Daniel Gagne

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 60 ratings

Daniel Gagne Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

15 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 75

Kelly Conti Profile Pic
Kelly Conti
Bariatric Coordinator

60 Reviews for Daniel Gagne
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He did my husbands surgery on April 6, 2004. My hubby was 387 then, now he is 220. He looks amazing. Dr. Gagne's bedside manner is impeckable. He really makes sure you understand everything and makes you feel so comfortable that you can tell him anything. He has a great respect in our community. His office staff is incredible. I really feel confident that he is the right surgeon for me. I would have never have considered this surgery if it was not for my husband needing to have it done and Dr. Gagne being the surgeon. I cannot wait to have this surgery done and look forward to the next 34 years of my life feeling good about myself.


I liked him from the very start - he was very willing to talk with me about anything and everything concerning the surgery

it did not change at all

They are very nice - always willing to help- and available to answer questions

there was nothing that I did not like
feel free to ask as many questions as you need the answer for

he greatly emphasized after care - which I am glad - I do not feel like I had the surgery and then I was forgotten

point blank - told me everything that could happen including death

My experiences were and continue to be good



He was very professional. The office staff were extremely friendly and helpful. He does not rush into surgery. I spentprobably six months seeing him before surgery. I met with his dietician and psychologist. He became angry with me at one visit because I had not lost any weight pre-op. Initially I was upset but it did make me lose weight. His surgical competence was more important than his bedside manner anyway.


I met with Dr Gagne on Friday Sept 26. He was very nice. He explained the surgery in great detail. The good along with the bad. He answered all my questions. We set a teanative surgery date of January 5 2004.
His office staff was great. It was the first time I felt comfortable going to the doctor. Every one was very caring and helpful. They all emphasized the importance of after care. THE taking of vitiamins for the rest of my life. I would rate the team as an 8.I believe surgiacal competence and bedside manner are both important.I will have more imput as my journey continues.


Well my surgery is done and I have nothing but good things to say about Dr Gagne' and his team.They were there to answer any questions and to totally support the decision I have made. Thing went very well. Any doubts I had about having the surgery have completely vanished. He had a great sense of humor both before and after surgery.


My first impression of Dr Daniel Gagne was that he was very friendly, yet professional. He was honest about the surgery, and did not mince any words. He let me know the risks and complications that could happen. He also let me know history with doing this surgery, including patients that have passed away due to complications (which were 2 out of 300 surgeries, and those 2 where very high risk before surgery). I felt very comfortable with this doctor.

My impression of Dr Gagne and his physician assistant Julie have only improved with each appointment. They both have answered any questions that I have had. I feel very comfortable knowing that this group will be handling my surgery.

There is nothing I have liked least about this group.

I can not say enough great things about Dr Gagne and his staff. I have been to alot of doctors (due to my many illnesses) and there are not too many doctors/staff that I have felt as comfortable with as with this group.

My husband had his gastric bypass done by Dr Gagne on 9/9/03. My mother in law was there waiting with me while my husband was being operated on, and was very impressed with Dr Gagne. She made the comment "I am impressed with the number of times I have seen the doctor today! Normally you never see the surgeon." Let me explain...Dr Gagne came out before the surgery to speak with my husband and me, then about 30 minutes into the surgery, someone from his staff called the waiting room to let me know that they just started and everything was going fine, then Dr Gagne came out after the surgery to let me know that my husband was done and in recovery and that everything went great (total time for surgery 2 1/2 hours). So me and my mother in law went up to the floor that he would go to after the recovery room. When they brought him up to his room, the nurses were still getting him situated and guess who was there? That's right, Dr Gagne. He was making sure my husband was OK. Then he showed up later that night. And twice the next day, and again the morning my husband was discharged. Dr Gagne physician assistant Julie, was also there as much as the doctor was, but she stayed much longer in the room talking to us to make sure my husband was ok and to make sure he didn't need anything.

Like I said before, I am so impressed with this doctor and his staff. Me and my husband are so fortunate to have found them.
I would highly recommend this surgeon and his staff to anyone ready to take that next step of finding a gastric bypass surgeon.


DR.PAPASAVAS,hes the new associate of Dr.Gagne and relatively new.(in my opinion) I've only met him so far at the support group for patients going to have the surgery.I was impressed though a little wary because hes so "new" hes only been operating so far on his own since January.Although he seems knowledgable and has been with the hospital for over 4years and has handled many surgeries with Dr.Gagne.I still have the utmost respect for him and hes very easy to talk with,he answers ALL questions without making you feel like your bothering him.The whole staff ive met to date have been very helpful.they require you to try to lose weight prior to surgery to show your commitement to this lifestyle change which i was impressed with.thier aftercare is emphasized VERY,VERY much as are the risks of surgery.They tell you before you even ask all the risks and benefits,also thier own personal stats and if any deaths they go over what happened.they offer a "surgery buddy" program,where they couple you with someone thats had the surgery.I went in there terrified and unsure.im still a little unsure,but im more excited and reassured now more than anythingI think so far im going to give them a 7 on a scale of 1-10.we have to many more areas to go through and i want to be able to have room to go up :)


3/21 met with Dr Gagne and his PC Julie, I was in fast and I had all of my questions answered. They return calls and emails quickly. Can't wait for my surgery date 5/1!!


he is very caring and sensitive with his bedside manner.


I have been very lucky and will have a 6 mos plus days check up at the end of January. I have had no complications and so haven't had to call his office very often. Most calls ther are because of insurance screw ups between West Penn and his office. And they are still on going. Dr. Gagne is very friendly and considerate and took time to answer lots of questions when I needed that. He has an excellent Physician's Assistant who has given me the most common sense help. Thanks so much to Julie Maurer!
Because of the distance that I live from Pittsburgh, I have not been able to be involved in the support group, and I really wish that I could participate with one in person.


They say you only have one chance to make a good first impression, Dr. Gagne pasted with flying colors! I have only had my initial visit with him but have attended his group meetings and between himself and his staff, they are very helpful and sincere.
I would recommend him to others based on bedside manners alone.
As far as after care, although I have yet to experience it, he stresses the importance of it and does have a structured program.
As I continue towards my surgery and have more involvement with Dr. Gagne, I will update my thoughts of him.
He came very highly recommended to me by several of his other patients.

I have had my surgery and am almost 1 week post-op. Dr. Gagne is a wonderful person as well as an extremely good surgeon. He is a very passionate man. My husband has meet with him both times I have seen him in his office and was pleased with the type of doctor he is and the day of the surgery my son, mother and sister had the pleasure of meeting him and too were pleased with him. He took the time to meet with my family after the surgery and explain to them how things went and answered any of there questions. I am sure he will be just as involved with my after care. I am most pleased with our choice for him as my surgeon. Also his office staff and P.A., Julie are also terrific!

There were a few times from my release and before my first post-op that I had questions and I either called or e-mailed the office and got a very quick response. I still am very pleased with him as a doctor.

At over 8 months post op, I find nothing negative to say about Dr. Gagne or his staff.
My experience with all of them has been only postitive. So much so that 3 of my co-workers are have him perform their surgery! Everyone I have talked to truly like this man. He is very confident about his abilities and is a perfectionist, to me all the makings of a good surgeon. I give him a +10!!!!

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