I'm Still Amazed...

Dec 09, 2007

I'm still amazed that each day I wake and rise without pain.
I'm still amazed each day when I look in the mirror and see that my loss isn't really a dream.
I'm still amazed each day I drive somewhere and look down my "belly" to see that huge gap between me and the steering wheel.
I'm still amazed at how far and long I can now walk without pain or being out of breath.
I'm still amazed when I see that number on the scale.
I'm still amazed at the looks I get from friends who haven't seen me in a while.
I'm still amazed by how much my hubby loves me--fat or not-so-fat.
I'm still amazed by how much I can do now that I've dropped 200 pounds!

I just had to post this after composing an email to a high school friend for whom I just recently got an email address and I haven't seen since our 20 year reunion in summer of 2005. 

Hugs to you all!

201 pounds gone forever!

Dec 05, 2007

As of today, I am officially down 201 pounds from 410 to 209...  It has taken since July 13th, 2006 (my surgery consult) to reach this point--almost 17 mos total, 15 mos since my surgery on 8/29/06.  In just 4 more pounds, I'll be at 205--that is 205 pounds I'll weigh and 205 pounds I'll have lost.  I'll be half the person I was when I started this journey!  Then, next step is ONEderland at 199!  Just 10 more pounds!!

Top 10 Mistakes WLS People Make

Nov 25, 2007

Someone else shared this, but gave no indication where it came from...

1st Mistake: Not Taking Vitamins, Supplements, or Minerals
Every WLS patient has specific nutritional needs depending on the type of surgery you have had. Not only is it a good idea to ask your surgeon for guidelines, but also consult with an experienced WLS nutritionist. Understand there is not a standard practice that all surgeons and nutritionists follow in guiding WLS patients. So, it is important to do your own research, get your lab tests done regularly, and learn how to read the results. Some conditions and symptoms that can occur when you are deficient in vitamins, supplements, or minerals include:

Osteoporosis; pernicious anemia; muscle spasms; high blood pressure; burning tongue; fatigue; loss of appetite; weakness; constipation and diarrhea; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet; being tired, lethargic, or dizzy; forgetfulness, and lowered immune functioning.

Keep in mind, too, that some conditions caused by not taking your vitamins, supplements, or minerals are irreversible.

2nd Mistake: Assuming You Have Been Cured of Your Obesity
A "pink cloud" or honeymoon experience is common following WLS. When you are feeling better than you have in years, and the weight is coming off easily, it's hard to imagine you will ever struggle again. But unfortunately, it is very common for WLS patients to not lose to their goal weight or to regain some of their weight back.

A small weight regain may be normal, but huge gains usually can be avoided with support, education, effort, and careful attention to living a healthy WLS lifestyle. For most WLSers, if you don't change what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always gotten -- even after weight loss surgery.

3rd Mistake: Drinking with Meals

Yes, it's hard for some people to avoid drinking with meals, but the tool of not drinking with meals is a critical key to long-term success. If you drink while you eat, your food washes out of your stomach much more quickly, you can eat more, you get hungry sooner, and you are at more risk for snacking. Being too hungry is much more likely to lead to poor food choices and/or overeating.

4th Mistake: Not Eating Right

Of course everyone should eat right, but in this society eating right is a challenge. You have to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Eat all your meals--don't skip. Don't keep unhealthy food in sight where it will call to you all the time. Try to feed yourself at regular intervals so that you aren't as tempted to make a poor choice. And consider having a couple of absolutes: for example, avoid fried foods completely, avoid sugary foods, always use low-fat options, or only eat in a restaurant once a week. Choose your "absolutes" based on your trigger foods and your self knowledge about what foods and/or situations are problematic for you.

5th Mistake: Not Drinking Enough Water

Most WLS patients are at risk for dehydration. Drinking a minimum of 64 oz. of water per day will help you avoid this risk. Adequate water intake will also help you flush out your system as you lose weight and avoid kidney stones. Drinking enough water helps with your weight loss, too.

