Alex Argotte

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 53 ratings

Alex Argotte Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

7 yr Experience

2 yr in Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

53 Reviews for Alex Argotte
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I met with Dr. Argotte a few months back. He sat down with me and described the surgery at great detail. He told me and my mom all the risks that could be involved and also told us the risks of me being obese. He wasn't in a rush or anything,and asked me if I had any questions. Which of course I had my little list ready for him. He never once gave me the impression that he wished I would hurry up and get done asking. When he was finished talking with me,he asked my mom if she had any questions. Of course she did too. He was very patient with us both.
He told me that I would have to go through some pre-op testing which was the stress test,pulmonary function,and a physc eval. Me being from southern Illinois they scheduled all of the tests here close to home. I got all the tests done and went back to see Dr Argotte and was told everything looks good but there was a problem. The hospital he does this surgery at will not take my medical card. So now what do I do? Well I sit and wait. And thats what I am still waiting on.
Dr. Argottes staff is really nice but there is only one girl there that I know of that takes care of everything. She is slow at calling back if she does at all.But when she does get back to you she is sweet as can be.+
Dr. Argotte really stresses the importance of follow up after surgery and wants you to know that he expects you to see the dietician and him as well.
I will let you know more when I know.
Just wish they had all this stuff worked out before hand.


I met with Dr. Argotte this afternoon. It was a 3 1/2 hour drive for me, but I am glad I made it. He seemed very nice and polite. He explained his surgery method to me, and what I would have to do before the surgery, such as the psych evaluation, the heart and lung test, and the meeting with the dietician. He explained the procedure to me like I had never read anything about it, which I think was good, because it gave me a chance to ask a couple questions about specific parts of it. He told me his office would set everything up for me that needed to be done, and since I live so far from Mayfield, they would try to either schedule the tests in my area, or schedule them all on the same day there, so I would only have to make one trip. All in all it went well, and I am VERY excited. I know this is a big step, but I feel I am brave enough to take it. I have been reading other people's stories online, and I know this is not going to be easy, but this is something that I must do. For myself, my health, and my children. I am ready.


I really like Dr.Argotte ( he is not the first surgeon I have met with either). He was extremely thorough in explaining everything, risks and pros, and seems very competant. He talked with me and answered all of my questions even though it ran after-hours, and never once seemed to mind; he didn't even look at his watch.
His office staff is very sweet and helpful.
It is difficult to get a hold of his office, but if you leave a message on their answering machine, they do call you back. I later learned that he has 2 offices, and works at several hospitals. He has also had a license in Florida.
Dr. Argotte definately stresses aftercare, and on-going meetings with a dietician as well as normal blood workups.
I give him 2 thumbs up so far but it would be nice if he could have more staff to answer phones.
An added note....Dr. Argotte referred me to Dr. Cavanaugh a psychiatrist. My appointment with Dr. Cavanaugh never happened though it was scheduled twice. Dr. Cavanaugh's office staff was horrid, and rude, and downright hateful toward me.
The first appointment they called me about my insurance and stated they did not except Magellan (which is who BC/BS contracts out for mental health) and stated they would call back.
They didn't; so I had to make a long-distance phone call only to be put on hold for 20 minutes. When they got back on the phone they stated I had to pay the total fee upfront, which is when I told them there was absolutely noway and asked what kind of payment arrangements I could make.
Again she told me she would have to call me back, and of course did not. I called back and again was put on hold and then she got back on the phone and basically told me to go see someone else...How Rude.
Then I called back after speaking with Dr. Argotte's office to see if they would take $100 down, and again I was put on hold for 20 minutes. I was told they would only do that if I could have the rest in a week. I told her I would have to get back with her.
2 days later I call them back and tell them I can reach their payment arrangements and again she says I will call you back. This was the only time she actually did call back and gave me an appointment for 4 days later.
The appointment was in a town 45 minutes away from home and in a place I did not know well at all, so of course I got lost because the directions given were not very good. And as a result I was 10 minutes late. I walk in and this woman says if you are Jessica you cannot see the doctor, at which point I am upset. I explained what had happened and she literally said I don't care and told me to wait for a minute, then disappeared. When she came back she said oh Dr. Cavanaugh is going on vacation so we can put you on a waiting list for your appointment, at this point I am getting mad, and then the kicker was when she said I owed him for the missed appointment. I was furious by then, and basically told them they could bill me if they wanted but no way was I paying the bill and I would counterbill them for my phone calls, my time, gas and mileage. needless to say I was very upset.
After my 2 hour round trip, on arrival of getting home I called Dr. Argotte's office, and explained to Cindy what had just happened. She apologized immensely for the whole thing, though it was not her fault at all, and then offered to call another doctor for me. Within 15 minutes she had gotten me an appointment with a psychiatrist I know and who is also closer. I was greatly appreciative for her help.

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