Nov 20, 2007

So, I ran to Wally World tonight to get a few items left on my turkey day list.  We are going out of town tomorrow to spend the holidays with my Dad and step Mom.  I thought it would be nice to get a new pair of comfy pj's and a new pair of athletic work out pants!  I like to buy the work out pants because since I am changing sizes so fast they are alot cheaper to replace than a $40 pair of jeans.  So, I go over to the work out clothes and start skimming the clothes looking for a pair that I like.  I find a cute black pair with 2 white stripes down the sides.  So, I go and reach for a size 11/12 well, I then remember that they don't have a size 11/12 they only have a 12/14.  The next size down would be a 8/10!  So, at first I think NO WAY!!!  I could NEVER wear a 8/10!  So, I think well just for laughs, I will get the 8/10 and go to the dressing room and try them on.  So, I get in the dressing room and I am very prepaired to cry when they don't fit.  Then as a I put them on and they don't get stuck at my thighs, I pull them up more, and more and more!!! Then, OMGGGGGGGG they freakin' FIT!!!!  And with plenty of room left over!!!! Ohhh someone has gotta pinch the hell outta me cuz this ain't happen' to me, or is it, yes it is!!!!!!  So, I get dressed and put the NEW pants in the buggy and we're off to continue shopping.  I then see a end cap with the cutest pj's for Christmas!  I think, well I am in such a chipper mood now I might as well get a new pair of pj's for the trip to my Dad's.  So, I find a pair I like and then, I start laughing so hard..... I actually grabbed a size 8/10 which says MED. on the tag!!!!!!  That was another WOW moment!!  I have been in a Large or bigger for years now, seeing a MED. in my buggy was unreal!!!!  The biggest thing that got me was when I got home and tried on the pj's they were not tight at all, I still had plenty of room!!!  Well, I was just so excited and had to share this little story with yall.  This was just another non-scale victory for me!!! I just love those!!!!  Good night yall....Tah Tah for now.....

Ash :)

DSC02225.jpg picture by AshleyInTexas

Short and Sweet!

Nov 19, 2007

I weighed this morning and I was down 1 more pound!!!  That's 59 pounds gone forever!!!!  That puts me at 171 pounds!!  Well, that's all for now, Tah Tah!!!

Ash :)

Very good morning! 172 pounds!!!

Nov 16, 2007

So, this morning was really a good one for me!  In my previous post I talked about how I was stalled at 175 pounds for over a week.  Then yesterday morning I had droped 1 pound.  Well, I was a little worried.  This morning I had droped another 2 pounds!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  I am now at 172 pounds!!  I need to stop being so hard on myself.  Come on, 58 pounds lost in 13 weeks is AMAZING!!!!!!!  Duh!  Ash!  I do have to say that since the stall, I have cut out anything CARB!!!  I really think that did the trick!  I was eating chicken but, it was crispy chicken and not grilled.  I really and truly think that I was taking in to many CARBS!!!  So, I am really going to watch that!  I am getting close to 60 pounds gone forever!  I really still am in shock that I had this sugery.  It was like a dream come true for me and I am still waiting for someone to pinch me!  It's real, and I need to see that.  Well, thanks for listening to me this morning!  Tah Tah for now.....

Ash :)

It's about freakin time!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 16, 2007

As you know I have been stuck at 175 pounds since November 6th!!!!! Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!  But, this morning....I weighed 174 pounds!!!!!! Thank You!!  I was starting to really freak out!!  I am much better now!!!  If I could lose these last 4 pounds by December I would be totally happy.  Don't get me wrong, I am  completely happy with losing 56 pounds in 13 weeks!  I just wish it was coming off a little faster.  I did get my 3 Month Post-Op Lab results back yesterday from my Nut. The Surgeon said everything looked good.  My Potassium was a little low so they called me in a script.  So, other than that nothing really exciting to report.  Last week we went out to eat at Texas Road House and I eat a couple of tiny small bites of a Ribeye and OMGGGGG it was amazing and tasted heavenly!!!!  It went down perfect and settled well with my pouchy friend!  Well, I have tons of things to do today.  Thanks for listening!  Tah Tah for now!!!!

Ash :)

3 Month Post-Op Pics Posted!!!!!

Nov 12, 2007

Well, I made the time and posted my 3 Month Post-Op pics!  Yes, I know they are a week late, but hey I am a busy girl now!!! Lots of energy to burn now!!!!  Hope yall enjoy them!  It's cool to look at my Pre-Op pics first then, go and look at my 3 Month Post-Op pics to compare what 55 pounds will do for ya!!! Good luck to everyone!!!! TaTa for now......