6th Mistake: Grazing

Many people who have had WLS regret that they ever started grazing, which is nibbling small amounts here and there over the course of the day. It's one thing to eat the three to five small meals you and your doctor agree you need. It's something else altogether when you start to graze, eating any number of unplanned snacks. Grazing can easily make your weight creep up. Eating enough at meal time, and eating planned snacks when necessary, will help you resist grazing. Make a plan for what you will do when you crave food, but are not truly hungry. For example, take up a hobby to keep your hands busy or call on someone in your support group for encouragement.

7th Mistake: Not Exercising Regularly

Exercise is one of the best weapons a WLS patient has to fight weight regain. Not only does exercise boost your spirits, it is a great way to keep your metabolism running strong. When you exercise, you build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn, even at rest!

8th Mistake: Eating the Wrong Carbs (or Eating Too Much)

Let's face it, refined carbohydrates are addictive. If you eat refined carbohydrates they will make you crave more refined carbohydrates. There are plenty of complex carbohydrates to choose from, which have beneficial vitamins. For example, if you can handle pastas, try whole grain Kamut pasta--in moderation, of course. (Kamut pasta doesn't have the flavor some people find unpleasant in the whole wheat pastas.) Try using your complex carbohydrates as "condiments," rather than as the center point of your meal. Try sprinkling a tablespoon of brown rice on your stir-fried meat and veggies.

9th Mistake: Going Back to Drinking Soda

Drinking soda is controversial in WLS circles. Some people claim soda stretches your stomach or pouch. What we know it does is keep you from getting the hydration your body requires after WLS--because when you're drinking soda, you're not drinking water! In addition, diet soda has been connected to weight gain in the general population. The best thing you can do is find other, healthier drinks to fall in love with. They are out there.

10th Mistake:
Drinking Alcohol
If you drank alcohol before surgery, you are likely to want to resume drinking alcohol following surgery. Most surgeons recommend waiting one year after surgery. And it is in your best interest to understand the consequences of drinking alcohol before you do it.

Alcohol is connected with weight regain, because alcohol has 7 calories per gram, while protein and vegetables have 4 calories per gram. Also, some people develop an addiction to alcohol after WLS, so be very cautious. Depending on your type of WLS, you may get drunker, quicker after surgery, which can cause health problems and put you in dangerous situations.

If you think you have a drinking problem, get help right away. Putting off stopping drinking doesn't make it any easier, and could make you a lot sick.


Nov 19, 2007

That is what the scale said today--212.2!  That puts me just 2.2 pounds away from being able to share THIS wonderful century club card for TWO hundred pounds lost!!  (made by Jaz/Annette Rust)  When I hit 210, I'll have lost 200 pounds and be just 5 pounds away from being "half" the person I was when I started this journey at 410 pounds!   

As I've spent the last 2 weeks fluctuating from 214 up to 216, but most days saying 215, I was THRILLED to see 212 today!  LOL  Just had to share!  Every time I start thinking maybe this is it, this happens--I drop 2 or 3 pounds all at once.  And, while I know that for the next week or so I'll continue to fluctuate and go as high as 214, at least the number is slowly creeping DOWNward!

Looking for Thanksgiving dessert ideas??

Nov 18, 2007

I have some "covered dish" events in early December for our 4-H club and the bariatric support group I attend.  I've been surfing the web looking for desserts that I can enjoy too.  Here's links to several I've bookmarked/printed.  Now, most of these are "diabetic" and take sugar into consideration, but not really carbs so much.  For many of these, I'd play with the all purpose flour and use something else as well as adding some protein powder, but that is just me!  These use sugar subs instead of sugar...  There are also several pumpkin recipes in my blog.

The whole list is over 900 recipes for low sugar/diabetic desserts.  You can look at what's offered there at

chocolate wafers (to crumble for cheesecake crust)

chewy coconut bars

diabetic carrot cake w/ cream cheese icing

easy fruit cobbler

pumpkin cream cheese squares

low-carb frosted pumpkin bars

low-sugar peanut butter cake

healthy chocolate nut squares (have some sugar that could be converted to Splenda)

Splenda angel food cake

absolutely sugar free frosting

low carb peanut butter pie (I like the sound of the crust on this one...)

low carb strawberry cobbler

low sugar coconut cream pie


Splenda blend sour cream pound cake

pumpkin roll (on Equal site, but could use Splenda)

Maybe those will get you started thinking???  There are some there that look pretty good!

