Ever just want a bowl of ramen noodle soup? Make it with Unjury

Feb 25, 2008

For whatever reason, I've been craving  a big bowl of Ramen Noodle Soup...  Who knows why, but it hit me harder this morning, and I stood in the kitchen trying to decide what I should eat to defeat this.  Then, my eyes landed on my recently obtained container of Unjury chicken soup flavored protein powder...  Then, it hit me!  I could have the ramen noodles but I would have them with protein!  I put one cup of water into a pan and turned the heat on under it.  I added some leftover veggies from the fridge and HALF the dried noodles from the pack.  As you don't use the flavoring packet from the noodle soup mix, you could use any flavor.  I tossed the flavor packet and the rest of the noodles in the trash can.  While the noodles were cooking, I put a cup of lukewarm water into my soup bowl and added 1 1/2 scoops of the Unjury chicken soup protein powder and whisked it to mix it well.  Then, I dumped in the noodles/veggies/water from the pot and stirred it up.  Wow, that was some good soup AND it had 30 grams of protein!  You could even add some leftover or canned chicken to the pot as the noodles cooked...  YUMMO!!

Are we inadvertently lying to ourself/others?

Feb 10, 2008

While surfing the other WLS support board, I read a fellow WLS veteran's blog entry about how we all tell each other and our self that we had WLS for our health but how it is really about looking better or more attractive.  No, he didn't say it that way.  That is just sort of what I took from it.  He pointed out how so many of our posts are about how much weight we lost or how many sizes we've dropped or how someone didn't recognize us, etc.  By comparison, we see few posts about how many comorbid issues have been resolved, etc.  When was the last time you clicked on a WOW moment post and read about someone's cholesterol dropping from 280 to 199?  When was the last time you clicked on a NSV (non scale victory) post and read about someone not taking diabetes meds anymore instead of them fitting into a size 6 jean?  I'm not discounting the joy to be had in those moments!  After all, I have a WLS friend who says "It is all about getting healthy...till that first time you get into a size 10 jean and then it is ALL about you!" 

I'm just pointing out that I don't think we celebrate these other things as much as we should.  I know that I personally got off of about 8 different prescription medications.  I no longer have high blood pressure.  My cholesterol was down several points.  My degenerative disc disease and bone-on-bone knees are SO much less painful and I no longer require multiple daily doses of narcotic pain meds just to get through the day.  I may still be at risk for diabetes, heart disease an stroke, but it is because of my family history and not my current physical status.  I can EXERCISE!  I don't do it nearly as often as I should, but I CAN.  I can park in the farthest parking spot from the door at just about any place I go and not be winded by the time I reach the door.  Not only CAN I do that, but I do it often (much to the chagrin of my teenage child who thinks we should park as closely as possible at ALL times).  I am walking a leg in a marathon relay this coming Saturday--5 miles.  My hubby asked me why I wanted to do it.  I told him that I want to do it simply because I CAN and could not have done it a year ago or at any other time in the past 20 years.  He supports this thankfully as the trip to Myrtle Beach to do this isn't free!  LOL  And, my daughter is walking a leg too.  We are trying to incorporate more together time into these things I can do now that I couldn't before.  Yet another HEALTHY thing that has come from my surgery even though it is an emotional health and not physical health issue. 

SO, tell us--why did you have the surgery?  And was it truly about being healthier OR was it about feeling/looking better for yourself or others?

Keep Your Appetite in Check (From Bob Greene's Best Life Diet N

Jan 23, 2008

One of the toughest obstacles people face when trying to lose weight is learning how to control their appetite. The great thing about the Best Life Diet is that many of the healthy habits you'll adopt on the plan offer the extra benefit of helping to keep a lid on hunger. Check out the appetite-quelling effects of these moves:

Getting moving. Activity, like eating, helps produce pleasure-inducing brain chemicals called endorphins. So, you can get the same mood-lifting effect from exercise as you would from eating.

Avoiding junk food. Some experts suspect that foods packed with sugar or fat can disrupt the signals that help regulate your appetite. Loading up on fruit, veggies, whole grains and lean protein sources instead will help balance your body's hunger-satiety network.

Filling up on fiber. Fiber can't be digested by the body, so it stays with you longer, helping you feel full. Research also shows that fiber helps slow digestion so your blood sugar level stays elevated. This may help delay the release of some of the hormones that tell your body to eat again. Women should be aiming for 25 grams of fiber per day; men should consume 38 grams.

