Skyler is 1 week old as of yesterday!

Oct 10, 2008

Miss Skyler is 1 week old as of yesterday!  She is a really truly a good baby.  Just like her big sister was.  She eats every 2-3 hrs. during the day, and every 3-4 hrs. during the night.  She had her 1st check up this week and all looks good.  She was a tad jaundice but, her labs came back with a level of 9 so, her ped says she was in the clear.  Savannah was jaundice with a level of 15 when she was born.....she looked so yellow.  Skyler is much more pink.

We are all doing good and Savannah is a great big sister.  She is doing just wonderful with Skyler.  She knows she has to wash her hands, and use the sanitizer before touching the baby.  It's becoming second nature to her now.

DH took vacation from 10-2 thru 10-13 so I'm enjoying him being home with Skyler and I.  He is such a good Daddy and a very big help.  I'm blessed to have him.

I'm emotional, and cry at the drop of a hat.  I did the same thing after Savannah was born, so it's not a shock this time around.   Other than that I'm good.  My body is bouncing back faster than I ever thought!!!  The day I delivered Skyler I was 161 pounds.  Today I'm 146 pounds.  I was 144 pounds when I found out I was I'm only 2 pounds shy and I only gave birth a week's just amazing!!!

Here a few recent pics of Skyler and Daddy.  She looks just like him!

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Thanks to everyone who wished us well and sent comments and congrats on the birth of our new baby girl.  I just don't have time to reply to everyone....but I'm very thankful.

Ash :)

Skyler Sayge Bannister

Oct 07, 2008

Okay, WiFi was not working at the hospital, my cell phone had NO SIGNAL and then, it went dead!  So, this is a long over due update.  We got home at noon on Saturday.  I'm just now getting time to and friends have been in and out.

Skyler Sayge Bannister was born on October 2nd, 2008

Born at 11:33 am

5 lbs. 10.3 oz. 17 inches long

Now for the birth story.....quick verson......

Got to the hospital at 6:30 am to be induced

Got done with paper work at 7:30 am and they put me in my L&D room

They started Pitocin at 7:45 am

Contractions started at 8:00 am

Dr. Kaye broke my water at 8:45 am

I got my epidural at 9:00 am

After only 4 hours of labor and only 3 pushes......Skyler was born at 11:33 am!

Skyler is a wonderful baby, just like her big sister was! 

Here are a couple of pics.......

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Baby update......

Sep 21, 2008

I went to the OB last Friday and as of then baby Skyler was 5 lbs. 9 oz.  So we are all very happy!

Ash :)

35 weeks OB check up

Sep 06, 2008

This will be short and sweet as I'm busy crazy these days!  Savannah started kindergarten on August 25th and she loves it!!!

Baby Skyler is great!  The perinatologist weighed her on September 5th and she was 4 pounds 8 oz.  I thought that sounded small but, he assured me that she was right on track!

My induction date is still set for October 2nd @ 38 weeks 5 days gestation.

All this could change if she comes sooner of course.

Here's the 35 week belly shot!
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I'll update more when I have time.

Ash :)

1 year post-op today *reflection*

Aug 06, 2008

August 6, 2007 to August 6, 2008

1 year post-op RNY today!  Happy surgery Anniversary!

At this time last year I was being wheeled into my hospital room after undergoing my RNY.  I was 230 pounds and not happy with my health.  I can say now, it's been one of the best choices I've made in my short 25 years of life. 

On this same day last year I looked ahead to the future and wanted to be at my surgeons goal weight of 120 pounds by my 1 year. anniversary.  Boy, how life can change......even if it's unexpected and unplanned and still turn out to be wonderful, amazing and excting.

Today, I sit almost 31 weeks pregnant and 151.8 pounds.  Far from the 120 pounds I had imagined but, a very happy and excited mommy to be.  I'm greateful for the second chance at motherhood.  I feel blessed that surgery has lifted the sorrow of my unhealthy weight.  I'm thankfull for all the gifts, blessings and hard times that I've endured in the last 12 months since my surgery.  Life is a to be treasured and I can honsetly say....being post-op has thaught me more about life and how short our time is on this earth.  I'm more understanding, more affectionate and happy then I've ever been. 

Today is a very emotional day for me, but in a good way.  I'm proud of what I've done and glad to be given a second chance at life.

I wish I had a beautiful 1 year post-op pic of my new and improved self.  In stead, I have a 30 week belly shot....not what I expected to be posting at 1 yr.