Recipe: Peanut Butter Muffins with Protein

Nov 15, 2007

This one is adapted a bit from one Phyllis posted here on obesityhelp.com and I used more protein in mine too.  This makes a thick batter.  You have to sort of smoosh the batter into the bottom of the muffin cup before you add your jelly and top off. 


1 cup peanut butter (brand and type are your choice)
1 egg
1/3 cup Splenda brown sugar
1/3 cup Splenda granulated
1 cup 2% milk
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup (2 scoops) Unjury unflavored
1/2 cup soy flour
1/4 cup almond flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
strawberry SF preserves (18 tsp)

Mix peanut butter, both Splendas and the egg.  Mix till creamy.  Add milk a bit at a time while mixing.  In a separate bowl, mix the flours, protein powder, and baking soda and baking powder.  Stir to break up any clumps.  Add powdered mix to wet mix and mix well.  Line muffin tin with paper liners OR spray with non-stick spray.  Spoon a heaping tablespoon of batter into each muffin cup.  Then, put just a teaspoon of jelly or preserves into each muffin cup.  (Note: If you add too much jelly/preserves, it will leak out the side of the muffins.)  Finally, top each muffin off with more batter.  Bake at 375 till a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean--about 15 minutes but watch that they don't burn!  This recipe makes 18 muffins. 

Nutrition info will be 150 cals, 8.5 grams of fat (1.7 sat, 0 trans), 12.9 cholesterol, 94 sodium, 11.8 carbs (1.8 fiber, 5.3 sugars) and 8.6 protein PER muffin.

What to do with leftover rotisserie chicken??

Nov 11, 2007

Today, for my lunch, I pulled about half the meat off of a cold chicken breast from a rotisserie chicken I picked up Friday afternoon. I cut it into small pieces (smaller than 1/2 a teaspoon). Then, I put 1 tbsp of olive oil into a skillet. Into the warming oil, I chopped some onion and let it start to brown and soften. Then, I added about a tsp of minced garlic, a tbsp of chopped green pepper (frozen, always in my freezer!) and a tbsp of diced tomatoes (always on hand in my fridge or cupboard). Once this was all warm and yummy smelling, I added the chicken meat and stirred and stirred till it was all hot and ready to eat. I did not eat this with anything else... I ate it just as it came out of the skillet. It was yummy and I did not even add any seasoning of any sort. The only seasoning was whatever the grocery store deli put on the rotisserie chicken.

The only bad part? The olive oil had more calories and fat than all the other ingredients together! Anyone got a better suggestion? Non-stick spray won't cut it as you need a good bit of wet to brown and cook those onions and such!

I was thinking again (ouch, that hurts!). I prefer onions, peppers and tomatoes myself, but you could use any sort of veggies that you can saute--mushrooms, zucchini, etc. I think folks should take that chicken, whatever their favorite veggies are, and go for it! Make this recipe idea their own creation!

Recipe: Chili

Nov 02, 2007

In response to a post by someone else tonight, I typed up my recipe for chili which is VERY simple.  It is a dump together and simmer sort of recipe.  I posted the recipe to my other blog and am copying it here for you guys as chili can be a true staple meal for many WLS folks...

Recipe: Chili

Chili is one of those comfort foods for some folks on chilly fall/winter evenings. It is simple to prepare and ingredients can vary greatly depending on your own likes/dislikes and what you have on hand! It is a great source of protein and fiber. I always keep a few packets of chili seasoning on hand. I also always have canned beans of some sort and canned crushed and diced tomatoes in the cupboard. All you need with those things is some ground meat. This could be ground beef, ground turkey, ground chicken or even ground venison (deer) or pork. It is all up to you and what you like or have on hand! I've even mixed beef and turkey or beef and venison depending on what was thawed and ready for use. The following is a simple, dump it together and simmer sort of recipe. The only real consideration is that if you are on a low sodium diet, this may be a bit high in sodium for you depending on the portion you eat.

