Gregg Jossart

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 98 ratings

Gregg Jossart Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

18 yr Experience

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

98 Reviews for Gregg Jossart
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Dr. Jossart and Dr. Feng are the consummate professionals, very caring, responsive and highly skilled. I feel confident that I'll be in the best hands possible. Office staff is always friendly even when rushed. Ginger and Michelle are very responsive, despite being swamped with patients. You never feel like you're in a cattle call. No matter how busy, you don't feel like they're just trying hard to get you in and out.


Very caring man. Focuses on you while you are his patient. Very accessable by phone or e-mail.

Has completely changed his office staff. All excellent professional and knowledgeable people.
Some people have said they found him to be a little gruff. Not with me or my husband. I feel very comfortable with him and can talk to him about anything.
His aftercare is top notch. If you are having any problems or questions, he's always available by phone or e-mail.
Tells you anything and everything about risks and statistics.

The BEST!!

His knowledge and skill are great. I had some problems after surgery and he was on top of everything. Sometimes his visits weren't long enough. While on the pain meds, I would think of questions for him and then I couldn't get them out before he was gone again. My own personal opinion is he needs to stay and talk to his patients a little longer after surgery. Especially if the patient doesn't have a family member or friend there to get the answers to the questions.


Loved him. I was in the first group when he opened his own practice in SF when things were disorganized and still had a smooth ride with no issues. From consult to surgery was 42 days. WOW!!!


My first impression of Dr. Jossart was that he was very interested in how much his patience already knew and how much he wanted them to learn about this new opportunity. My impression of him overtime has only gotten better. I think he and Dr. Cirangle are busy at times but so caring and always there to immediatly assist in any way. For future patience, just know that as scary as this journey can be you are in good hands. As for aftercare, this is a lifetime change. You have the opportunity to follow the rules and get the best results and I strongly suggest that when the going gets tough and things seems gloomy, just hang in there. We all miss somethings we could have before but we all feel/look a billion times better. Overall, I would rate Dr. Jossart and Dr. Cirangle an 11. The extra point is because they are always willing to go above and beyond as doctors.


I would highly recommend Dr. Jossart and his partner, Dr. Cirangle. I met with Dr. Jossart for my consultation. He answered all my questions and was very nice and professional. Both he and Dr. Cirangle were in the operating room for my surgery and both followed up with me in the hospital. I felt very much at ease with his surgical skills based on his background and he proved me right when I saw the tiny scars on my stomach post-op. (he performed lap DS on me)

He always seems in a hurry, but he's also always been responsive, so no complaints here. For surgical competence, he gets an A+. And after seeing him at the post-op support groups, I've even seen the less-hurried side of him and been impressed there as well.


I met with Dr. Jossart the day before my surgery because he is in San Francisco and I live in Mesa, Arizona. Before my surgery, I spoke with him on the phone several times and also corresponded with him via email. I am very impressed with him and his staff. Someone is always available to talk to you when you call and give you an immediate answer, in most cases. Dr. Jossart usually responds to emails, etc., within a 24 hour period. I also was able to call him in the evenings and on weekends about concerns I had post-op, after I returned to AZ. This open line of communication is vital for someone like me that lives out of state and has to travel for the surgery. I have heard nothing but positive reports about Dr. Jossart in terms of his caring for his patients and his surgical expertise. He is the head of the lap dept. at his hospital and had performed over 350 lap ds procedures with no deaths by the time I had surgery (Jan. 2002). I think that alone speaks for itself. He said my procedure would be 3 hours. It ended up being only 2 hours.

During our initial meeting, he was very nice and explained to me the potential complications of the surgery. He also explained to me the differences between the RNY and the DS, and why the DS was so significantly better than the RNY. Now, I know there are a lot of RNYers out there that may be offended by this. If so, I'm sorry. But here is a surgeon, top in his field, that primarily performs these two types of WL surgeries. He does both, but feels the DS has many less complications, both in the short and long terms. Plus, it offers a more normal life of how and what you eat. There are many false rumors floating around about the DS, especially around this website. They made me shy away from it at first. But after numerous hours of research, I decided that the DS was right for me. And here is a surgeon with many years of experience in this field, telling me that the DS is the way to go, even though he does do both. He also discussed the numerous complications the RNY patients face, many of which were further down the road. So those of you who are considering the RNY, please keep an opened mind and research the DS, like at This surgeon's website is Also check out the Yahoo chat rooms for DSJossart where you can get direct feedback from his patients.


