6-17-08 OB visit

Jun 17, 2008

So, I had an OB visit today.  I am glad to report that I have gained!  It's about time I know!!!  4.8 pounds is what I have gained from my last appointment to today.  Just wanted to update.......thanks for reading.

Ash :)

23-24 Weeks (6 months) Pregnant Update

Jun 17, 2008

Well, not alot to report.  Everything with this pregnancy is perfect so far.  I'm between 23 & 24 weeks along now, just starting my 6th month in my pregnancy.  I still haven't gained a single pound, holding strong at 144 pounds.  Baby Skyler is growing and doing great.  I'm trying to enjoy the summer even though it's so hot here in Texas.  I'm so glad we have a pool, it helps pass the long hot days.  Just wanted to post a few baby bump pics.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Huggs and kisses!

Ash :)

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DSC02953.jpg picture by AshleyInTexas

We are having a GIRL!

May 06, 2008

We are having a GIRL!  We found out yesterday!  We are very, very excited!  Savannah is really happy that she is going to have a little sister.  Her name is going to be:

Skyler Sayge Bannister

Thanks so muc for sharing in our joy!

Ash :)

Just a little update

Apr 28, 2008

Well, I just wanted to stop in a give a little update.  I'm 16 weeks 2 days into my pregnancy.  I'm great and the baby is perfect and healthy.  I have not gained a single pound, still at 144 pounds.  I am busy with our 5 year old and trying to get things ready for the baby.  I've been reading everyone's posts.  Yes, I still keep tabs on everyone.  I'm glad everyone is doing so well.  Ya'll keep up the good work!  Tah Tah for now.....

Ash :)

***8 Months Post-Op***

Apr 05, 2008

***8 Months Post-Op***

Well, tomorrow is my 8 Month Post-op mark.  I'm 13 weeks into my pregnancy.  Still holding strong at 144 pounds.  Putting my weight gain at ZERO pounds!!!  I am okay with it, as long as the baby is healthy and okay.  Which so far they say everything is perfect!  I'm eating about 1-1/2 cups of food every 2 hours since the baby needs more food than I can eat at one sitting.  I feel like I'm eating all day long!  Everything is going just fine.  Life is great and so is my health!  I am staying busy with our 5 year old and trying to get a few things ready for the baby to arrive.  I am still going to my OBGYN every 3 weeks.  He is drawing blood and doing ultrasounds everytime I see him.  Next time (April 24th) they are going to try and find out what the sex of the baby is!  I can't wait!!  I am so excited about it.  I am such a anal planning freak and I have just gotta know what it is!  I will post as soon as I know.  Well, that's all for now folks, thanks for reading.....tah tah for now.

Ash :) 

***8 Months Post-Op***

Apr 05, 2008

I just wanted to compare my pre-op pic to my 8 months post-op pic.  

Ash-1.jpg image by AshleyInTexas    DSC02816.jpg image by AshleyInTexas

***7 Months Post-Op***

Mar 06, 2008

***7 Months Post-Op***

Well, today I'm 7 Months Post-Op.  I'm 8 weeks and 5 days into my pregnancy.  I'm sitting at 144 pounds.  I have been at 144 pounds since I got pregnant, which is just fine with me.  I feel there is no need to take my measurements since I've became pregnant, for the fact it will just make me depresed!!!  Over all nothing really exciting to report.  I do go back to the OB next week and he will be doing another ultrasound just to check on everything.  I have went up one cup size in a bra.  I can't belive that my boobs are already this big this soon.  My DH took my 7 month post-op pics today, I just need to post them.  I wish I could be more talkative about surgery and weight loss, but things kinda changed when I got pregnant.  My posts just don't seem like that have as much meaning.  I have always felt OH was my way to express my weight loss.  Things will pick back up again after I have the baby in October.  Hope everyone is doing well, keep up the good work ladies.....

Ash :)

Hanging in there.......

