Gregg Jossart

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 98 ratings

Gregg Jossart Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

18 yr Experience

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

98 Reviews for Gregg Jossart
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Met Dr.Jossart on June 6, 02. Very professional, educated and polite. I feel very comfortable with him.Dr.Jossart has limited his practice to Advance Laparoscopic
surgery,Needlescopic, Endocrine and of course Morbid Obesity. He is the Director of
Minimally Invasive Surgery at Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco.

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Dr Jossart is a caring doctor. He answers his own emails and has tried to help me with Pacific(we don't)Care. I know several people who have had surgery with Dr. Jossart and there have been no complaints at all. He does do the Duodenal Switch as well as the RNY.

Dr J has monthly meetings with pre and post-ops.

Staff is very professional and friendly.

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When I first met Dr. Josart, I felt very at ease. After surgery, I found that his visits were brief so I had to be ready with my questions. Dr. Josart's office staff was lacking. The day before my surgery they finally faxed my report to my insurance company. I knew the office was lax so I stayed on top of my insurance co. to follow up. I took nothing for granted. I was the one who called the insurance co. to make sure everything was done. If I hadn't done this, my surgery may not have happened. I would recommend Dr. Josart. His office staff is new, he has just set up his own office so just be on top of your case! Dr. Josart doesnt have a real structured aftercare program. He feels that you try new foods and see what you can tolerate within limits. He says no sugar, beef or high fiber foods. I had two surgeries done at the same time. I had a colostomy take down and this surgery. I would highly recommend Dr. Josart as a surgeon, just stay on top of the office staff!

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A very kind and professional man. Listened to questions easily and explained answers clearly. Continues to be approachable and supportive.
His office staff is a bit flakey, but with follow-up phone calls, they will get you what you need.
His aftercare program is very loosely structured. He gives a detailed list of general diet and nutrition needs post surgery, then leaves it up to you to progress as your body dictates. He is quick to answer any questions via email and encourages phone calls if anything goes funky.
He is a specialist in Lap surgeries, and does both the RNY and the DS.
Overall...a skilled surgeon and a kind and preofessional doctor.


My first encounter with Dr. Jossart was by E~Mail. I tried to switch to his practice from Dr. Rabkin's office which was a nightmare for me. Dr. Jossart first tried to facilitate repairing the problems cause by Dr. Rabkin's staff, and would not take my case without first trying to get me in touch with Dr. Rabkin.

Long and short of it, nothing at the other practice was cleaned up, and I finally transitioned to Dr. Jossart's office. Our first meeting lasted an hour. He explained the surgery in detail, made sure that I had done substantial investigation on my own, covered all risks and benefits thoroughly, and within 24 hours had personally typed up my Letter of Medical Necessity! When I was refused two days later, he called the director of my insurance personally, made two other phone calls to two other Doctors who would be instrumental in over turning my denial, and got me final approval.

Three weeks later, after all my pretesting was completed, I was in surgery and had a very successful outcome after some difficult complications.

Doctor met with me 3 times a day in the hospital, was always accessible, and when I went home, could get in touch with him within hours whenever I had an issue or problem. Although I feel that surgical ability is a critical requirement, and even though I had complications that could have caused me to not end up with the Duodenal Switch, I also feel that the doctor's willingness and ability to stay in contact with his patients, answer MY questions personally, respond to my fears, pain, issues, promptly and with compassion, actually were as responsible for saving my life as were his gifted surgical talents.

He is the director of laproscopic surgery for CPMC. Obviously, extremely talented, but in addition to this, he actually has a bedside manner, treats his patients one on one, does not run a surgery mill, and will not take more patients on than he can handle.

I feel confident that even as his personal practice grows, he is committed to continuing his practice of medicine, and not turn into one of those obesity surgery mills that I had been exposed to prior to finding him.

Due to some complications I had in surgery, Dr. Jossart met with me personally, monthly, for the first 4 months, and was in contact with me more often by phone and email. Because his practice is new, he just started a structured patient support program in January, exactly 2 months after my surgery. (I was Doctors second patient for the DS since he started his own practice, and probably his 300th patient overall).

He was responsible for compiling the statistical data that Dr. Rabkin presented regarding the past 2 years of his practice, and Dr. Jossart is committed to compiling this data within his own patient base. He is adamant about patient compliance and follows up on all of us. He created personalized computerized work sheets for each of us tracking our weight loss, BMI, issues, complications, and resolutions.

Overall, I could not have chosen a better or more caring surgeon and recommend him highly.
I have been working extensively with doctor on a patient handbook, which he has almost completed, in order to give patients reference material post op. It is difficult to remember everything, and doctor feels that a patient binder is an important component for success as well as compliance. Because his practice is so new, all the pretty bells and whistles that other practices have, are not completed yet, but, along with that, he also is not so removed from his patients because he has more patients than he can handle, and does not fob his patients off on his staff. He is definitely the one in charge of our health and takes a very active role in our recovery and long term compliance.


First impression - young and knowledgeable, he was very helpful in answering my questions. Office staff - seemed very nice a couple of them are newer, but they seemed to be helpful. No negatives about the doctor or staff at this time, I have only had one vist with them and I am fairly new in the process. Future patients - should research as much as possible before their meeting and bring all of their unanswered questions.


have not yet met him in person, but his office staff has been friendly and helpful both on the phone and email...the DR has personally answered my emails in a very pleasant way making me comfortable to contact him....he has also answered them the same day they were sent....he is more than willing to work with my pcp and myself to get as much done as possible before my going into California from out of state...


This guy walks on water!

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