hello! it's me! yesterday wasn't a very good day... his blood pressure dropped reallylow and his heart rate jumped back up to the 140's... his leg was really red (infection maybe), his white blood count went up to 20,000 and he now has "bed sores" on his back and bottom... but today however, is a great day! he looks wonderful today. his blood pressure is where they want it, his heart rate is in the one-teens, his white blood count went down to 13,000, and his leg wasn't as red today. and for the first time in 3 weeks, he was sitting up, "talking", wide-eyed, knew who we were, wanted hugs, and sat up in bed... out of nowhere! :-) dr. muscarella was really pleased with all of this and said he will be in sicu for about another month yet... we are still taking baby steps. but today seems like a great day. i even asked the nurse about the cards and she said it was safe to bring them in. so we read some to him and he fell asleep... i hung them up and his walls and windows are covered! he was so excited about that! i'll read more to him later, but it will take time to go through them all with him. :-) all in all, today is a good day... the physical therapist came in today and for the first time jeremy was able to comprehend and participate a little. thank you all so much for everything... it made him feel great to know so many people care about him. keep praying, because it is Working!