I am glad that I chose him as my surgeon.


I love Dr. Halverson to death he is so awesome he has the best bedside manner. He came to check on me every day I was in the Hospital. I would highly recommend him to anybody having this surgery Done...


I was very impressed with his care and honesty. I felt that he cared about me as a person, not just a "patient" or money.

THe office staff is nice, and many have had the RNY. However, unless there is an urgent problem, it is difficult to get through to him or his nurse. They are VERY busy. On the plus side, they take the necessary time with each patient.

Aftercare is very structured, although this is difficult since I live about 300 miles from the office. The Bariatric support center needs to be more responsive to those of us living outside of Utah.

He was very open and honest about the risks. I did have a number of complications post operatively, including severe blood loss, and a stricture of the pouch outlet. His response to my complications was very professional and prompt. He spent from 0130-0330 with me after I started losing blood.

I felt he is an extremely good surgeon with both excellent bed side manner and surgical competance.


I know I am probably very partial but I had the best surgeon in world! I was very impressed with his genuineness and enthusiasm in helping others become their very best. This impression has not changed over the time I first had my consultation in June of 2002. The office staff has been very helpful and efficient; from the front receptionist to the nursing staff. The only thing I liked least about having to go the the dr's office was the lack of parking at the office. I found Dr. Halversen to be always available and was very quick to call me back the several times I needed to call after hours - he never seemed as though it was a problem and made me feel secure knowing that if I had been in real trouble with a complication, he would be there.

There is an excellent aftercare program which I would encourage all to participate in, consisting of support groups, activities, etc. The risks of surgery were well covered in the pre-surgical orientation (where those would go to find out more about the surgery) as well as the pre-surgery class (for those scheduled in the near future for gastric bypass)where we signed our papers, etc. Dr. Halversen also addressed any concerns I had regarding the surgery during my consultation with him. Overall, I couldn't have asked for a better surgeon. He made me feel comfortable, secure, and left me with an impression that yes, I could do this and that my life would just be beginning. I truly feel as though I have my life back and that I can do anything!

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