Ash :)

Blah Blah Blah!

Nov 08, 2007

Well, I don't have much going on or anything special to report.  I have been sitting at 175 pounds since November 6th.  I am sure by the weekend I will have lost another pound or two.  I did my 3 mile walk this morning in 40 min.  I really helped that my friend Tammy was walking with me.  We just talked and talked and walked and walked and by the time the trail ended we looked at our watches and we had finished it in 40 min.  It feels good to walk every morning.  It makes me feel better the rest of the day!  I need to load my 3 Month Pics on here but, I just haven't taken the time to do it yet!  It's amazing the level of energy that you have after losing 55 pounds!  Well, thanks for reading....TaTa for now.....

Ash :)

12 Weeks Post-Op Today!!

Nov 05, 2007

Well, today is exactly my 3 Month Post-Op mark!!  What a great way to start off the day by stepping on the scale and seeing that I have dropped 2 more pounds since my doctor visit yesterday!!!  Drumroll please.......!!!!!!  I am down 55 pounds on my 3rd Month Post-Op date!!!!!  I mean, come on 55 pounds in 12 weeks?!?!?!??!  What more could a girl ask for??  I am totally on cloud nine!!!  When I looked down at the scale and it said 175 pounds I thought I was going to pee my pants, I was so excited!  Never, in a million years would I have figured I would lose 2 pounds from yesterday to today!  I went and did my 1.5 mile walk this morning.  The cold front has made it to Texas and I am so hoping it will stay!!!!  I am looking forward to getting to wear sweaters this winter and not look like a snowman in them!  Well, I am off to wally world to buy some new work out clothes!  Wait, for anyone who is reading this, and is unsure about this surgery, I can say just from my 12 weeks as a RNY post-op girl... it is by far the BEST choice I have ever made in my life!!!!!!!  I couldn't have done this without God in my heart and my husband by my side!!!  Thank you!!!  Well, I am off to shop....TaTa for now and thanks for reading!

Ash :)

***3 Month Post-Op Measurments***

Nov 05, 2007

3 Month Post-Op Measurments

CHEST: 35"
WAIST: 36"
HIPS: 40"
ARMS: 13"
NECK: 13.5"


***3 Months Post-Op***

Nov 05, 2007

Well, tomorrow I will be 3 Months Post-Op!!!  I really can't grasp that it has already been 12 weeks since my surgery.  Wow how time flys!  Well, today was my 3 Month Post-Op appointment with my surgeon and nut.  I had lab work done just to make sure everything is A-OK!  It will take about 3 weeks until they get the results back since it's such a detailed blood workup.  Everyone in the office kept coming up to me telling me how great I look!  That was a really nice feeling.  They weighed me and took my measurments.  I weighed in at 177 pounds!!!  For a total loss of 53 pounds in 12 weeks.  She said I was doing PERFECT and keep up the good work!!  My blood pressure was text book perfect and she said I was a prime example of how well this surgery works when you do things the right way!!  I swear she was almost in tears she was so excited about how well I was doing.  She gave me a big hugg and said she would see me at my 6 Month Post-Op visit.  I had a wow, way cool moment when she told me that the goal weight she wanted me to get at was 120 pounds and that I was only 57 pounds away from reaching that goal!!!!!!!  That so brought tears to my eyes!!!  So, over all it was a wonderful day!!!!  I will be posting my 3 Month Post-Op pics sometime this week, along with my measurments.  Althought I didn't reach my goal of 60 pounds by 3 Months Post-Op, I still feel like I am doing great and staying on track.  Yesterday I went to Cavenders and bought me a new pair of Cruel Girl (Kelsey) jeans and they were a size 11 and that was a very big WOW moment for me!!!  I also got a new bra from Victoria Secrets and it was a 36C!!!  So, yeah my life is pretty peachy these days......!!!!  Well, thats all for now, thanks for listening.  TaTa for now.......

Ash :)

Aunt Flo sucks!!

Nov 01, 2007

Well, Aunt Flow is here and I am really moody!  The only good that came from today is that I am down another pound!  That puts me at 178 pounds!   For a loss of 52 pounds in 11 weeks!!  I am bitchy and going to bed.....TaTa for now......

Ash :)

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2007
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