Dr Jossart, for all you women out there, is to start with, a very attractive younger man. He was warm, pleasant and actually teased me about forgetting to bring a printout of the questionnaire I printed off his web page. He answers any and all questions put to him. I liked him because he was not condescending and he didn't talk to me like he was doing me a gigantic favor which I should be eternally gratefull for. I felt he respected me and treated me as an equal. His web page was so very informative and he gave you several other areas to look to for more information so that when you came to him you would be well informed and would not just have to assume that whatever he said was law. His office is extremely small, only big enough for two actual patients to be in the waiting/office area, so don't bring your whole family for a consultation....there deffinately isn't enough room for them. His assistant Erika Avila is wonderful and very helpful. I have read the profiles of other patient's he has done surgery on and have come away with the same impressions that they have stated. His practice is relatively new in that building and with time I know he will be expanding his practice. He's nice, efficient and so far his bedside manner is great. I am sure that he will continue to be great during my aftercare. I live six hours from the his office/hospital, so making routine visits to his office will be impossible, so he will be keeping track of me on a regular basis through my Internist here in Eureka, CA. If I run into trouble, I can always call him day or night or email him for information. We have biweekly support meetings at St Joseph's hospital so I feel like all the bases are covered. The only thing I want to know is how does everyone cope with the hunger pangs????? I would really appreciate some suggestions.


I had my initial consult w/Dr. Jossart on 7/11/02. It took me a while to "warm up" to Dr. Jossart. Although I arrived at his office at 12:40pm for my 1pm appointment, it was well after 2:15pm by the time I finally got in to see Dr. Jossart. His office staff of three seems to be a bit unorganized and scattered, although I'm sure that's because the huge demand for WLS (particularly DS) far exceeds the available supply. (However, the office is very good about responding to e-mail messages.) Dr. Jossart didn't apologize for keeping me waiting, and didn't shake my hand when he introduced himself. In his office, he seemed at first distant, distracted and tired. (He even stifled a yawn or two.) During my consult, he answered his cell phone and took two brief phone calls from two post-op patients. However, by the time I finished my 1-hour consultation w/Dr. Jossart, I was convinced I had made the right choice in selecting Dr. Jossart as my surgeon. Dr. Jossart was frank, to the point, and most importantly, answered every question on my two-page list without making me feel terribly rushed. He didn't "talk down to me," and seemed to respect what I had to say.

Yes, he's definitely not the warmest person I've ever met. But it's obvious that he really knows his stuff, and cares about the welfare of his post-op patients. (I intentionally state post-op, b/c I don't think the pre-ops get treated nearly as well.)

However, it should be noted that he answers ALL his e-mail messages, usually within less than 24 hours of receipt, for both pre-ops and post-ops. In fact, Dr. Jossart and I exchanged e-mail messages several times before we even met for my initial consult.
8/31/02 - I had my 3 week post-op appointment this week and wanted to tell you how thrilled I am with both my surgeons. They've been absolutely wonderful! I've e-mailed them numerous times since my surgery date with various questions/concerns, and have always received prompt replies through either e-mail or by phone. It should be noted that both surgeons participate in regular on-line chats with members of their Yahoo support group, and both surgeons attend the monthly support meetings for pre-ops and post-ops. Finally, Dr. Jossart appears to be taking a more proactive role in monitoring his office staff, and has asked us to let him know if we encounter any problems. I'm so glad I chose Drs. Jossart and Cirangle to do my surgery!!!


Dr. J is great! You get that he really wants to improve things for you. He is straight up with the good and the bad. Does not try to pressure you into anything. He is very responsive if you call his office or e-mail him. I just think in addition to being a great surgeon he is a great person. He has a monthly meeting for pre-op and post-ops and is available to answer question and concerns.


Dr. Jossart is great. He is a caring, talented
surgeon. He is the Head of Minimally Invasive
Surgery at California Pacific. He goes well
out of his way to make sure your surgery is
not only safe but as pain free as possible. I was
able to walk with very little pain the same
night as my surgery! I rate him and his partner
very highly.

Only downside I can see so far is that his
practice is a little new. The office staff
change alot and are still clearly learning.

But the surgical care is superior.

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