Darlene, Lisa & Ken:
I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Darlene, I thought I was having a tough time until I read your story. I pray that you and your family get some relief.
God can perform a supernatural miracle and I am calling on Him to do so, and His Angels to surround your family with healing and protection. I have added all of you to my prayer list with my church and my pastor here at the hospital.
I had RNY on 2/10/04 and am doing well. I started out at 608 and am now down 85 pounds. I should get to go home Saturday.
Your story has so touched my heart, that I really want to come to see you. I hope I can heal quickly so I can do that if it is something you would like. I have been so blessed by my AMOS family, and soon it will be time for me to forward on those blessings to other brothers and sisters fighting the battle of obesity.
Please hang on Darlene. Ken & Lisa you have been a pillar of strength for her. Don't forget to get the rest you need as well.
I will be contacting you privately by email Lisa, to see if we can make arrangements for me to visit your mom to offer my support.
Please take care, and know you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.