Still stalling after 3 mos...

Mar 27, 2007

It is so frustrating to go for week after week with little or no loss at all...  The last 3 weeks of January I lost nothing at all.  Then, the first 9 days of February I lost 11 pounds and went right back into the stall.  Since then, I have had a week or two with no loss at all and then a 2 to 4 pound loss in a week.  As of today (March 27th), I have lost just 23 pounds since Jan 1st.  I was losing that much in a month most every month July to December!  Now, to have lost just 23 pounds in 3 whole months has been very defeating...  BUT, I can say that I have also lost a whopping 41 inches in the same time!  Thank goodness for my measuring tape!  LOL

I've tried decreasing my calories per day. I've tried increasing my calories per day.  I've tried cutting back on the carbs.  I've tried increasing my protein.  I've tried increasing my fluids intake.  And, I've tried boosting my exercise amount/type.  But, nothing seems to make much difference.  I guess I need to learn to be happy that I am still losing SOME weight...  It may be slow, but it IS still coming off!  And, to have lost a total of 134 pounds at just 7 mos post-op is still great...

SO, if you're in the same boat as I am, step away from the scale!  Toss that baby out or lock it up, but only weigh yourself once a week (or less) so it isn't quite as frustrating for you.  And pull out that measuring tape!!  Measure yourself at least every 2 weeks (I do weekly) while you are stalling.  These are the weeks when the inches peel off the fastest.  Start looking at the big picture--how many pounds TOTAL you've lost--not how many this week AND how many inches you've lost total, not just this week.  If you know you are following your surgeon's plan, the weight WILL come off.  It just takes it sweet time sometimes!  LOL

Do you measure yourself? 100 inches gone forever!

Mar 13, 2007

My weight loss journey began on July 13th, 2006 with my initial consult with my bariatric surgeon.  Between then and my surgery on August 29th, 2006, I lost 24 pounds.  On September 13th, 2006, I measured my body for the first time.  I wish now that I had done so way back in July when I started losing weight!  I don't have a "true" beginning point for my measurements because I'd already lost about 40 pounds by the first time I measured myself. 

BUT, as of yesterday (March 12th, 2007), I have documented a loss of 100 inches from all over my body!  WoooooHoooooo!!!  LOL  I swear that losing 100 inches feels even better than reaching that first 100 pounds lost and joining the century club!  It is an awesome feeling!  And, it sure helped cheer me up after an almost 2 month long stall!  I knew after I weighed myself last Friday that it appeared my stall was winding down as I'd lost a few pounds again, so I went ahead and measured and found that I'd lost many more inches during those weeks! 

I cannot encourage you pre-ops enough to MEASURE yourself early!  I wish someone at my surgeon's office had suggested it at that initial consult!  Measure yourself so that even during weight loss stalls you can see that you are losing inches.  And, take good FULL BODY before pics to compare to later when you just can't see your own weight loss that everyone is commenting on.  I know that I had lost over 100 pounds before I could really SEE the loss that others were commenting on.  I truly didn't see it until the first time I tried on clothing that fit me properly after losing the weight.  I guess that as long as I was WEARING the 4X clothing, in my mind I still WAS a size 4X.  But, when you stand in front of the mirror in clothing that fits properly, it is very hard to deny that you have lost the weight and your body is shrinking and reshaping!  What a wonderful feeling!

I know that I will emphasize the importance of measuring to anyone I know who is planning surgery.  It is great to be able to document not just pounds lost but also inches!

What is important to YOU in a bariatric program?

Feb 10, 2007

I've talked to folks who went with the first surgeon they ever had a consult with.  And, I've also talked to folks who went with the surgeon they "thought could get me approved."  But, for those of you who saw more than one surgeon and then chose between them and the differing programs offered, what factors helped you decide who to use?

The item of the greatest concern is usually a surgeon's complication rate.  You can't help but want to know how many of your surgeon's patients have died during or as a result of surgery.  And, you need to know what sort of complications are common amongst your surgeon's patients.  But, what should be, in my opinion, of the greatest concern in a surgeon's program is the amount and type of pre-op and post-op education you are given about the surgery, the changes to your anatomy, and how to adapt your life and eating habits in order to have the most successful WLS experience.  My surgeon has a program that includes dietary learning before surgery and 1 year of post-op follow up and education workshops.  This is included in the cost of your surgery and a small "education" fee ($275) that is due before surgery.  It also includes the option to meet with a nurse or the dietician once a month for that year if you feel the need.  They also have a support group that meets monthly in his office and it is pretty well attended (20+ at most meetings, ranging from new post-ops to folks 3+ years out).  The dietician is at most support group meetings as well and is willing to stand and talk to you before or after the meeting if you have questions that can't be answered in the flow of the meeting itself. 

