Daniel Gagne

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 60 ratings

Daniel Gagne Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

15 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

15 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 75

Kelly Conti Profile Pic
Kelly Conti
Bariatric Coordinator

60 Reviews for Daniel Gagne
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*I found /Dr. Gagne to be professional, informative and caring. My impression never changed, just got stronger.rn*Nothing negative about the staff.rn*I researched the Pittsburgh area for more than two years and picked Dr. Gagne. Not only is he a great surgeon, he has a great bedside manner and was very informative with me and my family.rn*Throughout my process, not only did Dr. Gagne and staff concentrate on the current but never failed to discuss after surgery care.rn*Yes, but Pittsburgh is too far for me to travel on a regular basis.rn*Dr. Gagne and his staff never failed to discuss the risks throughout my process. However, we never expected me to fall into that category. I spent nearly three months in the hospital, several weeks on a ventilator. I had to learn to walk and do many things all over again. I truly believe that had I not been a patient of Dr. Gagne, I would not have come out of my crisis. He lost a lot of sleep over my experience. He is balding and kiddingly tells me he lost more hair due to my experience.rn*Excellentrn*Both are great, especially with what I experienced. rn*I seldom rate anyone \"excellent\" feeling there is always room for growth. Although I truly agree that no person can be the \"best\" in all aspects, I will say that given my circumstances I am where I am today because of the care and concern of my surgical team, his staff, my family and the prayers said for my recovery. They helped me through some very difficult times. rn*My rating of Dr. Gagne and his staff are my personal opinions based on my own experiences and have no bearing on what anyone may experience. rn*My husband was being swayed to place me into a nursing home from the hospital for skilled nursing care, because I could do nothing for myself. Dr. Gagne fought to have me admitted to rehab. I spent three weeks in rehab before going home. The encouragement I got from Dr. Gagne, his staff, and my family and friends, along with my determination to recover got me where I am today.rnrn


Dr. Gagne is extremely intelligent and has a wonderful bedside manner. Im so thankful he was my surgeon - I highly recommend him to anyone needing this surgery. He truly is the best!


Docter Gagne is the best he puts it all on the line from what you will have to do and what can happen to you and everything in between


I am very pleased with Dr. Gagne and his staff, very caring and knowledgeable. I was informed very early of all complications that could arise from surgery as well as the centers success rate. I think that Dr. Gagne is very sensitive man, with great knowledge in his field.


First visit, he was all business. We went through the procedure including the risks, benefits and also his mortality rate and what had happened in those situations. I could tell he knew what he was doing. After the first consultation, he loosened up a little bit. He seemed more willing to joke around. My impression of him is the same now as it was when I first met him. He is a good surgeon who knows exactly what he is doing. The office staff is nice. They were always willing to answer any questions. I would recommend Dr. Gagne and his staff to anyone considering bariatric surgery.


will update after meet 4/5/2006


Dr. Gagne and his staff were very pleasant and efficient. I was in the hospital for 20 hours and back to work in 3 days. There encouragement was awesome.


When I first walked into the waiting room of the office, I was impressed. Most places you go, they don't have larger chairs to accomodate bigger people, and they did. So, that was a plus there.

When I met the Dr. Gagne I liked him immediately. He is very educated and confident of his abilities and even a little conceited because of it. He took time and answered all my questions and explained the surgery, how long I could expect to be in the hospital, what his procedures for complications are, and what the recovery would be like after.

When I told him that I had a family history of blood clots, he wanted me to see a hemotologist. Right there told me that he's a cautious, efficient surgeon.

He addressed the issue of complications and without me asking him he told me how many surgeries he's performed and how many deaths he's had too. He was able to recite off the top of his head the dates and complications of each of the patients that he's lost.

His staff was very friendly and out-going. They all took time to answer my questions. Julie, the billing specialist was excellent as well. She took time with me and explained the ins and outs of getting approved. I called her 3 times that day with information from my insurance company and she was extremely upbeat throughout each coversation.

His PA is very friendly, thorough and informative as well. The same goes for the dietician.

Overall, I would give Dr. Gagne and his staff a 4 star rating.


I initially met Dr.Gagne on May 23, 2003 when my sister was going for WLS. I was very impressed with his demeanor, character and office staff. They do not make you wait in the waiting room for 20 minutes. They take you on time. During her surgery, he was very informative and sympathetic toward the family always giving us the updates.

This is what led me to Dr. Gagne as well. He pulls no punches, tells it like it is and that's the way it will be. He can tell you the dates of complicated surgeries and the names and dates of his fatal surgeries. He travels the U.S. giving conferences on WLS. I would rate him outstanding as a surgeon.


Dr. Gagne is the best!!!! I did not know what to expect before I went to my consultation ( as a matter of fact I made an appointment in 2004, got scared and did not go!!!!!- then a year later finally got up the nerve). After meeting Dr. Gagne, he put most of my fears to rest. He told be everything I needed to know, the good down to the worst case scenario. Dr.Gagne came highly recommended, the staff at West Penn Bariatric Surgery Center are wonderful , and I am blessed to have Dr. Gagne as my surgeon.

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