A trip down memory lane.......lets compare?!?!?

Dec 09, 2007

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These are Pre-Op and 4 Months Post-Op comparison pics!  WOW how WLS works when you stick to it and do what your surgeon and nutritionist says!!!  Tah Tah....


A new pair of jeans.....in a smaller size?!?!?

Dec 08, 2007

I ran out today and got me a new pair of Levi's jeans to wear.  We have an event we are going to tomorrow and I wanted to treat myself to something new.  My size 10's were getting a little baggy.  I went looking for a size 9.  They didn't have any.  All they had were size 8's!!  At first I thought NO!  8's in jeans, I am not so sure about this?!?!?  Take a look at this.......

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I took them to the dressing room to try them on!  They fit perfect!!  I am still in shock!!  Today is such a good day!!  I am truly blessed!  I also got a new bra as well.  My new bra size is a 34C and that's just AMAZING to me!!!  Last month I got a new bra and it was a size 36D.  So you can see I have changed up top in just 4 weeks!!  How cool is that?!?!?  Waaaay Cooool!!!  Thanks for reading....Tah Tah for now..!!

Ash :)

1 pound is really a good thing.....

Dec 07, 2007

This morning I stepped on the scale and WOW down 1 more pound!  So, yes 1 pound lost is still a very EXCITING thing for me!!  Most people wouldn't make a big deal about 1 pound but, I do!!!  I didn't get obese overnight and I knew the weight wouldn't come off overnight.  This WLS journey has been over all a very good experience for me.  Yes, I have made mistakes along the way, but, I am human!  I can without a shadow of a doubt, say that this is the best THING I have ever done for myself!!  I know most people would be happy if they lost 64 pounds in 16 weeks.  I am over joyed and think it's AMAZING!!  All these years I have told myself if I lost the weight I would still be large because I am "big boned" well, the more weight I lose and the more my bones show my family and husband tell me that they really don't think I am "big boned"!  That's just crazy!!  I would never thought that I could possible have small bones?!?!  I just want to thank my God, my sweet husband and my family for cheering me on!  My OH friends have gave me the support that I couldn't get from other people!!  I am gald to be where I am today and this Holiday Season is wonderful!!  Happy Holidays everyone!!! Tah Tah for now!

Ash :)

12/8/07 166 pounds!

***4 Months Post-Op***

Dec 07, 2007

Yesterday was my 4 Month Post-Op mark!!  I weighed in yesterday morning at 167 pounds, for a total loss of 63 pounds since surgery!  My goal was to be at a loss of 70 pounds by my 4th Month Post-Op mark but, oh well, I am still VERY, VERY happy with the progress that I have made this far!  I love the fact that I can wear a MED. shirt!!  I am happy that by the end of the day my size 10 jeans are baggy!!  I will be posting my new pics later today!!  Thanks for everyone support in the last 4 months!!  I am so glad everyone is doing so well!  Yall keep up the good work!!  Thanks for readying..... Tah Tah for now!!

Ash :)

P.S.....  I have 47 pounds left to lose to be at my surgeons goal!  I have 52 pounds left to lose to be at my own personal goal!!  Life is good!!!

***4 Month Post-Op Measurments***

Dec 07, 2007

4 Month Post-Op Measurments

CHEST: 34" 
WAIST: 33"
HIPS: 38"
THIGHS: 22.5"
ARMS: 12"
NECK: 12.5"

4th Month Lost 8.5" Inches

What a change......

Dec 01, 2007

Last week I had taken my wedding ring in to the shop to get it taken down in size.  It was so big, that I couldn't even wear it any more with out it falling off.  Well, I got it back today and WOW what a difference!!  I went from a size 9 down to a size 6!!  That's just amazing!!!  I have little fingers now!!!  Tah Tah for now!

Ash :)

7 days until 4 Months Post-Op!