ground meat (your choice--beef, turkey, chicken, pork, venison), 2 pounds
canned beans (your choice--kidney, pinto, chili, black, etc), 4 cans of about 15 ozs each
canned diced tomatoes, 2 cans of about 15 ozs each (could also use Rotel type chilies/tomatoes mix)
canned crushed tomatoes, 2 cans of about 15 ozs each
2 packets chili seasoning (2 mild OR 2 hot OR one of each--to your taste)
1/2 cup chopped onion, fresh or frozen (optional)
1/2 cup chopped bell pepper, fresh or frozen (optional)

Put ground meat in skillet. Add onions and peppers if you wish. Cook till meat is cooked completely, chopping into bits as you go. Drain away any grease/fat. (You may rinse if you normally do, but it is not required.) Put meat into soup pot. Open and pour in (do NOT drain or rinse) all canned items (tomatoes and beans). Add chili seasoning packets. Add just enough water to bring liquid level above other ingredients. Stir to mix well and bring to boil. Then, reduce heat and simmer for about an hour to allow flavors to meld. You can also put these ingredients into a slow cooker (crockpot) and allow to cook for several hours.

Note: For those who like their chili HOT and spicy--stir in some hot sauce and/or some red chili peppers!

Serving Suggestions--Chili always goes well with corn bread. Some like chili served over rice. Another suggestion is to sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese into the top of a hot bowl of chili! A good side is a nice green salad.

Leftovers--Store what you can eat in a couple of days in the fridge. Any excess can be packaged in smaller portions and frozen for later use. I normally pour single servings into small baggies and then put all the small baggies into a larger freezer bag for protection from freezer burn. When I want chili, I can take out one small baggie, peel away the ziploc, and place the frozen chili in a bowl to microwave till hot.

Article: Stress, Depression & the Holidays--12 Tips for Coping

Nov 01, 2007

Stress, depression and the holidays: 12 tips for coping



Original Article:http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/stress/MH00030


For some people, the holidays bring unwelcome guests - stress and depression. And it's no wonder. In an effort to pull off a perfect Hallmark holiday, you might find yourself facing a dizzying array of demands - work, parties, shopping, baking, cleaning, caring for elderly parents or kids on school break, and scores of other chores. So much for peace and joy, right?

Actually, with some practical tips, you can minimize the stress and depression that often accompany the holidays. You may even end up enjoying the holidays more than you thought you would.

The trigger points of holiday stress
Holiday stress and depression are often the result of three main trigger points. Understanding these trigger points can help you plan ahead on how to accommodate them.

Here are the three areas that commonly trigger holiday stress or depression:

· Relationships. Relationships can cause turmoil, conflict or stress at any time. But tensions are often heightened during the holidays. Family misunderstandings and conflict can intensify - especially if you're all thrust together for several days. Conflicts are bound to arise with so many needs and interests to accommodate. On the other hand, if you're facing the holidays without a loved one, you may find yourself especially lonely or sad.

· Finances. Like your relationships, your financial situation can cause stress at any time of the year. Overspending during the holidays on gifts, travel, food and entertainment can increase stress as you try to make ends meet while ensuring that everyone on your gift list is happy.

· Physical demands. The strain of shopping, attending social gatherings and preparing holiday meals can wipe you out. Feeling exhausted increases your stress, creating a vicious cycle. Exercise and sleep - good antidotes for stress and fatigue - may take a back seat to chores and errands. High demands, stress, lack of exercise, and overindulgence in food and drink - these are all ingredients for holiday illness.

12 pre-emptive strategies for holiday stress
When stress is at its peak, it's hard to stop and regroup. Take steps to help prevent normal holiday depression from progressing into chronic depression. Try these tips:

· Acknowledge your feelings. If a loved one has recently died or you aren't near your loved ones, realize that it's normal to feel sadness or grief. It's OK now and then to take time just to cry or express your feelings. You can't force yourself to be happy just because it's the holiday season.

· Seek support. If you feel isolated or down, seek out family members and friends, or community, religious or social services. They can offer support and companionship. Consider volunteering at a community or religious function. Getting involved and helping others can lift your spirits and broaden your social circle. Also, enlist support for organizing holiday gatherings, as well as meal preparation and cleanup. You don't have to go it alone. Don't be a martyr.