Getting enough water. Eating water-rich foods, such as veggies and broth-based soups, can help you feel fuller on fewer calories, according to research from Pennsylvania State University in University Park. In fact, studies suggest that water drinkers consume 200 fewer calories per day than those who skip sipping.

Eating regularly. Having three meals and a snack or two each day prevents drops in blood sugar, which can lead to you feeling overly hungry and making poor food decisions. Skimping on meals--or skipping them altogether--does nothing to help your appetite.

Dealing with emotional issues. If you address the emotional issues that can trigger eating (like stress or loneliness), you'll find that you just don't have the need to turn to food anymore.

Logging enough shut-eye. Several studies have revealed a link between sleep and obesity. Experts say getting enough sleep can help prevent any disruption...

Have you researched ALL the options?

Jan 23, 2008

From Michael S's post on 1/24:

Did you know there are multiple surgical choices for weight loss? Please consider taking the time to research all of your options, and talk to others who are living life post-op, before you choose any surgery! There may be more options then you knew about! Just click on the following links (in alphabetical order)

Duodenal Switch: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/ or http://www.duodenalswitch.com

Lap-Band: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rny/

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/VSG/

There are also two seldom-performed and non-ASBS approved offshoots of the RNY procedure:

Fobi-Pouch Gastric Bypass: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/fobipouch/

Mini Gastric Bypass: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/mini_gastric_bypass/

The following experimental procedures are not covered by insurance and are not ASBS approved

Dr. Heap's mini-switch: http://www.aaawashingtonweightloss.com/Surgery.html

VERGITO procedure: http://www.johnhustedmd.com/vergito.htm

Recipe: Tortellini Soup

Jan 23, 2008

Last week, I tried a friend's Tortellini Soup at a gathering for work. It was yummy, but it was intended to be eaten as part of a meal and not the whole meal as it didn't have a lot of protein to it. SO, I played with it a bit and love it!
Here's what I actually did...

1 pound ground beef, browned
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 small yellow onion, chopped
1 stick butter
3 cans broth (vegetable and beef were what I had on hand)
1 can kidney beans
1 large can (or two small) diced tomatoes with juice
16 oz bag frozen spinach
about 7 or 8 ozs of DRIED three cheese tortellini
grated parmesan cheese (no romano here, but that is what the orig recipe called for!)

Brown ground beef, drain and set aside. Cook onion and garlic in butter for a couple minutes or till the onion is softened. Pour in broth and canned tomatoes (don't drain tomatoes). Pour in kidney beans (don't drain those either). Stir in ground beef. Bring to boil. Add frozen, chopped spinach and return to boil. Then, turn heat down and cook for 20 minutes. Add dry tortellini and cook till they are as done as you like. Grate in fresh parmesan cheese to taste. Serve with another grate of cheese across the top!

Nutrition info per 1 cup serving:
Fat--10 grams (3.6 saturated, 0 trans)
Carbs--13.3 grams (2.5 fiber and 1.5 sugars)
Protein--17 grams

It is yummy!! Can't wait for dinner! Going to serve it with some warm garlic bread...

Tips for Making a Recipe More Weight Loss Surgery Friendly

Jan 20, 2008

As a weight loss surgery postop, you have things you look for in a recipe--like high protein content and low carb counts. You also have things you try to avoid--like sugar and high fat content.  There are many ways to modify recipes in order to make them more WLS friendly.  I hear so many people say "I'm no cook!" or "I'm not very creative."  It can be pretty simple to change up an old favorite to make it a healthier choice.  Here's a few tips I've gathered:

1) Add protein!
    You can boost the protein content of a recipe by adding protein powder.  When baking, you can replace flour with protein powder.  When cooking other things, you can stir protein powder in to the liquid in the recipe as long as the temperature will not defeat the purpose.  For example, adding protein powder to something that will be brought to a boil or simmered for a very long time is of no value as this will make the protein powder ineffective and can cause it to be grainy and just downright nasty at times.  But, in cold recipes such as puddings, yogurts, things with cream and milk, etc, you can stir protein powder into the liquid before you add it to the recipe.  Quite often the flavors of the dish will prevent the protein from being noticed!

