Hilario Juarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.875 out of 5 with 268 ratings

Hilario Juarez Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

5 yr in Bariatrics

2.5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

268 Reviews for Hilario Juarez
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My first impression of Dr. Juarez was that he was a very talented and caring man. He was very knowledgeable and personable at the informative seminar we are required to attend before having our initial consult. He is congenial and patient even after being asked the same questions repeatedly. When I went in for my initial consult, I first met with Emile, his P.A. He also is very knowledgeable and caring. He patiently answered all of mine and my husbands questions, and after realizing we still had some concerns, he had Dr. Juarez come into the room and talk with us. Dr. Juarez did not try to rush us, just sat and patiently listened and answered all of our questions. He didn't make me feel like a "number" at all. His office staff, although very nice when you speak with them, are very busy and have a tendency to "drop the ball" from time to time. My best advice is to keep on them if you are waiting for something. They don't seem to get upset by repeated phone calls and inquiries, although I get frustrated having to repeatedly call them for something.
As an added little extra: I happen to work in another hospital in town where Dr. Juarez is an on-call abdominal surgeon. He does not do gastric bypasses at our hospital, but other procedures such as appendectomies. He is liked and respected here by our staff. I had never met him before my consult, but I ran into him while I was at work the week after and he knew who I was. I don't think he actually knew my name, but he did know me by sight and realized that I was a patient of his. I was rather impressed by that. Overall I would rate him as a 10, for both his reputed skills as a surgeon and as a human being.


I think that Dr. Juarez is honest and to the point. My impression has not changed. His office staff was extremely nice especially Jennifer. She is a God sent. Amil is Dr. Juarez's assitant and he is also very nice and knowledgeable. Dr. Juarez believes in aftercare and that this surgery is only a tool for you to use. He was very open and honest about the risks of surgery--he addressed even ones that I wasn't aware of. On a scale of 1-10 I would rate Dr. Juarez as an 11.


He was quick. But that is because so many people Come to him for this procedure. The office staff is nice. I only paid attention to them when it was turn to get evaluated. I have been up there several times with my husband who had the surgery. I can't say there is anything I don't like, yet.


My first impression of Dr. Juarez was he was extremely knowledgable, this was at his seminar. I knew a lot about the surgery before I went because my mom had just had it with Dr. Zahn and I did a lot of research for her. Now it is my turn. Dr. Juarez was very quick in the consult, he was stuck in suregery so he was running about 1 1/2 hours behind. It really did not bother me because he answered the few questions I had. Now I can't wait to see him when I get a surgery date. He did ask me how much I knew about all this and if I had any further questions but I didn't. I have done my research on him and I believe I can trust him with this surgery.


Hi all

My name is Mike and I am 8 weeks post-op with Dr. Juarez. Since I did have some complications, I am not sure how I feel about Dr. Juarez. I feel like I have gotten more help from his assistant Emil. Emil is more thorough and takes the time to explain any concerns you have. I live in Mesa around Fiesta Mall and I usually go to the Bally's on Longmore. Basically I am looking for a workout buddy (M or F) that is interested in going to the same Bally's in the evenings and focus mostly on Weight Training. Now that the weight is coming off, I am looking to sculpt and tighten my body/skin. My exercise program has been consisting of 30 minutes of walking to start and the work on 2 body-parts a day. I only started 2 weeks ago, but have not been consistent because it is boring to go by yourself. Hopefully I can find someone that has more or less the same goals as I do, where we can both motivate each other. If interested, email me at [email protected]


Well I really can't say much about Dr. Juarez because I only saw him 5 min.before going into surg.
except that the lord has blessed him with very beautiful and gifted hands (Thank God).
Now Emil his asst. on the other hand is just absoulutly wonderful he made me feel as if I had Known him forever and he was so kind he
was the one who handeld my case from day 1. In referance to his office staff they are so busy that sometimes they over look alot of things AS I SAID VRY BUSY
I had a real hard time with the office staff untill I spoke to Jennifer which got on the ball and called me back with date and time of surg. for the fallowing week.


