D M. 21 years ago

Lisa, please tell Darlene that we are praying for her!! She has had a long hard struggle but proven that she is a strong woman. Please keep us posted.

Jamiya 21 years ago

Lisa, I just said a prayer for you and your family. Keep the faith!!

Judy Cadena 21 years ago

Darlene, Lisa & Ken: I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Darlene, I thought I was having a tough time until I read your story. I pray that you and your family get some relief. God can perform a supernatural miracle and I am calling on Him to do so, and His Angels to surround your family with healing and protection. I have added all of you to my prayer list with my church and my pastor here at the hospital. I had RNY on 2/10/04 and am doing well. I started out at 608 and am now down 85 pounds. I should get to go home Saturday. Your story has so touched my heart, that I really want to come to see you. I hope I can heal quickly so I can do that if it is something you would like. I have been so blessed by my AMOS family, and soon it will be time for me to forward on those blessings to other brothers and sisters fighting the battle of obesity. Please hang on Darlene. Ken & Lisa you have been a pillar of strength for her. Don't forget to get the rest you need as well. I will be contacting you privately by email Lisa, to see if we can make arrangements for me to visit your mom to offer my support. Please take care, and know you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Luv, ---J.J.

Billysmawmaw 21 years ago

I am so sorry that things are not going well for your mom. I have followed her journey for many months and do hope and pray that she reaches a happy outcome. God Bless You All. Cathy

Teresa D. 21 years ago

Hi Lisa - I was sorry to read your mom is not doing well but please don't lose your faith or give up hope, honey, and try to encourage your mom not to give up, either. God is GOOD and He does answer prayers... He also performs miracles ! I know this to be true because I have experienced miracles in my own life. I'll continue to remember your mom and the family in my prayers, darlin'. Thanks for always keeping us updated.

Tessy716 21 years ago

Lisa, please let Darlene know I have her and her family in my prayers. Please keep us here informed about her health. I know God is watching over us all. God Bless you smooches ~~T

MommaAngel 21 years ago

HI LISA I am praying for your mom. The Lord is still in the miracle working business, Eight years ago my children were called to the hospital with a alot of bad reports on me. They told my kids they didn,t think I was going to make it through the night.I was in Icu on life support.Three days later I was healed. The doctor even said that my healing was beyond what they could have done for me. Speak over her and say she shall live and not die and declair the works of the Lord.Its a promise in the Bible of healing.I will be praying for her and you. LORD BLESS

Coastiewife 21 years ago

You are in my thoughts and prayers! ~Nicole

Jill R. 21 years ago

Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.

Robyn S. 21 years ago

As i sit here in tears having spent the last hour and a half getting to know darlene's story, her strength and her families amazing love I too am sending prayers and hugs to you darlene and your amazingly devoted family. Thank you for sharing your story and giving me the strength and encouragement to change my life NOW!! Fight hard, because there is still one person out here who wants to meet her hero....... (*ME) I look forward to the day i can chat online with you and congratulate you on your victory... God has saved a miracle for you i just know he has.
About Me
Midwest City, OK
Surgery Date
Nov 18, 2001
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