· Be realistic. As families change and grow, traditions often change as well. Hold on to those you can and want to. But understand in some cases that may no longer be possible. Perhaps your entire extended family can't gather together at your house. Instead, find new ways to celebrate together from afar, such as sharing pictures, e-mails or videotapes.

· Set differences aside. Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if they don't live up to all your expectations. Set aside grievances until a more appropriate time for discussion. With stress and activity levels high, the holidays might not be conducive to making quality time for relationships. And be understanding if others get upset or distressed when something goes awry. Chances are, they're feeling the effects of holiday stress, too.

· Stick to a budget. Before you go shopping, decide how much money you can afford to spend on gifts and other items. Then be sure to stick to your budget. If you don't, you could feel anxious and tense for months afterward as you struggle to pay the bills. Don't try to buy happiness with an avalanche of gifts. Donate to a charity in someone's name, give homemade gifts or start a family gift exchange.

· Plan ahead. Set aside specific days for shopping, baking, visiting friends and other activities. Plan your menus and then make one big food-shopping trip. That'll help prevent a last-minute scramble to buy forgotten ingredients - and you'll have time to make another pie, if the first one's a flop. Allow extra time for travel so that delays won't worsen your stress.

· Learn to say no. Believe it or not, people will understand if you can't do certain projects or activities. If you say yes only to what you really want to do, you'll avoid feeling resentful and overwhelmed. If it's really not possible to say no when your boss asks you to work overtime, try to remove something else from your agenda to make up for the lost time.

· Don't abandon healthy habits. Don't let the holidays become a dietary free-for-all. Some indulgence is OK, but overindulgence only adds to your stress and guilt. Have a healthy snack before holiday parties so that you don't go overboard on sweets, cheese or drinks. Continue to get plenty of sleep and schedule time for physical activity.

· Take a breather. Make some time for yourself. Spending just 15 minutes alone, without distractions, may refresh you enough to handle everything you need to do. Steal away to a quiet place, even if it's the bathroom, for a few moments of solitude. Take a walk at night and stargaze. Listen to soothing music. Find something that clears your mind, slows your breathing and restores your calm.

· Rethink resolutions. Resolutions can set you up for failure if they're unrealistic. Don't resolve to change your whole life to make up for past excess. Instead, try to return to basic, healthy lifestyle routines. Set smaller, more specific goals with a reasonable time frame. Choose only those resolutions that help you feel valuable and provide more than only fleeting moments of happiness.

· Forget about perfection. Holiday TV specials are filled with happy endings. But in real life, people don't usually resolve problems within an hour or two. Something always comes up. You may get stuck late at the office and miss your daughter's school play, your sister may dredge up an old argument, you may forget to put nuts in the cake, and your mother may criticize how you and your partner are raising the kids. All in the same day. Expect and accept imperfections.

· Seek professional help if you need it. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself feeling persistently sad or anxious, plagued by physical complaints, unable to sleep, irritable and hopeless, and unable to face routine chores. If these feelings last for several weeks, talk to your doctor or a mental health professional. You may have depression.

Have it both ways
Remember, one key to minimizing holiday stress and depression is knowing that the holidays can trigger stress and depression. Accept that things aren't always going to go as planned. Then take active steps to manage stress and depression during the holidays. You may actually enjoy the holidays this year more than you thought you could.


By Mayo Clinic Staff
Oct 20, 2006

© 1998-2006 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.com," "Mayo Clinic Health Information," "Reliable information for a healthier life" and the triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

Article: 5 Ways to Beat a Binge

Nov 01, 2007

5 Ways to Beat a Binge
Anna Delany and Pat Fiducia

A liter of Coke, a tub of ice cream, a jar of honey-roasted peanuts, a bag of Doritos, a bag of Gummi Bears, and half a chocolate cake. No, that's not John Goodman's weekend shopping list. It's the synopsis of someone's latest binge - maybe yours. Even if you know that one binge can destroy a whole week's worth of effective weight control, when you're on the verge, it's hard to stop. Here are five strategies that can bring you to a necessary halt in the heat of a bingeing moment!