2) Reduce Fat
    The first thing to look at with fats are, of course, your meats.  Choosing leaner cuts of meat can reduce fat and cholesterol.  But, you can also try using other meats--such as turkey and chicken versions of things in place of beef or pork varieties.  For example, turkey bacon, turkey pepperoni, and turkey sausage have much less fat than their "regular" counterparts.  Try using ground chicken or ground turkey in place of ground beef.  In many recipes you will not notice the difference in taste, but the calorie and fat differences can amaze you!
    When baking, you can sometimes delete an ingredient from a recipe to reduce fats.  You can also use a lesser amount--simply cut the amount in half.  But, most often you'll have to replace it with a more suitable item.  For example, you could replace lard with a healthy vegetable oil such as canola or olive oil.  You might substitute unsweetened applesauce for all or part of the fat in a recipe.  You can sometimes find a fruit based fat-replacer in the baking aisle of your grocery store. 
    You can also help reduce the fat content of a recipe by using low-fat, reduced-fat, and fat-free ingredients.  But, please remember that a certain amount of fat is necessary in everyone's diet in order to keep your skin, hair and nails healthy!  And, don't forget to read the labels on these lower fat, reduced fat and fat free items as sometimes the fat is replaced with sugary contents and they truly are not a healthier option.

3) Reduce cholesterol
    Many WLS postops began their journey with high-cholesterol and have been battling that for a while.  As the weight comes off, the blood cholesterol tends to improve, but it can't hurt to watch the cholesterol in the food you are eating.  One great way to reduce cholesterol is eating leaner cuts of meat.  We eat less of something, so why not buy a better cut of meat and savor the flavor!  Or, try substituting ground turkey or chicken for ground beef or ground pork.  Reducing fats, particularly saturated and trans fats is the first step.  Another suggested way to cut cholesterol is to use an egg substitute such as Egg Beaters when cooking with eggs.  Adding an omega-3 supplement (often fish oil) to your diet is also supposed to help reduce your cholesterol as can adding fiber (see fiber further down in this entry).

4) Reduce sugar
    Reducing sugar can make a recipe more tolerable to the WLS postop as well as reduces calories in a recipe.  You can do this in many ways.  No one way works for ALL persons because we have different tastes and different things we tolerate.  For those who simply wish to replace sugar and have no issues with sugar alcohols, replace the sugar in a recipe cup-for-cup with the Splenda granulated product that is sold in a bag. Walmart and Krogers both have a generic/store brand of this item available now.   The Splenda in a bag (granulated) is NOT the same as the Splenda in the little packets as it has been "bulked" up so that it works in this cup-for-cup way.  There is also a Splenda/sugar blend that can be used if you prefer, but it does not remove all the sugar from a recipe and is not going to reduce the calories as much as most prefer.  If you do not care for Splenda, there are several other sugar replacement products on the market now--Equal, Sugar Twin, Sweet & Low, etc.  Many of these have a baking version as well.  If you can not tolerate sugar alcohols and are forced to use real sugar, you can often reduce the quantity of sugar and enhance the flavor by adding spices such as cinnamon, clove, allspice, nutmeg and/or vanilla or almond flavoring.
    A note regarding BROWN sugar--Splenda has a brown sugar version that is simply a mixture of Splenda and real brown sugar.  It reduces, but does not eliminate the sugar in a recipe.  And, it is expensive--$4.99 on average for a bag that is equivalent to 2 pounds of brown sugar (usually about $1.69 for the real brown sugar).  You can make your own Splenda/brown sugar mixture by mixing equal amounts of Splenda granulated (the Splenda in a bag) and light or dark brown sugar.  Mix 1 cup of brown sugar to 1 cup of Splenda and stir in an airtight container.

5) Add fiber!
    Fiber is very important in EVERYONE'S diet--whether they've had WLS or not...  It is recommended that you women eat 21 to 25 grams of fiber per day  and men eat 30 to 38 grams of fiber per day in order to maintain regular bowel movements.  As a WLS postop, it is hard to get this amount of fiber into your diet on a regular basis because we focus so greatly on getting in our protein each day.  The further out you are, the easier it gets (for some) because you are able to eat a more varied diet as you eat a bit more food in a day's time.  But, if you focus as much on the fiber as you do on the protein, it can help. 
    Fiber supplements are available in a wide array of options.  There are fiber pills and capsules you can take.  There are fiber powders you can stir into beverages and foods and even add when baking or cooking.  BUT, too much of a good thing is not always better.  It is possible that using more than necessary can actually cause constipation instead of helping keep you regular.  It can be a delicate balance.  For that reason, many WLS postops prefer to add fiber to their diet via real food.  Good fiber choices are found in many forms!  Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are your biggest fiber sources.  A list of high fiber foods with rankings can be found here.  An article on fiber from the Mayo Clinic can be found here

6) Change how something is prepared
    Sometimes the WAY something is cooked is as much to blame as the ingredients themselves.  For example, a piece of chicken might be a perfectly healthy food choice.  However, baking it with seasonings is a better option than flouring and frying it.  Instead of frying, consider grilling, baking, boiling, broiling, steaming, or braising something.  Instead of basting something with the fats/drippings, try using fruit/vegetable juice, wine, or vegetable broth.  Instead of adding oil or fat to a skillet, consider using a non-stick pan or spraying the pan with a non-stick spray.
    Another thing to consider is using less pre-packaged ingredients and replace them with fresh foods.  Pre-packaged foods often have higher sodium, fat, and calories than their fresh food counterparts.  And, the nutrients can be diminished in the packing process.  The vitamin content in fresh veggies is better than that in canned items AND they just plain taste better!