Life deals us different's up to us to play the game.  I'm rolling with the flow..............

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Thanks for reading.....

~Ash :)

Yesterday........ August 5th

Aug 06, 2008

30 weeks 3 days OB visit & check up

So, todays visit was great!  Lot's of exciting news!!!!!

1st.  I'm for sure 100% done with the home glucose monitoring.  I do NOT have gestational diabetes.  However, I'm hypoglycemic.  He again, went over everything on that one more time just to make sure I know how to deal with "low" blood sugar levels

2nd.  I only gained 1 pound.  Total weight gain is 7.8 pounds to date!

3rd.  Baby Skyler weighed in at........a whopping....... *** 3.5 pounds ***!!!!!

4th.  She is head down!!! 

5th.  They did another 3D-4D ultrasound today and was even better than the last one 2 weeks ago!  They gave me a beautiful picture of her ultrasound framed and wrapped.  It was neat to open it and see her little face!

6th.  I have a *induction date*!!!!  I will be induced on *October 2nd*!!!! 

Okay, let me explain this......

We live over 1 hr. 15 min. from my OB and his choice hospital.  I don't want to have a baby in my car!!!  I'm due October 11, so October 2nd isn't that much earlier.  I also, hate the idea of not knowing when labor will happen and will I make it to the hospital.  My first pregnancy was only 8 hrs. from start to finish.  My OB suggested being induced to aviod all the what if's???  So, that is the game plan for now.  Like he said, things could change and baby Skyler could come a day or 2 sooner on her own.....being that I went into labor on my own at 38 weeks with baby #1 (Savannah).  So, it's pretty for sure I'm having a last week of September or first week of October baby. for the pics.......

Here are the 30 week 3 day baby belly bump shots

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Thanks for reading & looking!

~Ash :)

New hair color....I'm now a *brunette*

Aug 02, 2008

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Thanks for looking........

~Ash :)

28 weeks 4 days pregnant update

Jul 23, 2008

28 weeks 4 days....OB  appiontment

Today's OB vistit was good.  Very routine.  No weight gain, 1 pound lost.  Kinda confused about that seeing how I eat like a dang horse all day long.....LOL 

We had our 3D-4D ultrasound today.  Very amazing, emotional and very cool to see.  She had such a chubby little face   I'm having the VHS transfered to DVD tomorrow.  They will do another 3D-4D ultrasound in 2 weeks on August 5th, at my next OB appiontment.  I'm excited about getting to see her again in color!  If my scanner/printer was working right I would load the pics to my profile, but it's acting crazy for some reason.  Most of ya'll have seen or had 3D-4D so it's no biggy right?!?!.......LOL!

Picture time.......Here are the 28 week 4 days  preggy belly shots

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Thanks for reading......

~Ash :)

26 weeks 3 days pregnant pics

Jul 08, 2008

Here are a few new pics of me at 26 weeks 3 days pregnant.  Weighing in at 150.8 pounds for a total gain of 6.8 pounds!  Enjoy! ~Ash :)

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Reaching goal after Skyler is born?

Jun 25, 2008

I had a long night last night.  I tossed and turned and just couldn't get comfy at all.  Skyler was up punching, kicking or whatever her little self was doing was like for sure Kung Fu Panda in my tummy.  

In the mist of all my sleepless torture, I had time to lay and think.  When I got pregnant with Skyler I was 144 pounds.  That meant I was only *24* pounds from reaching my surgeons goal weight for me.  Now, I'm almost 25 weeks preggers and have only gained 4.8 pounds.  I know I will gain more as this pregnancy goes on.  That's fine with me as long as she is 100% healthy.

I can't help but wonder?  After she is born will my body start losing again?   Will I reach my surgeons goal of 120 pounds???

My family, friends and DH seem to think that 120 pounds on me at 5'3" is tooo skinny.  I'm not sure?  I would like to try and get down to that and heck, if it's too thin than I can add a few pounds back.  

I was very, very happy at 144 pounds prior to getting preggers with Skyler.  I was in a size 4-6 and ex-sm-small shirts.  I still wanted to be a tad bit smaller.  I want to be at my own goal, that's why I had this surgery.

I get really offended when people tell me you don't need to lose anymore weight.  I think it's just because they were so used to seeing me obese for so many years that it's hard to grasp me being skinny and healthy.

Thanks for reading and listening.  It helps to get things off you're chest.

Ash :)

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Jun 17, 2007
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