Quick Veggies.....

Sep 28, 2007

I tried something new tonight at dinner and it was so yummy!  I put my pork chops in the oven and got to thinking about my veggies.  I looked in the frezzer and got out, Birds Eye: Steamfresh, Fresh Frozen Vegetables: Broccoli & Cauliflower.  They come in this neat little bag that you cook them in the microwave and it steams them like you wouldn't belive!  When they were done steaming in the microwave I then put them in a bowl.  I sprayed, "I can't belive it's not butter" on them!  Then, I got out my McCormick Sea Salt grinder, and put the sea salt all over it and then tossed the veggies in the sea salt and butter.  It was so damn tasty!!! It went really good with the pork chops!  Yall so gotta try it.  My 4 year old even liked it!  Today the scale was at 193 pounds.  I was so happy when I stepped off the scale!!!  I have a big bag of clothes to give to my friend Krisi tomorrow.  She is having Lap Band at the first of next year and I am giving her all my clothes that don't fit anymore.  Time is really going by fast since I had surgery.  I just can't belive that next Sat. it's going to be 2 months since I had my surgery.  I thank God everyday for the amazing, yet stressful and trying time.  I know, in the end it is all worth it!  TaTa for now.......

Ash :)

Weight: Day of Surgery: 230 pounds

Weight: 52 days Post-Op: 193 pounds


Sep 26, 2007

Yesterday, I started my exercise routine!  I went to the walking park and walked for 30 min.  I figure it was between 1 to 2 miles that I walked but, I am not really sure on the exact amount I walked.  I wish I knew how to calculate it.  I felt so good when I was done.  I felt good all day long.  I was down another pound this morning.  That puts me at 194 pounds.  My husband will be home on October 3rd, so I am hoping to be at or around 185-188 pounds by the time he comes home.  If I can manage to lose 1 pound a day, I will be at this goal by the time he gets home.  I have noticed this, if I forget to eat or don't drink enough water, the scale won't budge!!  If I eat a good lunch and a good dinner and get in plenty of water, then I will lose 1 pound a day.  Thats so wonderful!!!  It's so strange to think that I have to eat to lose weight!!!  LOL... I am kinda at a loss for ideas on what to eat for breakfast.  I have never been a big breakfast eater, but I know I really need to eat a good healthy breakfast every morning.  If fruit didn't have so much sugar I would make me a fresh Strawberry/Banana smoothie for breakfast.  Oh, well...I'll figure it out with trail and error.  I started cleaning on my cloest the other day.  I have clothes that range in sizes from 18 down to 10.  Thats just plum crazy!!  My size 12 shorts fit good.  My size 14's are okay, but getting a little more baggy than I like.  My size 16's are out of the question, they are just WAY TO BIG!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!  The biggest thing I have noticed is that my wedding ring falls off my finger at least once a day, everyday!  I so need to put it on a chain or something until my weight loss is a goal.  I don't want to have it resized until I am done losing.  Does anyone know what type of exercise I can do to try and reduce my under arm flabb???  Well, TaTa for now......Thanks for reading....

Ash :)

Weight: Day of Surgery: 230 pounds

Weight: 50 days Post-Op: 194 pounds

Total Loss: 36 pounds in 7 weeks

Goal weight: 115 pounds

# of Pounds until goal: 79 pounds to go!!!!!

5 pounds to my mini goal!

Sep 24, 2007

Well, it's 7:30 am and I am up and running for the day.  Time to take Savannah to pre-school at the church and then to the park to walk for 30 to 45 min.  I got on the scale this morning and, I am at 195 pounds!!!!  Thats only 5 pounds to my mini goal!!!! YEAH FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!  Catch yall later......

Ash ;)

Weight: Day of Surgery: 230 pounds

Weight: 49 days Post-Op: 195 pounds

A wonderful Sunday.....

Sep 24, 2007

Yesterday, I had such a wonderful day!  Nothing speacial happened, but the day was just filled with a sense of calmness and peace.  Since my husband is out of town I loaded up my daughter and we went up to see my Dad and Step-Mom.  They live about an hour away.  My Step-Mom is the best!  She her self had WLS 12 years ago and has stayed at 130 pounds ever since!!  So, she knows what I can and can't eat.  She had meatloaf, green beans, and mashed potatoes cooked for us when we got there for lunch.  It went down so good....!!!!!!  It tasted really good and I eat slow and had no problems with eating any of it.  After lunch, my Dad and my little girl took a nap.  My Step-Mom and I drove over to Coldwater Creek to do a little shopping!!!  She got some really nice things.  Here is where the day went really good for me...... I have always loved to shop! No matter what size I was, shopping was something I just loved to do.  Right before my WLS, I got to where I hated shopping because nothing seamed to fit me.  I would love certain stores but, I would try to avoid them because I just new that nothing was going to fit me.  Well, yesterday.... even though I didn't buy any clothes, just the fact of knowing that I didn't need to buy anything because it wasn't going to fit for very long, was such a WONDERFUL feeling!!!!!!!!  I did pick out a few things that I want to buy when I get down to a size 10.  Right now I am between a size 12 -14 and I feel really good in my clothes.  I am at 196 pounds and I am a lot more happy than I ever would have thought!  I am very thankful to God that he has made this possible for me when there are so many people that are much bigger than I was and those people may never get the chance to have this surgery!  Thank you LORD, that you gave me this blessing!  Well, I need to get my butt in to gear....TaTA for now......