The simplest steps are often the most effective. CalorieKing.com member Amanda says the word "mindfulness" sums up what it takes to stop her going through with a binge: "Being mindful means thinking about why I'm bingeing, how it will affect me tomorrow physically and mentally, what purpose I'm using the food for. Just thinking about the binge itself - what to eat, how to hide it from others - won't stop me. But being mindful will." Next time you're about to binge, stop for a couple of minutes and ask yourself Amanda's three key questions:

· Why am I bingeing?

· How will it affect me tomorrow?

· For what purpose am I using the food?

Use your journal if you like, but be careful as it can be upsetting and counter-effective for some people. Amanda explains that, for her, writing in a journal delays binges but doesn't always stop them. "It does distract me but sometimes I get myself worked up writing about something that makes me upset and that reinforces the harmful feelings, so I still end up bingeing."

Have a diversion plan
Divert yourself. You can't binge when you're busy doing something else. Many people successfully beat binges by having a few positive diversions ready for when the urge to overeat hits. Every time they feel they're about to binge eat, they respond with a planned alternative behavior. For example, you might promise yourself that every time you're about to binge, you will work in the garden instead. Although it will be hard to follow this diversion through at first, if you practice it enough you may find that you "think binge, do gardening" almost automatically.

Other good ideas for diversions:

· Take a bubble bath

· Go for a walk

· Go out to a movie

· Clean out a cupboard or drawer

· Get online or phone a friend

Call someone
It's a simple strategy, and it works. A huge percentage of people who have struggled with binge eating say that getting on the phone as soon as they feel the need to binge is their number-one tactic for averting the disaster.

"I've called my mother and boyfriend when I was feeling ready to binge before and it has stopped me," says Amanda. "Bingeing is something I do when I feel alone and not confident enough to fix my own problems. It's an effort to make myself feel better because I don't see any other way to help myself. So it is beneficial to know that there are others out there who will help me." The honesty that can arise by talking to someone is also very effective. "The most effective way I ever beat a binge was to admit to a friend that I felt like bingeing to make myself feel better," says Amanda. "It seems so silly when you actually say it to someone, because you know that it won't work."

Amanda says she actually favors going online to chat to someone rather than phoning. "Almost every time, I'll go online (to CK forums, instant messenger friends, or multiplayer video games) because I don't want to face the 'rejection' of calling a friend to find that they're not home." What matters is that you find a way to interact with other people immediately. The simple fact of knowing you're not alone can help you avoid a binge.

Attack back! (Slowly...)
When the urge to binge hits, many people feel they're being attacked by an outside force. If you feel like you're being attacked, it's natural to respond with reactive, aggressive behavior such as overeating. However, that's not the way to do battle with the "Binge Monster".

Instead of panicking and reacting too fast, you need to do the opposite. Slow down, take 10-15 deep, slow breaths, and close your eyes for a minute. Do everything you can to slow yourself down and confirm that you are in control. It's very similar to dealing with a panic attack.

Of course, it may be that depression rather than stress is the state you're in when you're about to binge. If this is the case, take a slightly different approach and find an active way to fend off the binge feelings. "Many times the state I'm in when I binge is a feeling of depression, so I have no need to relax. Activities that make me more alert (exercise, puzzles, homework) are better than relaxing" explains Amanda.

Listening to music, exercising, or doing a simple stretching routine can also help you let go and free yourself from the "clutches" of a binge-eating impulse.

Count yourself out
This technique is not for the faint-hearted! It doesn't work for everyone, but it's definitely worth a try.

Next time you're feeling the urge to binge, lay out all the food you think you want to eat. Then add up the calories and fat in every item - have the CalorieKing.com food database or The Calorie, Fat and Carbohydrate Counter handy. Calculate your grand total and then decide whether or not you still want to binge. When the food that's supposed to make you feel better is transformed before your eyes into thousands of calories and piles of fat it can really make you think twice.As a final note, it's important to realize the Binge Eating Disorder is different from struggling with the occasional binge and is usually best addressed with therapy and professional guidance.

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LaBelle, FL
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Meatloaf: It's what's for dinner!