Feb 27, 2008

So I'm hanging in here....trying to get plenty of sleep.  I wish I could just sleep all day long, but that's just not possible.  I haven't gained any weight yet.  In fact, I put new batteries in my scale and it read 144 pounds.  So since the batteries were low it was reading 1 pound heavier at 145 pounds.  I'm happy to be at 144/145 pounds whatever it is, it's all good.  I am very moody and bitchy these days.  I wish it would go away and soon.  I was the same way with my daughter 6 years ago.  Last time it was done and gone by the 13th week of pregnancy.  I'm hoping for the same this time.  Well, even though I haven't gained any weight, my size 4's are really tight in the tummy and I can't really wear them anymore.  I've had to start wearing my size 6's!!!  OMGGGGG!!!!!  I have gotta have my DH take a pic of my belly.  I already have a baby bump at almost 8 weeks into this pregnancy?!?!?!  WTH?!?!?!  I didn't start showing with my first child until I was 6 months pregnant.  I do have to remember that I was 200 plus pounds when I was pregnant with her 6 years ago.  Either way, it's really strange to see a baby bump when I look in the mirror.  We are going to a hockey game tonight in Dallas, the Dallas Stars.  I haven't been to one in years so, it will be a fun long over due time.  It will be nice to get out and have a night with the DH and friends, even during the week.  I have so much stuff to get done around the house.  I have been so tired, that I haven't wanted to do much of anything.  So, I better go and get a few things taken care of while I'm in the mood.  Thanks for reading my crazy thoughts for the day.....

Ash :)

2nd Ultrasound and OB visit

Feb 20, 2008

So, yesterday I had another OB visit.  They did a 2nd ultrasound.  We were able to visualy see the baby's heart beat!!!  It was so exciting!  Savannah (5 yrs. old) was a bit confused as to how the baby was on the computer screen but, she thought it was so cool!!  It was extra special for my DH since, yesterday was his birthday!

My OB says everything is looking just great!  He has no worries.  I haven't gained any weight yet, which is a big plus in my head.  Trying to think about eating more and gaining is so scary!  I guess if I had made it to goal I wouldn't be as worried, but I was only 25 pounds from goal when I got preggers, and I'm holding strong and not moving from the 145 pound mark!!!

I will be going back every 3 weeks rather than every 4.  He will be doing an ultrasound every time as well.  Thank goodness for insurance!!!

So, I'm feeling a bit tired these days.  It's that whole 1st trimester thing!  Eating 6 small meals a day with 2 snacks.  That's what the doctor order!!!  Blah....LOL!

So, I now have a range of 9 days for my due date.  Anywhere from Ocotber 11-20!  They can't pin point it since I ovulated late in my cycle.  The baby is measuring 5weeks 4 days putting my due date as October 20.  If you calculate from the first day of my last period that makes my due date October 11.  So it's gonna be an October baby!!  That's all we know for now.

Thanks for reading....

Ash :)


Feb 14, 2008

I have been thinking a lot about how God puts different people in your life for a reason.  For example.... My 3 OH & Myspace friends: Jen, Rebecca, Heather!  They have really touched my heart in the last couple of days.  Lord knows I'm so extremely excited about the baby but still worried about reaching goal and being healthy for the rest of my life.  These women are in my life for a reason and I thank God for that!  They have all sent me kinds words and great support!  Thank you ladies!  I hope ya'll know how much I really needed the up lifting comments from ya'll.  I have this underlying fear that I will never reach goal after the baby.  I know I shouldn't think negative but, I'm in an emotional, hormonal state right now....uggghhhh the firts trimester!! LOL!  I just have to try and stay healty and positive for the sweet baby God has sent us.  I am scared to death of gaining weight....and I know I'm going to have to in order to have a healthy baby in 8 months!  Everyone just pray for us.  Really, pray that God gives me strenght in all of this.  I know I will be fine....it's just scary.  Thanks to everyone!!!

Ash :)

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Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2007
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