Jon Gould

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 34 ratings

Jon Gould Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

Jon Gould Bariatric Surgeon Picture

12 yr Experience

12 yr in Bariatrics

17 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is n/a

Amir Ghaferi Profile Pic
Amir Ghaferi
Amy Kulwicki Profile Pic
Amy Kulwicki
Kristen Braun Profile Pic
Kristen Braun
PA-C, Inpatient
Lynda Snyder Profile Pic
Lynda Snyder
LPN, Surgery Coordinator
Andrea Dietz Profile Pic
Andrea Dietz
Michelle Weber Profile Pic
Michelle Weber
Courtney Hanson Profile Pic
Courtney Hanson
Laura Meyers Profile Pic
Laura Meyers
RN Bariatric Nurse Coordinator
Shanies Herring Profile Pic
Shanies Herring
New Patient Coordinator
Keri Blaszczynski Profile Pic
Keri Blaszczynski
Program Manager
Samantha Hoeft Profile Pic
Samantha Hoeft
Post-operative Patient Coordinator
Suzie Nelson Profile Pic
Suzie Nelson
Post-operative Patient Coordinator
Michelle Morris Profile Pic
Michelle Morris
Post-operative Patient Coordinator

34 Reviews for Jon Gould
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Dr. Gould performed my sleeve gastrectomy on February 18th, 2013 in Milwaukee, WI, at Froedtert hospital. I met him for the first time on October 24th, 2012. I really liked him and sensed that he had a good bedside manner! I was right! Everything went well with my surgery! His staff is great! They are very helpful in every stage of the process! I'll be seeing him on March 6th for my two week post-op appointment and cannot wait!


U.W. Hospital is great. Staff are okay. Surgeons are very nice.


I met Jon in November 2008 for my initial surgical consult. He is extremely friendly and upfront. His knowledge and willingness to answer and explain anything regarding surgery was incredible. I would recommend him as a surgeon!rnrnThe staff at UW-Health will put you through the paces pre-surgery, and I'm glad that they did. I now feel 100% ready for surgery. Before all the work I did with the staff (and the work they did for me), I felt 100% ready (but didn’t know I wasn’t). They were able to see what I needed to work on and helped me get there (even if I didn't completely know it). I will admit there were times where I was frustrated and didn't understand (why is this taking so long... sigh). I understand what they were doing now. They were getting me ready to be another successful case!rnrnAnyone out there reading this going through the UW Bariatric Program talk openly and honestly with them. They will help to get you ready to be a success! Trust me!rn

1 person found this helpful


I will post my update after I get home. My RNY is on the 28th of January... I can't wait.

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Dr.Jon Gould is the absolute kindest medical professional that I have ever met. I was very nervous for my initial meeting with him, but he put me at ease immediatly, answered all of my questions, even the ones that I thought were stupid ones to ask, and is always availible to help me when I have a question or concern. I would highly recommend him to anyone considering surgery. But be warned, he is very honest and will not tell you things just because you want to hear them. He is very straight forward, but in a very friendly way...and beleive it or not he can actually tell a funny joke!

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I was very impressed with Dr. Gould at the informational meeting. He is part of a Center of Excellence at UW-Health. His partner, Dr. Garren, performs the surgeries with him. They have very solid 'pre' and 'post' op programs. The whole staff is knowledgable and helpful.rnI will be having my BAND surgery within the next 3 months and I will be well-prepared.


Dr Gould and Garren have been fabulous! Their skills and passion for helping morbidly obese patients is apparent in all they say and do. I was instantly welcomed into this warm family. I am so proud to say that they are the ones who gave me my life back. Their office staff is superior and I just can't say enough about my positive experience :)


Dr. Gould and his staff are amazing with getting everything organized in a timely manner. You meet with several people (nut, psych, NP) before you meet with him to make sure you're all set for surgery. If you have needs, they make sure they are taken care of. He and his staff explained everything to me from preop to after care to the risks possible with surgery and I was given numbers to call for ANY questions. I can't complain about any aspect of my care.


Drs Gould and Garren are great! First impression of them both was that they truly care about their patients. The program they have put together at UW Clinics in Madison is top-notch. They emphasize a multi-disciplinary format with on-staff nutritionist, exercise physiologist, psychologist and physicians assistant. Everyone I have visted at the Clinic has been caring and understanding and very knowledgeable. They have a support group that meets once a month that BOTH surgeons attend, along with most of the rest of the staff. Overall I would rate Drs. Gould and Garren a 10!


Dr. Gould was friendly, informative. I did not get the impressions that I was an awful person for being so obese. I felt he was competent to help me with my problem. They have a very nice staff that attends to your needs. I am at present in the aftercare program with visits at a set time 2 wks, 6 wks, 6 months, 1 yr. The whole bariatric groups consists of several disciplines of clinical staff and they meet once a week and know what is going on with all their patients.

Risks of surgery are gone over but not dwelled upon. The risks can be quite scarey. I had one of the dreaded complications and was dealt with in a competent manner with explanations. I just wish I had the knowledge to recognize the complication--an abcess--a little sooner.

I would do the surgery again with the same surgical team any time and would recommend them highly.

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