Ash :)

Weight: Day of Surgery: 230 pounds

Weight: 48 days Post-Op: 196 pounds

6 Weeks Post-Op

Sep 18, 2007

On Monday I had my 6 week Post-Op nutrition class and weigh in at my surgeons office.  As of 6 weeks Post-Op I am down 33 pounds!  Yeah for me!!!  That's a good feeling!  I go back on November 5th for my 3 month labs.  After I got done at the doctor's office we went out to eat at Red Lobster....yummmmmyyyyy!!!!  I had grilled Lobster and it was so tasty!!!!  It went down just fine and I was so glad to have more of a solid type of food!  I have been at a plateau for about 2 weeks now, but she said that is normal and it's gonna happen!  I need to bump up my exercise more!!!  I will try and work on that!  It just seems I am so busy these days!!! Speaking of that, I need to go and get some things done....TaTA for now!

Ash :)

6 Weeks Post-Op: Down 33 pounds

Down over 20 inches!

It Happend......

Sep 13, 2007

Well, it happend to me yesterday!  I, at almost 6 weeks Post-Op had a really bad experience, yes, that's right you guessed it..... I ate small bites to fast and I ended up running to the bathroom and made it in the nick of time and puked it all back up!!!!! YUCKYYYYY!!!!!!!!  That was so not a good feeling!  The pain and tightness in my chest that I had right before I puked was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack!!!!  Well, I so need to get ready, we are going out of town.  I will post more on Monday after my 6 week Post-Op check up!  Everyone have a great weekend!!!!

Ash :)

I broke the 200 pound mark!!!!

Sep 10, 2007

Well, I did it!!  I am 199 pounds!!!! YESSSS!!!!!!  That's such a good feeling to know, that with my "tool" I should NEVER see 200 pounds or more!!!!  Not much to report here....Just staying busy and slowly adding foods back.  I found that I like Diet Snapple!!  We went out of town over the weekend and it was so nice to just get away from the everyday life at home!  My daughter who is 4 1/2 years old starts Pre-K at the church tomorrow at 8:15!  She is really excited about going to "school" even if it is a small church school.  I need to go so I can get everything ready for her first day!  TaTa for now.....

Ash :)

Weight: Day of Surgery: 230 pounds

Weight: 34 days Post-Op: 199 pounds


Sep 06, 2007

Here it is folks, I am officaly 1 Month Post-Op today!  I am down 29 pounds since surgery on August 6th!  The day of surgery I was 230 pounds today I am 201 pounds. I am so EXCITED!!!!!!  I don't really care what the scale says, but how my clothes fit!!!  

1 Month Post-Op Measurements:

CHEST: 40"
WAIST: 40"
HIPS: 45"
ARMS: 15"
NECK: 15"


So, I am pretty hyped up that I have lost 19.5" in 1 month!  I would stay and chit chat longer but, I am going to get me a treadmill so I can really get on top of exercising!!! TaTa for now....

Weight day of Surgery: 230 pounds

Weight 30 days Post-Op: 201 pounds

Ash :)

Protein and exercise!

Sep 03, 2007

Well, after talking to a few people and reading a ton of posts on the message board, I have came to the conculsion that I know whats causing my STALL?!?!?  I figure it's lack of PROTEIN and EXERCISE!!!! OMGGGG, why did I let this happen???  I am not eating bad, because I am still on soft foods, but I am not supplimenting my Protein!  I have had such a hard time finding a protein drink or powder that I can tolerate.  I also feel I am not walking enough!  I really need to step that up a lot!!!!  I so hope I haven't messed up my metabolisem (spelling?)  I know I need to back up and get on track with my protein and maybe that will start the scale moving in the right direction again!!! Please pray and wish me luck!!  TaTa for now....

Ash :)

Can this be a stall???????

Aug 30, 2007

WTF!?!?!?!?  Can I already be having a stall????  How can this happen this soon???  The numbers on my scale have not moved in 6 days!!!!!!  WTF?!?!?!?  I am just so ticked right now it's not even funny!!!!  What's a girl to do?!?!?!?  I mean come on, I am still on soft foods, and will be until my 6 week Post-Op visit!  This is so just my luck!!!!  Any advice???

Ash :(

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Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2007
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