170's?!?!?!?!? GLORY!!!!

Oct 29, 2007

Well, I don't know where to start this post, other than....GLORY!!!! ohhhh 170's GLORY!!!!!  Today I am 179 pounds!!!!  For a loss of 51 pounds in 11 weeks!!!!  So, I may not be losing as fast as others but, I am excited about every pound I lose and I am very proud of my progress thus far!!!  I haven't been in the 170's since the year 2001....so yeah, thats a great feeling!!!  So on November 6th I will be 3 months Post-Op!  I am praying that I can lose another 5 pounds or so by then.  I want to be close to losing 60 pounds by my 3 month check up!!  I just hope I can get a little closer by next Monday!!!  That gives me a week to work my butt off!!!!!  I have so much stuff to do....I so need to end this post short and get busy.  So, TaTa for now.....

Ash :)

1 day at a time....

Oct 21, 2007

I swear I am such a nerd.  I am excited and happy about every single pound I lose.  Down one more pound since yesterday!  I have 1 more pound to go and I will have lost 50 pounds!!  HELL YEAH!!!

Ash :)


Oct 20, 2007

Yeeeehaaawwww!  This stall really is over!  Down another pound this morning!  Thats just fab!  I went to Wal-Mart today to get me some new exercise clothes since the weather is starting to get cooler.  I bought a size 12!  It fits very comfy.  It wont be another 5-10 pounds and I will be down another size!!! I can't wait for that!!!  My shirt was a Large!  That's just crazy to me since I have worn a 1x or larger for so long.  I need a new bra too.  My bra right now is a 38 but I really need a 36!  Thanks for listening!!!! TaTa for now!

Ash :)

YES! YES! YES! Broke the stall!!!!!!

Oct 19, 2007

Well, the stall has broken!!!!  Yes, I have been at a stall for almost 2 weeks now!  Why I do not know?!?!?  I am only down 1 pound but, hey it's better than nothing!  So, that puts me at 183 pounds for a loss of 47 pounds in 10 weeks!  GO ME!!!!! Well, I am headed to the store.... I'm gonna make some yummy chicken salad on toated rye bread!!  TaTA for now....

Ash :)

WOW moment!

Oct 18, 2007

Well, since my post earlier in the day..... I was kinda pissed off since my scale is still at 184 pounds.  I thought I needed to take my measurments.  So, I took them and WOW!!!!! Down 5 more INCHES!!! That was a great end to my scale battle over it being stuck on 184 pounds.  Ohhh happy day!!!

Ash :)

Exercise and still a stall.....?!?!?!

Oct 18, 2007

Well, we had a great weekend out of town.  My daughters Cheer Competition was a great and amazing day!  Her team took home first place and High Point Award!  They did just AMAZING!  I am still at 184 pounds?!?!  I am still walking and drinking my water, so why the stall?!?!?!  I am not eating bad, just a few carbs like bread here and there.  I am in a size 12 and the 14's are too big on me!!  I am rotating the miles that I am walking.  One day I walk 3 miles and the next day I walk 1.5 miles.  I have managed to work myself up to walking 3 miles in 45 min.  Which I think, is just AMAZING!  I want to try and start some type of weight training so that I can tone up my arms and my tummy.  I just now posted my 2 Month Post-Op pics on here.  I know it's a couple of weeks late but, I have just been so busy!!!  I do keep up with everyones posts.  Everyone is doing so well.  I think I am a slow loser...which is good but I am a very anal and want everything yesterday.  I know I didn't get like this overnight and it's not going to fall off overnight but it sure would be nice!!!  Anyone have any ideas for breakfast?!?!?!  I am having trouble with that.  All I can seem to manage is a Banana.  I was never a breakfast person before surgery either.  Well, I have rambled on long enough.  TaTa for now......

Ash :)

Getting faster.....

Oct 12, 2007

I am getting faster with my walking everyday!  I walked 2 miles in 30 min. this morning!!! GO ME!!!!!!!!!  The walking is paying off just great!  I stepped on the scale this morning and BAM! down another 2 pounds!  That puts me at 184 pounds with a BMI of 32.6 @ 5'3" yes, I'm a shorty!  I just can't grasp that I have lost 46 pounds in 9 weeks!! I am just on top of the world!! I'll update on Monday!  Everyone have a great weekend!!! TaTA.....

Ash :)

Walking the line.......

Oct 11, 2007

Well, this week is all about WALKING!

Monday: 1.5 miles in 30 min.
Tuesday: 3 miles in 1 hour
Wednesday: 1.5 miles in 30 min.
Thursday: 3 miles in 1 hour

I am really feeling great this week!!!  I am loving the cool morning walks in the park!  The scale has not moved in almost a week but, I know for sure I am still losing inches!!!  We are going out of town this weekend.  I will try and post my 2 month Post-Op pics soon!  I will be taking new pics this weekend while we are out of town!  TaTa for now.....

Ash :)

***2 Month Post-Op Measurments***

Oct 08, 2007

2 Month Post-Op Measurements:

CHEST: 37"
WAIST: 38"
HIPS: 43"
ARMS: 14"
NECK: 14"


2 Month Post-Op!!

Oct 08, 2007

I have made it, and now I am 2 months Post-Op!  I am down 44 pounds and weighing in at 186 pounds!  I have lost almost 30 inches all over my body!  I am in a size 12 now, but I can still wear some 14's if they are made thight.  I am walking 30 min. about 3 days a week.  I wish I could walk more but, right now my life is just to busy!!  My little girl is involved in Competition Cheer and we are gone away from home a lot.  I am really happy and blessed with my progress thus far.  I know I am not losing as fast as some people but, I am happy and cheering with every pound I lose!  I am excited with all my OH friends kind support and words of wisdom.  I read your profile's and post's often and yall are doing so well!  Keep up the good work!  Here are my new measurements......TaTa for now.....

Ash :)

Weight: Day of Surgery: 230 pounds

Weight: 2 Months Post-Op: 186 pounds

Total Down: 44 pounds

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2007
Member Since

Friends 108

Latest Blog 122
