Moma V. 21 years ago

My prayers and condolences go out for you the family and friends of Darlene, she was such a good lady, she will be greatly missed here as well. God must have needed a new angel.

vonnie2304 21 years ago

I am truly sorry to hear of the passing of Darlene. Lisa and Ken my heart goes out to you in this time of need. I will keep you and the rest of your family uplifted in prayer. I only knew her from the board but I feel saddened at deeply at this time. May God keep you and your family.

Joyce S. 21 years ago

Lisa, I am so sorry about you losing your mom. This is just too sad. Joyce

Donna Allen 21 years ago

So sorry to hear of Darlene's passing. I will keep her family in my prayers. Hugs Donna

Darlene H. 21 years ago

I'm sorry to inform all of you that my mom joined the lord this morning about 6:40. It was her time, she fought long and hard and just couldn't take it anymore. She had a callaped lung and only meds were keeping her blood pressure up. and the vent was at 100% and she was still only getting 84% oxgyen to her body. By early this morning she was having seizers one right after the other, she had not been responsive for almost the whole 2 day she was in ICU. This morning we decided to make her comfortable and stop the meds and let her peacefully surounded by family move on to her well deserved place beside got so shed that earthly body and move on. and at 6:40am she did so, peacefully. Today I not only lost my mom but my best friend. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayer. email me or PM me if you would like to send cards or flowers whatever or just a number to call. thanks again. you all have been a real blessing to me and to my mom. Lisa.

Darlene H. 21 years ago

darlene pass way 640am this moring as we find out where and when ill post tell more later ken

summewe 21 years ago

Darlene - Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Please keep us up-to-date on your progress. -- Wendy

ann C. 21 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear about all the pain you and your family are going through. You have been through so much. You are all in my prayers. Peace

Pat C. 21 years ago

Dear Lisa, I'm praying for your mom too. She's been in our prayers for a long time, and now, well I just pray that whatever happens, you can all know the peace of the Lord. Pat

Joanne M. 21 years ago

Darlene know that so many are lifting you up in prayer. Hope you are doing a little better this am. You and your family have been through so much. Love and prayers Joanne
About Me
Midwest City, OK
Surgery Date
Nov 18, 2001
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