hello. jeremy is doing alright. his white blood count is 21,000, so it's still sticking around. he was moved up to the micu last night and it isn't too great. the room is TINY! we barely fit myself and his dad in there and we have to get out everytime the nurse walks in! he is running a fever of 103 today and we can't seem to break it yet. Also, all of the nurses here have different answers for everything. they claim he doesn't need isolation and they don't know what the sicu nurses were thinking when they put him on it. they are turning down his vent and he's not tolerating it well. his tpn was taken off today and they want him to start eating meals, so he had some beef broth and orange jello. this is all very furstrating and jeremy is miserable. they said once he is off of the vent and better, then he can get a regular room on the floor. that would be nice. there is absolutely no room for cards or gifts, so it is bare and boring. i left a balloon in there for him so he can look at something other than the television. i'll let you know more as it comes. please keep praying for him.