I have been very happy with my choice of surgeon and programs.  I just wondered how everyone else felt and what factors most influenced your decision...

Stall, stall, STALL!!

Feb 08, 2007

Wow, finally, a 3 week stall has ended!  I was at 299 pounds for three whole weeks.  3 weeks of no weight lost despite dilligent tracking of the calories, carbs, protein, and liquid I consumed as well as kicking up my level of exercise a bit.

This was my second stall since my surgery.  I had a 2 week stall in the beginning of November and every day that went by with no movement on the scale was TORTURE!  I was just 2 months post-op when that stall started.  It felt way too soon for things to be slowing down already.  Now, of course, I understand the process a bit better and knew that I'd have lost several inches when this more current stall ended.  And, I measured today and found that I had actually lost almost 9 more inches, for a total of 70 inches lost from all over my body.  I am now at 294 pounds with a BMI of 46 and I am aiming for at least 175 pounds as my goal weight.  I'd be happier somewhere in the 160s, but I would honestly be happy just to see a ONE at the beginning of whatever my weight is!  LOL

Finally reached Two-Terville!!

Jan 16, 2007

I am happy to report that I have finally dropped enough weight to put me in the two hundreds!  I am at 299 pounds (down 111 from 410).  I have lost a total of 62 all-over-inches.  I have not dropped clothing sizes as fast as I'd hoped to, but part of that is the fact that I carry most of my excess weight between my waist and my knees.  My butt isn't shrinking fast enough to allow quick progression through the pants sizes!  LOL

Another WLS post-op who has been at about the same place as me all along our journey (we started out with only 6 pounds difference in our weights and had our surgery about the same time and have lost at the same rate) and I have agreed to set a mutual goal.  We are now working to get to 265 pounds by March 31st of 2007.  If we make it to this goal, we will set a new goal for what we want to accomplish by July 4th.  It is great having someone who is experiencing about the same thing at about the same time as you!  Her name is Christina and her profile is at

So bored with foods I've been eating...

Dec 30, 2006

It seems like I've been eating the same thing for months now....with very little variety or alteration.  I'm so bored with everything and, since I still have no appetite or hunger (what a blessing in a way), being bored with the foods makes it harder to force yourself to eat every little bit... 

SO, I am on a quest to find new food ideas and new dinner recipes.  I'd love meal suggestions (I can eat about anything I can tolerate--per my surgeon--but I can't handle much sugar at all or I dump).  I'd love recipe site suggestions.  I'd love to find a few recipe places with recipes intended for WLS post-ops OR diabetics (due to the low sugar tolerance) OR low-carb recipes.  Any suggestions are very much appreciated!

Hit the Century mark!!

Dec 24, 2006

I had set a goal of losing 100 pounds by Christmas.  I was able to confirm making my goal on Friday 12/22 at my surgeon's office.  I weighed in and had officially hit 310 pounds, which is 100 pounds lost!  I admit that I wondered (when I set the goal) whether it was really possible.  Another WLS patient told me that it would happen....  But never in my wildest dreams did I believe it then.  Now, I am still a bit shocked, but I am thrilled at the same time!

Now if OH would just make the Century Cards available again!  LOL  

91 pounds gone forever!

Dec 11, 2006

I had my 3 month workshop at my surgeon's office today....  It is always great to be in a room with 8-10 other folks who are at about the same spot post-op as I am.  We can chat, ask questions, compare notes, and just enjoy being around others who know exactly what we've been through and where we're going on this journey.

I am now down 91 pounds, which brings me to 319 pounds.  I am just 9 pounds shy of my goal of losing 100 pounds by Christmas and I have 2 whole weeks left to lose those 9 pounds.  I am confident I'll make it now...  And, that will be the century mark in just shy of 4 months after my surgery!

Wow! A Blog!

Oct 18, 2006

What a neat addition to our profiles!  This will be a great way to post updates as I continue to drop the pounds! 

I'll have to look around and see how others are using their blogs!
Lea in WV

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LaBelle, FL
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Jul 14, 2006
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Day 2 of back on track!
Better day Weds...
Maybe this is contributing to me not losing lately???
Meatloaf: It's what's for dinner!
