***6 Month Post-Op***

Feb 12, 2008

***6 Months Post-Op***

Wow I can't belive that 6 months has came and gone since surgery.  My life has been so busy and on the go since the pounds have gone.  It's funny that weight can hold you and slow you down in more than one way.  

Last month was not a big weight loss for me.  I had planned for more but, God had a different plan.  I only lost 6 pounds for the month putting me at 145 pounds.  My inches didn't change at all either.  I'm still in a size 4-6 clothes and that's groovey with me.  I still thank God everyday that I was given this oppertunity and have succeded with my WLS.

Yesterday was a very exciting day for my DH and I.  We got the 100% confirmation that I'm PREGNANT!!!!

This was a such a blessing that we have been waiting for!  With me having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome we were unsure if we would ever be able to have more children.  

My surgeon told me that having the RNY would really help with my infertility, boy was he right!  I know I didn't make it to my surgeon's goal weight of 120 pounds but, I know as soon as the baby gets here my body will reach goal.  I mean come on....I have the rest of my life to be skinny....I'm taking this blessing from God now, and worry about reaching goal later!!!  

My OBGYN has treated women who have had WLS and became pregnant.  That's always a good sign!  I will be attending a nutrition class next week and that will help me learn how to eat properly while pregnant and after WLS.

According to the ultrasound yesterday I'm 4 weeks 2 days gestational age/ 2 weeks 2 days fetal age.  He was able to see the gestational sack and the yolk sack.  I ovulated late in my cycle so that puts my due date around October 20, 2008! 

I go back to have another ultrasound next week to see if the fetal pole is visable.  Fetal pole is the heartbeat.  We wont be able to hear it, just see it.  

So, to all my readers.....LMAO my blog will now be all about the baby!  After October I will pick back up with weight loss!!!  

Thanks to everyone who reads this.....

Ash :)

My new tattoo!

Feb 04, 2008

Almost "NORMAL"!!!!

Jan 19, 2008

Well, I'm 145 pounds and feeling great!!!  I have exactly 3 pounds to go and that will put me in the "NORMAL" BMI range for my height and weight!!!!! How cool is that!!!  I've been so crazy busy these days......going through alot of life issues....I will explain them at a later date.....LOL!  Tah Tah for now......

Ash :)

147 pounds & life is good!

Jan 16, 2008

  147 pounds!!! Life is good!

The 140's

Jan 14, 2008

Well, I have been meaning to update and just haven't taken the time to do so.  Saturday, I reached the 140's!  148 pounds to be exact!  Pretty cool....huh?  Yes, it is!  For sure baby!!!  Other than that.....nothing exciting to report.  Just everyday life..... So, the cool thing is, I have 6 pounds left to lose and *I will be in the "normal BMI range"*  My next appointment with my surgeon is on Feb. 11th and I am hoping to be in the 130's for my 6 Month Post-Op mark!  So 28 pounds left and I will be at my surgeon goal weight of 120 pounds!  That's crazy!!!  I can't wait......the suspense is driving me crazy....I just wanna see those numbers baby!!  

Funny story......I went a couple of weeks ago to get me a new Carhart jacket.  I walk into Cavenders and start looking around.  A very nice young lady walks up, and says "can I help you"?  So, I say, YES!  I am looking for a new Carhart jacket.  She says okay, is this for you? or someone else?  I said, no....it's for me.  So, she goes okay...lets go over here.....she takes me to the jackets.....she says what size?  I say...without a hitch I need a medium....she goes.....OH NO HONEY.....you need a SMALL your tiny girl!  I was like OMGGGGG I know you must need glasses...because I'm not small by any means!!  What a WOW moment!

So, I have rambled enough for one day.....Tah Tah for now folks!

Ash :)

80 Pounds gone......should I celebrate?!?!?!

Jan 10, 2008

I am very proud of myself, my progress, my determination, my strenght, my passion, my selfcontrol and my faith with God.  If it wasn't for him, I would not be where I am today.  That, I am very Thankful for everyday I wake!  Well, today was a good day for me.  The scale read, 150 Pounds!  Yes, I am very, very excited but, I don't feel like I can break out and celebrate just yet......  My goal has always been to see *100* Pounds Lost*!!!  I feel I can't be 100% amazed until I reach that goal!  I know, it's truly silly not to be bouncing off the walls at 80 pounds gone forever in just 5 months after surgery!  I can't really explain how I feel....I feel joy, excited and silly, goofy happy about my pics now days!  I just wanna see those numbers!!!!  I know I will, and it wont be long.  I am still amazed at the clothes I can wear now.  I can walk into a store pick my size and buy it, without even having to try it on!!!  I have NEVER been able to do that in my life!  I know the people who haven't had surgery yet, are reading this are thinking....she is CRAZY!!! Can't she see how much she has lost?!?!  Yes, I know....it just takes longer for it to sink in for some of us.  Just know, I am thankful and appriciate everything my OH friends have said and done.  Thanks guys!!! I love ya'll!!!  I do get really tickled when I think wow, I have 30 pounds until I hit 120 pounds!!!  I have a good feeling that before the end of this week, I will be in the 140's!!!!  I wouldn't be to shocked to see 149 pounds on the scale in the morning, if so.... I am gonna have to post again....HeeHee!!!  Well, I think that's my story for the day.....Tah Tah for now..........
Ash :)

Let's compare my Pre-Op & 5 Month Post-Op Face Pic!

Jan 09, 2008

Ash-1.jpg picture by AshleyInTexas

***5 Months Post-Op***

Jan 07, 2008

***5 Months Post-Op***

Yesterday I was 5 Months Post-Op!  I feel like it was just yesterday I had my surgery!   It has been a good month for me.  It seems for some strange reason my weight loss has increased?!?!?!  I never would have expected that!?!?!  I am sitting pretty at 152 pounds for a total loss of 78 pounds since my surgery in August!  I have lost a total of 63.5" inches and I am now wearing a size 6 jeans!  I can still wear my size 8's but, by the end of the day they are too baggy for my likeing!  

I am trying to start this new year off with a different attitude!  I have a very bad habbit of still calling my self a big fat slob!  I know it's not true but, when I look in the mirror thats what I see staring back at me?!?!  I need to try and belive people when they tell me how great I look.  

I think this year is going to be my new life!!!  I have already done things post-op that I would have never done pre-op b/c of my weight!  

I am glad all the holidays are over and we can get back to everyday life.  I am going to try and make 2008 a year I will never forget!!!  

I wish everyone a great 2008 pre-op & post-op!  I hope everyone reaches goals and enjoys life to the fullest!  I thank god everyday for the surgery.....good luck & best wishes to everyone......!!!

Ash :)

***5 Months Post-Op Measurments***

Jan 07, 2008

***5 Months Post-Op Measurments***

CHEST:  32"
WAIST:  31.5"
HIPS:  36"
THIGHS:  21"
ARMS:  11" 
NECK:  12.5"

5th Month Lost: 8" Inches

I'm very blessed.......

Dec 27, 2007

DSC02406.jpg picture by AshleyInTexas  DSC02402.jpg picture by AshleyInTexas  DSC02408.jpg picture by AshleyInTexas  DSC02431.jpg picture by AshleyInTexas

Here are a few pics from our Christmas 2007!!  I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas....we sure did!!  You can see more pics at www.myspace.com/bannister161    My weight is good, I was able to lose 1 pound at Christmas.  I am @ 157 pounds!!  Now, I did snack more than usual but, when I went for a snack I got ham or something from the relish or veggie tray.  It seems to have paid off!  I hope everyone has a great and Happy New Year....I know I am!!!  Tah Tah for now......

Ash :)

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2007
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