Jamshid Nazarian Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.
18 yr Experience
14 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 13
Max Age of Patient is 65
18 yr Experience
14 yr in Bariatrics
10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
95% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 13
Max Age of Patient is 65
My initial impression of Dr. Nazarian was actually true to form. He's extremely personable, understanding and takes his work seriously. I felt it was available and open to all questions. His aftercare instructions were extremely helpful and possibly one of the main reasons why my surgery and the results were so successful.
I was impressed with Dr Nazarian from the beginning. He was/is knowledgeable about the surgery and gave me lots of straight-forward information about the benefits and risks of what I was planning. His office staff, and the staff at Temple Community Hospital are excellent. They took care of me from the time I made the first phone call, and that support continues to this day. Rick Mark, Dr Nazarian's right-hand guy, is one of the nicest people I've ever met, and he is also a post-op patient. He brings his own experiences to the table when he speaks to patients. He made me feel so comfortable when I first talked to him.
Dr. Nazarian really emphasizes aftercare with all of us. He makes a monthly trip to northern CA to meet with those of us up here and check our progress. He combines that with support group meetings and new comer sessions, so we're all together and we post-ops can give the new comers the benefit of our experiences. Many people considering the surgery have told me how much they appreciated being able to hear it straight from the "horse's mouth"
Dr Nazarian was very clear about the risks of the surgery, and emphasized about not taking it lightly. He made sure we all understood that, even though he could help, the rest was up to us. He thoroughly explained the reasonings for taking care of ourselves, and how much hard work it would be. That was great ... no sugar-coating at all!
I have great respect and admiration for Dr. Nazarian. It is so obvious that he cares about his patients, and cares about the quality of life for us after surgery. I feel lucky to have found and chosen him. And I did A LOT of research before choosing a physician. He has wonderful bedside manner, and my only criticism of him is that he's always running late. But I know that's because he spends as much time with patients as they need him to, so I don't mind.
I know this all sounds so sappy sweet, but if you go into the situation armed with information, then it's easier to know what questions to ask and when to ask them. I was completely ignorant when I first started researching the surgery, and so when I first went to see Dr Nazarian he was impressed with the questions I asked him. He had no problem giving me the information I needed.
As I said before, I was lucky. I've heard horror stories from other patients, none of them Dr Nazarian's, and some of the things others have gone through I was fortunate to not have experienced.
I really don't have anything negative to say about my doctor or his staff. It was my first medical procedure and hospital stay ever, and they took excellent care of me and my Mom, who came along with me.
Dr. Nazarian was a very kind, caring and knowledgable man.
My impression of the Dr. hasn't changed.
His staff is very good. Although I had a few instances where the staff didn't have an appt. for me after I had made one. Also they seemed a bit unorganized when I went to the hospital for my pre-op tests. But overall my experience was very good.
He has a good support group that meets once a month and I think that's very important. He is there at the end of the meeting and greets all of us and asks us how we are doing. I also go back to him throughout the first couple of years as follow-up.
I would rate Dr. Nazarian, on a scale of 1 - 10, about an 9.
I think both competence and bedside manner are important. Dr. Nazarian is good at both.
I had my surgery in 1998. He was a good surgeon but he did not have a good follow up plan. It was very hard after my surgery. To this day I still don't know much about how my stomach is actually doing. There is no aftercare program except a written diet to follow no help. I was told that a nutritionist would guide me and help me. It was very hard to get my questions answered and there was no nutritionist once I left the hospital. But since then I am sure things have changed. I was one of his first patients. Now they have a support group and other forms of aftercare.
He was kind enough to let me speak with several people who had the surgery before me. I met about eight people and only one person had major problems.
After initially considering lapband surgery, but eventually being scared off by the relative lack of success and, moreover, the posted Detroit death incidence, I stumbled upon what turned out to be a LivLite seminar (Dr. Nazarian's program). At first a bit distant, Dr. Nazarian clearly demonstrated a proficiency, skill, patience and expertise to me that gave me enough confidence to entrust my intestines to him. Most importantly, I cannot say enough about his program manager, Rick Mark. A post-op himself, Rick is a humantarian, patient enough to handle even my most neurotic questions, exceptionally well-versed in his field and an absolute mensch (and even though not Jewish, he gets what that means!).
I am all of nine days post-op as I write this, so I will update my feelings about the post-op care as warranted.
09/27/2002-My first impression of Dr. Nazarian was a very positive one. He is very informative and his Program Manager Rick Marks is great. Dr. Nazarian pays very close attention to detail and if you do not know something or might not be sure, he will make sure and explain in depth what you need to know. Also Dr. Nazarian stress the importance of post op visit at least once a month. He has seminars every month in the bayarea, so he has scheduled my post op visits then instead of having me come back to LA. I felt Dr. Nazarian is a competent doctor and I would trust him to perform almost anytype of surgery again on me.
My doctor was the BEST. He explained things thoroughly so you can understand.
I gained even more respect and gratitude for him.
They were the most compassionate people they make you feel like a human being.
Everything was perfect with him.
He is the best at what he does he really cares about his patients and their safety and feelings.
Yes its called the liv lite program
Thoroughly explained everything to me and my family.
A perfect 10
both definately
Dr. Nazarian has a very quiet nature and is very patient. His quiet, easy demeanor put me at ease. No question was dumb. He wants you to ask as many questions as possible. He will even draw pictures if it helps you to understand the procedure better. I connected with him right away! Each time I saw him in the office, I felt more comfortable talking to him. I liked his office staff very much. The one thing I most disliked was how they scheduled appointments. Patients were stacked back-to-back. The wait sometimes was almost two hours to see him but if you bring a good book to read that helps. Also, you should take this opportunity to talk to other patients who've gone through the procedure. A lot of questions that could have caused me anxiety were diminished just from sitting in the doctor's office talking to people who were one or two years post-op and looked and felt great! I was really encouraged by these people.
I suggest you bring a list of questions each time you make a visit to see the doctor so you won't forget once you finally get in to see him. He really stressed aftercare and the importance of changing your eating habits, taking care of your incision, etc. He was very direct about the risk of surgery. He didn't hold anything back. He knew I was coming back to China shortly after having my surgery. He prepared my incision using sutures that dissolve. My incision really looks nice. I didn't have any problems with it whatsoever. I give Dr. Nazarian and "excellent" rating overall. His surgical competence and bedside manner were both great!