Nov 28, 2007

I have 7 days until my 4 Month Post-Op mark.  I am at a loss of 62 pounds as of today, putting me at 168 pounds!  My little mini goal was to lose 70 pounds by my 4 Month Post-Op mark.  Lets hope I can lose 8 pounds in 7 days?!?!?!  I reallly don't think that will happen but, hey!  Ya never know?!?!  It's possible but, I'm not holding my breath!  Thanks for reading!  Tah Tah for now..........

Ash :)

P.S.  I got a new pair of Levi's jeans today in a size 10!!!  Totally cool!!!!!

I'm now just OVERWEIGHT!

Nov 26, 2007

I now have a BMI of 29.9!  That makes me OVERWEIGHT!!! Way cool!  My BMI was over 40 the day I had surgery!  What a change..... I have 28 pounds to go until my BMI is in the HEALTHY range!!  That's all......Tah Tah for now!

Ash :)

What a wonderful Thanksgiving.....

Nov 26, 2007

Ohhh, it feels so good to be home!  I went out of town to my Dad's and step-Mom's for Thanksgiving.  I left Wed. and came home last night.  I really missed my hubby not being able to be with us on Thanksgiving, we had a blast!  He will be home on Wed. and I am going to cook him his own little Turkey Dinner.  So, this Thanksgiving was amazing!  I had such a blast catching up with family i haven't seen in years!!  My Dad (PaPa) watched all the kiddos while all us girls went shopping on Friday and Saturday!!!  Lordy, us gals dropped some money in 2 days!!!  We got alot of supper good deals in several stores.  I bought about 5 new winter clothes and new leather jacket in a size MED!!  I even got a new sweater at Macys in the junior department! How cool is that!!!  We went to a cool place here in Dallas called SAM MOOM, it's off Harry Hines Blvd.  They have tons of cool stuff.  I got a COACH nock off purse for under $15.00 it's very real looking and if you don't know enough about COACH purses then you wouldn't know it's fake.  It's just as pretty at my REAL COACH purse that I payed out the ASS FOR!!!  LOL!  Well, as far as the food goes, I did AMAZING!!!  I was such a good girl!  I ate my turkey and ham first, then a few small bites of dressing, greenbeen casarol, candied yams, and regular mashed potatoes.  That's all I ate!!!  I even ate of one of the kids plates, just so I wouldn't be tempted!!  As far as sweets go, I only tried ONE small teaspoon size bite of Pumpkin Pie!!  That was the only sweet I tried.  I didn't get on the scale until this morning, I only like to weigh on my scale here at the house.  I think this is the first Thanksgiving in my LIFE that I haven't gained 5 pounds!!!  Well, when I left last Wed. to go to my Dad's the scale was at 170 pounds.  This morning it was at 169 pounds!!!!! YES!!! YES!!! I am proud of myself, even though it's only 1 pound, it is was better than gaining!!!  I have never lost any amount of weight during the holidays!!  It feels really good to be under 170 pounds!!!  I haven't been in the 160's range since I was like 12 years old!!!  I sure have had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I def. have a lot to be thankful for!!  I hope everyone had a great turkey day as well, and was able to control the temptations of the holiday season!!  Thanks for listening....Tah Tah for now....!

Ash :)


Nov 21, 2007

Well, this morning is good, really it's GREAT!!!  I stepped on the scale and BOOM!  170 pounds came across the screen!!!!  YEAH!!!  That's such a great feeling!  That puts me at 60 pounds lost in 14 weeks!!!  I will NEVER see those 60 pounds again!!!  This Thanksgiving will be so different for me, better than any in the past.  This year I really have something important to be thankfull for rather than the FOOD!!!  I am thankfull for God, my wonderful husband, my little girl, my family and last but least, my RNY SURGERY!!!  I wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving!  I will be heading out of town and will be back on Sat.  I am looking forward to seeing how everyone deals with their first Post-Op Turkey Day?!?!?!  Best wishes.....Tah Tah for now...... Gobble Gobble.....

Ash :)


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Jun 17, 2007
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