Gregg Jossart

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 98 ratings

Gregg Jossart Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

18 yr Experience

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

98 Reviews for Gregg Jossart
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I did my research and knew that Dr. Jossart along with his partner had the most experience in the US doing the surgery of my choice which was the VSG. Their patients also had better than average results. They are located in San Francisco and I live in Philadelphia but I decided I wanted the best even if I had to go across the country to get it. When I spoke with Dr. Jossart he was patient and answered all my questions and the pre and post operative information packets they provide have detailed information. LapSF also has a Yahoo group which was extremely helpful as it put me directly in touch with his patients, you can find the info for this on their own website I felt completely informed of all the risks and benefits of the various surgical options and what to expect before and after the surgery. When I met Dr. Jossart in person I really liked him, he has a very approachable bedside manner and I felt safe in his hands. The busy office staff LapSF were always very helpful and responded in a timely manner. Dr. Jossart and LapSF offer a complete aftercare program for local patients and make time on the phone for remote patients like myself. My surgery went extremely well and I have had no problems, none, zip. I've just healed really well I honestly don't have anything negative to say or complain about. If you would like to contact me with specific questions feel free to send me a personal message via. I highly recommend Dr. Jossart.


Had my first consultation about WLS options. I found Dr Jossart to be compassionate and a good sense of humor. He put me at ease. Staff was friendly and laid back. I felt comfortable there. rnUpdate 8/10/08. I love this Doctor. He is a very skilled surgeon which I think is the reason I healed so quickly and Have had very little post op problems. I am 3 months out now and feeling great. I am just about halfway to my weight loss goal. I would have never been able to get this far without Dr Jossart and his wonderful staff. They are all great!

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WOW! I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE.... He is great. Today I met him in person and he made me feel very comfortable and thrilled I choose him for my surgeon and also the procedure I choose. Dr Jossart answered all of my questions and said he would be available to ask further questions if the need arose. I would rate him a 10 in my book!

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Great all the way around. I have heard he was one of the best, and he proved it. Thanks Jossart.


Our first meeting went well. I'd done all my paperwork so we were able to sit and talk about the different procedures that would be good for me, where it would be performed and what it would cost me after insurance paid. It tool several days for his office to call me back, but once they did they were very friendly, informative and got me an appointment in 2 days! I freaked, I thought I'd have another few weeks to cogitate on it. rnrnThere wasn't anything I didn't like about Dr. Jossart. I'm very pragmatic and he gave me the information I needed to take things to the next step of my journey.rnrnHe told me they are very concerned about aftercare and the support groups. I already had plans to attend the May 17 one and he liked that. They have a plan of when to see you after surgery the first year and have a dietitian and psychologist available anytime.rnrnHe was very clear about the risks and the benefits. I had checked his stats and knew they have one of the best after surgery results and fewest problems. They're very strict about what you can eat when which helps deter complications. I intend to follow them.rnrnI would rate Dr Jossart a 10 out of 10.rnrnSurgical competence rates #1 for me, then bedside manner. The reality is what he does in surgery I'll have to live with for the rest of my life. rn


First impression was that he was very caring and willing to answer any questions I had. Since I was a lightweight, we discussed several options however, I was adamant about wanting the DS. He was an awesome surgeon and I had a great recovery and follow-up experience. I would definitely recommend this surgeon to others.


I first met Dr. Jossart at one of his support group meetings. He was so mellow and unassuming I thought he was \"from the doctor's office\" I was surprised he was the surgeon! He made no sales pitches, only gave clear, balanced, factual information to the prospects who came prior to the support group. What impressed me most about him was that every single month he meets his patients in an open, public setting and remembers everyone by name, and their stories (there were maybe 50 - 60 people in the room), he welcomed patients of other surgeons. I felt that if this man had any skeletons in his closet he couldn't possibly be so public and unassuming!rnrnI was also impressed that so many people present were either husband/wife teams or mother/daughter teams - I thought \"if you liked this man's work well enough to have the person you love most go through the same thing, he must be good!\"rnrnMy impression has not changed. Once, the day before surgery, I had a panic about test results and he returned my call immediately, even though it was evening. Post surgery I developed a black tongue which he researched and forwarded articles to me explaining the phenomenon, and he called me. Great follow up.rnrnHis staff are great and clearly love working for him. One of his staff flew her (I think it was niece) out from Florida to have Dr. Jossart perform the surgery. The OR nurse and the anesthesiologist were both enthusiastic about working with him, they have worked with him on many of his ops and they were clearly a good team. As I went \"under\" I felt completely at ease and in good hands.rnrnHe gave me a thorough and detailed pre-surgery packet and diet, I knew exactly what to expect, exactly what to eat and drink. He keeps all his printed materials updated and rewrites as often as necessary. He told me what was \"new\" this printing and what changes were pending in the next re-write.rnrnThe one month his support group meeting fell on opening day of little league, he met both obligations by greeting his group and bringing in a plastic surgeon to talk to us while he went to little league. I really like that he has family and professional life well-balanced.rnrnI had no complications and could not rate him more highly than a perfect score on both competence and manner.rnrnMy surgical fee includes 2 years of follow-up, and I feel like I have a partner who is interested in my success. I was not \"just another patient\".


First impression was he is approachable, professional, knowledgeable, caring but not cushy. So far, those impressions have not changed.rnrnOffice staff all seem very nice both from my perspective and my husband's. rnrn


I truly liked my surgeon and would recommend him to my friends and family. My husband also had surgery by Dr. Jossart. A month earlier than mine and he likes him also. He has a great personality. He scheduled surgery on a special day just for me. I am a teacher and he fit my surgery into my schedule, and I was his only surgery on my surgery date. His office staff is very helpful and friendly. They are always ready to help and answer questions. I would rate Dr. Jossart an A+ surgeon.


Initial contact via e-mail was positive and professionalrnMy impression has not changed other than being more positivernStaff asssistance via e-mail and phone was excellent, in person meetings with staff found them friendly and helpfulrnI have no negative feelings at this timernExcellent surgeon, good making sure patient understands options, friendly and thorough, obviously very skilled at the surgery itselfrnJust beginning aftercare, but looks thorough and structuredrnThoroughly addressed the respective risks of all alternative surgeriesrnRate him on a scale of 1-10 as a 10rnBoth are great.

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