Daniel Gagne

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 60 ratings

Daniel Gagne Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

15 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 75

Kelly Conti Profile Pic
Kelly Conti
Bariatric Coordinator

60 Reviews for Daniel Gagne
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Originally I started the program with Dr. Papassavas. He was very nice, but there was something missing. After he left the practice I was assigned to Dr. Gagne. From the moment I met him I new that God had done the switch for a reason. I felt totally at peace with him and his whole attitude about the surgery. He was very motivating and encouraging. He supported me through my rough times and got me through the surgery with ease. The support staff was very helpful and loving and that was a plus as well because as someone who has been obese their whole life you need to be surrounded by those who are understanding and not judgemental.


I thought that my doctor was very knowledgeable of the surgery. The office staff is very friendly and I have actually referred a few other people to see him. Dr. Gagne stresses after surgery to drink about 8 cups of fluid and to stay on a liquid diet for two weeks and then progress to soft foods.


I would reccommend him to everyone, and have!! He has done over a thousand bypass surgeries . He is a very knowledgeable surgeon The office has pre and post op support groups and contact with plastic surgeons. I think that I would rate him a 9 out of 10 only for the fact that he made sure I knew several times that he did over a thousand (1,051 at the time) surgeries and has had a small number of patients that have ended up having other problems related to the surgery itself. Otherwise he is a good doctor and bedside manner is ok. not great but ok. Believe me I've had worse.


At first visit, Dr. Gagne was quite serious and explained everything in detail-to the point. At each appt. I saw more of what a dedicated and caring surgeon that he is. Office staff were OK-nothing really striking. There was nothing about Dr. G. that I disliked. If you are looking for the #1 program in PA, West Penn is the place to go and Dr. Gagne is the expert! This center /Dr. follow you closely in hospital and afterwards regularly and again, he is very thorough. Risks of surgery were given in detail and explained completely. I put all my trust in Dr. Gagne and found him to be an excellent surgeon who is smart, detail oriented, compassionate, skilled, and really into his practice and his patients. I can speak very highly of all his competencies and would send anyone to him. Yes, I have bragged about him to everyone who sees me and can't believe that it really is me that they are seeing now 110 lbs lighter 7 mos. after my surgery. I did end up w/ several ER trips in the month after surgery-nothing real serious, no further surgery and it all then worked out. Dr. Gagne worked very closely w/ me and all his partners and staff to identify my problem. The worst part was traveling to the Er 1 hr away and then the long ER wait and boring hospital stays. Its never like they show on ER or Grey's anatomy!


I was very impressed with Dr. Gagne from the first visit. He is very knowledgable, caring and explains everything simply.rnOffice staff is very friendly and helpful.rnAftercare is very important to Dr. Gagne, his staff and of course the patient.rnDr. Gagne explained all the risks and gave examples of the risks.rnDr. Gagne is an excellent surgeon and a very caring surgeon with an excellent bedside manner. rnSurgical compentence and bedside manner both were great.


Have first appt w/him on July 26. But I can say that the staff there are wonderful and so helpful. I email them questions and get a response same day.rnrnI met with Dr. Papasavas. He is fabulous and really explains the surgery. I really trust that he knows what he is doing. And again the office staff is great!rnrnDr. Papsavas is moving at the beginning of the year, so now my surgery will be done by Dr. Gagne. I felt comfortable with him instantly. My surgery date is Jan 21, 2008, so I will keep you posted.


Dr Gagne was wonderful. His office staff is consistently nice and helpful. He has an insurance person on staff that was incredible. His bedside manner and surgical competence was out of this world. I would rate him with 5 stars!


My first impression of Dr Gagne was that he was a bit \"strange,\" but that he was nice enough. I first \"met\" him at one of the center's pre-op support group meetings. When I finally met him in person, I was very, very pleased. He is professional and very knowledgeable. He wants to make sure that you know the good and the bad of teh surgery. He wants to make sure that you know all of the risks and side effects, but he will also stress the benefits of having the surgery. At times, I really didn't want to think about the risks and side effects, but in the long run, I am very happy that Dr Gagne made sure that I know everything in advance. rnrnNow... Post-Op... I have nothing but GLOWING REVIEWS for Dr Gagne and his staff! I saw Dr Gagne more than some members of my own family while I was in the hospital! I loved the experience, and I have not a single shred of regret for the decision to go with Dr Gagne!!! I give him 5 out of 5 stars!


Dr. Gagne was VERY informative and personable, telling me about the good things and the not so good things I start to like him the moment I met him. He really seems like a caring Doctor and that is extremely important to me! His staff is professional, knowledgeable and as caring as he is. One day I called the office 5 minutes to closing with some concerns and the lady stayed on the phone with me for about 15 minutes. rnDr. Gagne is in this for the long haul, the first visit he told me he want to see me 6 times after the surgery and than once a year for life. I don't see some of my friends that often. :) I look forward to our relationship, I think I'm in good hands.


My first impression of Dr. Gagne was that he was very serious about everything as time went on he is very thorough and very dedicated. I have enjoyed meeting with him and his staff. The staff sometimes can be curt, but they are friendly, kind and extremely knowledgeable and helpful. rnrnWest Penn Bariatrics is a wonderful place to go. I started my journey in January 2006 and finally have a date. The staff has been great and help with keeping me informed of each step and process along the way.rnrnDr. Gagne has fully stressed the need for follow-up care, pretty much the rest of my life at least once a year. The aftercare program is VERY structured and you are well aware of what you need to do.rnrnDr. Gagne tells you from the very beginning and at each visit what the risks are and what his mortality rates are.rnrnI highly recommend West Penn Bariatrics and the doctors within the practice.

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