My surgeon is Dr. Hilario Juarez. My first impression of him was a very positive one. He is very approachable and friendly. I could tell that he was very knowledgeable. His whole office is very helpful and caring. I haven't found anything about Dr. Juarez and his staff that I don't like. I would recommend them to anyone, especially a friend.


I liked Dr. Juarez very much. He did a great job!


Dr. Juarez was right on time. He was personable, freindly, and informative. I learned quite a bit at the seminar. I wasn't expecting to, I have done so much research on this subject. the least thing I like was how slow he talked, but really that was more me being sleepy than him being irritating. <G>. He was quite frank about problems, things that could develop post/op, and mortality rates. He does the lapriscopy but unfortunately I am too short, and weigh sixty pounds too much. sigh. He was quite clear that it would not be a picnic to get an incision that long.

he lets you know that aftercare is important, he also has a good staff set up for questions you might have so you are not left hanging between office visits.

OCT 9 01

went to my surgeons appointment last week. I was very nervous and was amazed at all the people in the office who had just had surgery. they were all VERY nice to me and supportive. I saw the med assist instead of juarez which is what I was led to expect. NONE of my records have been sent yet to him..which peeves me. they were right about hand walking it all...HEED this advice!
then when I saw the med assist he asked if I had any questions...I said no, I had done a lot of reading. he said I have a lot of stomach hanging down..<I do> and asked if I wanted it cut off when they did the surgery! ?!?!?! I was totally astounded. I had no idea such a thing could be done! that would be at least fifty pounds of fat removed for me. I was so stunned I asked NO questions about morbidity rates etc... complications for this procedure. he said they would try to push it through my insurance. it would help with the incision I am sure... since the weight would not be pulling on the incision. on the other hand there would be an incision all the way across my pelvis as well. hmnnn. I am going to have to call and ask some pointed questions.... I am interested indeed... it would change my clothing size immediately.... but I want to live through this so we shall see. I will update after some qustions get answered. and after my psych eval as well.



At first i felt "He's very busy, won't spend any time on small, and he's a little bored by the huge amounts of people at his consult, all of them pleading for the same thing."
My impression hasn't absolutely changed; i think he cares about his own expertise, he made it clear to me post-op that "he was the only surgeon doing it lap with such tiny stitches", which I already knew. I guess I don't mind being a number to him, because the truth is he takes a lot of pride in his work, so every number is going to be very well taken care of; however, since i've only seen him 6 times and only 1 of those was before my date, i know he's never going to now mine or most other patient's first names. Then again, I wanted him to rebuild my stomach, not to become pals with him.
I think his staff tried really really hard; they've been changed around recently, and the office is virtually swamped by patients in spite that there must be at least a 10 person staff. They're very nice, and they will fight your insurance battle for you as harshly as you would want them to, but they've seldom returned my phone calls.
The least thing I like about Dr. J is how quickly he wants to get through any overviews of the surgery, pre and post op. I know he must say the same things over and over again, but then maybe he should train his staff better. Future patients should know you've got to do your own homework, especially if you have Cigna because then you'll get absolutely no nutritional support. I guess he emphasizes aftercare a lot, he says all the "its just a tool" thing a lot; however i haven't had my first post-op appt. yet. I don't know if he has a structured after care program, and he didn't really elaborate on the risks of surgery, but i guess he knew i had done a lot of research. Overall i would rate Dr. J a 9, and that's only because of his speed at bedside manner; as a surgeon i give him a 20 over 10, my incisions are truly minuscule and i'm already healing wonderfully at less than a week post-op. I think i have a pulled muscle from the surgery, and it hurts a lot, but other than that i feel absolutely fantastic, i'm already off the pain medication and i honestly consider myself fortunate to have walked away from abdominal surgery (which is always dangerous) with such a small complaint. His surgical competence far outweighs his bedside manner, but he is the best there is in the Grand Canyon State, hands down.

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