Sally -- I've often read your posts, and you continue to touch my heart. Please feel peace in knowing that it's really okay to take care of yourself. And it's really okay to be scared and nervous, because this is a MAJOR change in our lives. I'm pre-op too, and I also wonder "gee, what if I find I don't like what I've done to myself?". Well, at least I'll be alive to have those thoughts, and you will too. We can kvetch and moan together about our aches and pains -- but I'll bet we'll spend even more time laughing about how loose our clothes are and being amazed at how much better we feel and how much faster we can walk. And run! Why not? The sky's the limit! Take courage, my friend, you are not walking alone on this path. You have many friends right here, and a great big Friend up there, watching over you, carrying you when you need it, propping you up when you need that, and laughing with you when you're able to do it on your own. Many blessings!! Pat