7) Watch portion sizes
    Many WLS postops admit that portion sizes as a preop were a big issue for them.  "It wasn't WHAT I ate, but rather how much..."  is a common quote.  I know that I never really had any "trigger" or "binge" foods, but when I ate, I ate too much.  It doesn't matter what you change, alter or delete from a recipe if you still eat too much of it.  I often tell my hubby (who is overweight and a type 2 diabetic) that he can eat anything--in moderation.  This is true after WLS as well.  You can usually eat anything, but must do so in moderation,  Even postops who dump from sugars and/or fats can usually eat those things in moderation.  Therefore portion sizes are key!  Portion sizes are also an important element in eating only till satiated, and not till you are overfull or make your self sick.  Measure your food.  Learn what a true portion is.  This alone can be an eye opening experience!  When you measure out what a package or recipe tells you is ONE PORTION, it is often MUCH less than you had previously imagined!  Portion control is the #1 key to long-term management and maintenance of weight loss.  You don't belong to the "clean plate club" anymore!  Just because something is on your plate does not mean you have to finish it!  Starving children in China will not be better off because you ate it all!  If you are eating out, ask for a to-go box to take home the rest.  If you are at home, put it away for later.  Click HERE for an article from the AARP on portion control.

I often tell someone that I had this surgery in order to be "normal."  What is normal?  Well, to most folks, normal is just a setting on a clothes dryer!  But, in this instance, "normal" is truly "what everyone else does."  Normal people eat what they want, when they want.  So, if I want chocolate, I eat chocolate.  But, I eat a heck of a lot less of it than I did as a preop!  If I want a muffin, I eat a muffin, but it has added protein and fiber!  If I want steak, I eat steak.  I pretty much eat what I want, but I am careful to watch my portion sizes and I prepare those foods as healthfully as possible.  For these reasons, I don't eat out very often and when I do, I order what I want from the menu with no expectation of discounts due to my choice to have WLS.  They didn't charge me more when I was fat!  I order what I want and ask for a to-go box for the leftovers.  Restaurant leftovers make great lunches!  When I have a craving for something, I go ahead and eat it.  I do not wait and wait till I want it so badly I could eat a whole plate or package of whatever it is.  I am much more in control of what I eat this way.  Everyone is different.  Some postops choose to never, EVER again eat some foods.  This could be because they feel it is not a healthy choice OR it might be because it was a food that they binged on before surgery.  For me, no food is off limits (unless it makes me sick), but I am the one in control now, not the food!

What's For Dinner? Taco Soup Recipe

Jan 17, 2008

I was wondering what everyone else was doing for dinner tonight??  We've been sort of stale with dinner choices lately.  Tonight I tossed together something different to try to get us out of this rut!  We're having taco soup.  Here's what I used!

Taco Soup
1 pound lean ground beef
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
1 can black beans
1 can kidney beans
1 can whole kernel corn
1 can diced tomatoes
1 package taco seasoning
1 package ranch salad dressing mix

Brown ground beef with onion.  Drain and add to soup pot.
Open and dump in all canned items (do not drain!). 
Open and add seasoning packets.
Mix well.  Heat till bubbling then turn heat down to simmer and cook for 1/2 hour.

With these ingredients, it boils down to this for one cup of soup:
fat--10 total, 3.4 saturated
carbs--20.8 total, 5.1 fiber and 3.8 sugars
protein--22.6 grams

Not too bad for something SO simple to fix!  I may just sprinkle on some of Michelle's cotija cheese too!

Snack Idea--Mix your own nuts!

