Cookie G. 21 years, 11 months ago

Sally I had the same fears and thoughts you are having, a little fear is healthy but a postive attitude will work wonders. I thought about the one more diet but I too only lose a small portion that I needed to. Then I thought what would happen if 2 or 3 years from now I had the need to have major surgery only by then I would weigh 100 or so more, and still have the same risk. I took my risk now, I know you will do what is right for you. I will be thinking and praying for you.

Sally P. 21 years, 11 months ago

Dearest Sally - Such an inspiration you are - you've gone thru SO much. It will not be easy any way you choose - If your surgery is cancelled life will continue like it is now. And you'll always wonder what if I had the surgery -- don't look back, put your faith in God and the skill of your surgeon. Whatever lies ahead will be better then what you've gone thru. I pray to God all the blessings of a quick recovery. We will ALL be in thought and prayer for you. Love, Sally, Harrison, MI

Barb W. 21 years, 11 months ago

hello Sally, I know how you feel. I have never had any surgery's and I'm scared also.. I'll keep u in my prayers.. Barb

kasi H. 21 years, 11 months ago

hey there. it's perfectly normal to have a last minute freak out. just remeber that pain you felt when your surgery was cancelled. then make your decision. no one here will be dissapointed. you're in control. i'll be thinking about you and blessed be~

millerkb 21 years, 11 months ago

Sally - I want to commend you on being able to express your fears and concerns. Please do not worry about letting others down. So many times we tend to do things for other people. Let the WLS be for you. You do deserve a better quality of life, however, the choice of WLS HAS to be yours. I have been thinking about the minister in the hair salon ever since you posted it. God is with you ...take care..and God bless you.

Alice W. 21 years, 11 months ago

Sally~~~please remember those "signs" that you recieved the other day. I know only you can make a decision that is right for you, but please think about this WLS. You deserve the best quality of life that is possible. Please post your feeling and fear again and let them all out, this will help you. We all want to help you and please remember that you are a very important person that is truly admired.

Cyndi C. 21 years, 11 months ago

Dear Sally... I read your fear-filled post today, and I want to echo what another person wrote about really going into yourself and praying with all your might. You have every right to be afraid, but you need to find some peace. Also, don't forget about those signs that you received--I still get goose bumps when I remember that. Lastly, remember that this decision has no room for thoughts on disappointing anyone--it's too personal of a decision! Good luck to you--and keep us "posted"! IT'S A GOOD LIFE!

Ruthie K. 21 years, 11 months ago

Sally, please know that we all love you and want what is best for YOU. What you are feeling is so normal. You will not disappoint US if you don't have the surgery. This is a huge decision that only you can make. Please know that we are behind you 100% no matter what you decide to do. Please don't let fear hold you back though. If it is truly not in your best interest you will know it. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Keep watching for those "signs" and you will make the right decision. Either way, we love you Sally!! *cyber hugs* Ruthie

Carol F. 21 years, 11 months ago

(Hug) Sweety it is ok to be nervous and scared. That is all normal. You just have to decide for yourself if you are doing the right thing or not. If you know in your heart that you are. Then go for it and don't look back. Don't let fear rob you of one more thing.

stephanie Y. 21 years, 11 months ago

Sally, I just read about your fears on the forum and I felt compelled to write to you. Although I am not even close to actually getting the surgery, I understand your fear. It is extrememly scary to say the least, and it doesn't help that it is elective. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a doctor just called an ambulance, called a hospital and said "This is NOT HAVE to do this, or you will die!!". It would take a lot of the anxiety away, since we would not have the time to anguish about our decision. Unfortunately, it isn't so. Like you, I am petrified and go from wanting it ABSOLUTELY to absolutely NOT wanting it. I truly think those feelings are normal. In my case, I have incredible faith in God, and his power to let me know what is right for me. Sally, I know you too are a woman of faith, and I would suggest you pray about this with all sincerity and with an open heart. Then listen to that little voice inside of you. If this is the right thing to do, you will feel at peace. If you don't get that peaceful feeling just yet, there is nothing wrong with postponing the surgery. NO-ONE here is going to be disappointed in you. We all understand!! This is an incredible decision, and you have every right to wait until you know it is right. I truly wish you well, Sally. Please know that my toughts and prayers are with you.
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Pottsville, PA
Apr 09, 2002
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