Jan 07, 2008

Hi gang!
My biggest quick-snack-grab is mixed nuts.  I hate paying the price that stores charge for mixed nuts though, so I mix my own.  I go to Dollar General and buy the following items:
2 cans cashew pieces ($2.25 each)
2 cans roasted almonds ($2.75 each)
2 bags (6 ozs ea) pecan halves ($2.50 each)
1 can peanuts ($1)
1 bag of peanut, sunflower seed and raisins mixed ($2)
1 box raisins ($1 to $2)

Then, I get out my great big Tupperware mixing bowl (or a big roasting pan would work) and I dump ALL of these into it.  I don't use quite all the raisins, but I use better than half to 2/3 a box.  Make sure you rub them between your hands to seperate them a bit.  Once it is all in there, tumble it around with your hands to mix it all up and then pour it into the nut cans or some other container for storage till eaten.  As there are a couple items in there that don't come in cans, you'll have to use some sort of container OR save cans from the previous batch...  I have a big plastic container from mixed nuts that I rewash and use for the overflow once the cans are all full.  For about $20, I have no less than 6 to 7 regular nut can sized cans of mixed nuts.  You can use ANY nuts you like.  You could even add walnuts, macadamias, pine nuts, soy nuts, etc.  You could add other types of dried fruit if you prefer those--berries, apples, etc.  I just like raisins and they are cheap so keep the cost down.  You can bag an ounce of this mix up in snack sized ziplocs or just get a handful out of the can when you want some.  BUT, don't sit down with the open can as it is SO easy to eat half the can!

Nuts are a great source of healthy fats!  But, fats are higher in calories, so the total can add up quick if you overdo it!

Stalls... Just part of the game!

Jan 06, 2008

Stalls are one of the truths of WLS journeys...  You have the surgery and leave the hospital expecting to just melt away the pounds.  Well, sometimes exactly that happens.  But, not usually.  Most of us experience several stalls along the way.  Some lose slower just because they started out lighter and had less to lose.  Others lose slowly despite starting at 300+ pounds.  There is just no way to predict how you'll lose.  It is, for this very reason, SO important that you measure your body!  I just wish I'd measured before surgery so I knew where I truly started out.  I had already lost 40 pounds by the time I measured!  Who knows how many inches 40 pounds on a 410 pound body could have been!

You lose weight sort of like descending a stairway in a skyscraper...  You go down a couple of flights and then you hit a landing where you turn and prepare to go down some more.  At some landings, there are doors to leave the stairway and stray from your path.  The trick is knowing that you don't have to go through that door and that by just staying on the path, things will continue as they are supposed to.  Many people hit a stall (or landing!) and just because they are not losing weight, they let their eating habits stray a bit and maybe eat things that they shouldn't and thereby stall even longer.  Those that stick to their plan and don't stray eventually pick up and take off on the losing again.  Too often though, someone who is at a stall takes the time to start logging their food/water/protein info and finds that part of the stall is their own fault!  They are not eating enough or are eating too much of things they shouldn't.  They are often not getting in enough liquids and protein each day.  Then, when they adjust for those things, the losing takes off again!
For me, I lost 24 pounds preop on a 1000 calorie/100 carb diet to shrink my liver.  I was not required to lose even one pound, but I wasn't allowed to gain even one pound either or they cancel your surgery and put you on a diet!  How's THAT for incentive to do your best?  So, 24 pounds down by surgery day put me at 386.  I left the hospital at 391 thanks to IV fluids.  Even starting out that heavy, at 2 mos postop, I was only down 40 more pounds and I stalled for two weeks.  I did what SO many do--I freaked out!  What if that was it?  What if I never lost another pound?  OMG!!  Then, all of a sudden, I lost 5 pounds and it started again.  By 4 mos out, I was down 100 pounds.  Then I stalled for THREE weeks!  And this continued.  I would lose for a couple of weeks and then stall for a couple.  By 7 mos out, I was losing only 4 to 8 pounds in an average month and some months lost only the week after my period.  BUT, I lost 100 pounds in 2006 and 105 in 2007.  I hope to lose at least 20 in 2008 and STAY at 185ish with no true hope of plastics to take care of this excess skin.  If at some point in the future I can manage some plastics, I may eventually see a weight closer to the "normal" range for me (122 to 159 is the normal BMI for me).  But, I'll be happy--truly happy--at any weight that starts with a ONE!

Half of me!

Dec 25, 2007

Wow, another milestone!  Today, after a month of NO loss, I got on the scale to see 2 0 5!  205!!  Two hundred and five pounds!  LOL  That is half of what I weighed when I started my WLS journey!  From 410 to 205 and in just shy of 16 mos.  I will be 16 mos out on 12/29.  What a Christmas gift to myself! 

Next stop----ONEderland!

About Me
LaBelle, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 14, 2006
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Day 2 of back on track!
Better day Weds...
Maybe this is contributing to me not losing lately???
Meatloaf: It's what's for dinner!
