HYPOtension... ahhh the irony

May 07, 2008

So I went for a follow up appt last week and my doc was super happy about my weight loss thus far. He said that I needed to up my protein due to the extreme excercises and that I wasn't like someone who was just walking 30 mins a day. I need over 100 gms (which I already knew but just haven't integrated into my day yet). 

I also told him that I've been getting light headed and dizzy when I stand up from sitting or laying down. He then said that he was concerned about that with my rapid weight loss of almost 100 in 4 months. He said that he suspects that I have orthostatic hypotension (which is ironic after spending so long being fat that I have hypo rather than hyper. haha!). 

Definition: Orthostatic hypotension (also known as postural hypotension[1], and, colloquially, as head rush or a dizzy spell) is a form of hypotension in which there is a sudden (less than 3 minutes) fall in blood pressure, typically greater than 20/10 mm Hg,[2] that occurs when a person assumes a standing position, usually after a prolonged period of rest

He explained why my weight loss would cause this but I'm still not entirely sure, as I kind of got a little confused. lol. Anyways, he said that I'm at risk of fainting and he wrote me a script for salt tablets. If those don't work, he'll have to put me on something else. 

So, I can deal with it. Although he said RNY patient sometimes have trouble tolerating the tablets. I'll update. 

Everything else is bueno bueno. More updating later... off to practice!!!


Apr 22, 2008

Today I went shopping at Target. I'm meeting April's best friends (gay boys) since Kindergaden on Thursday for dinner so I really wanted to look cute by getting a dress and some cute shoes.

I FIT INTO A 16/18. I think it's been since I was a Freshman in High School since that has happened. I went into a regular lady's section and bought a freaking dress that fit great. I actually tried on another 16/18 dress that was a little TOO BIG!!! I will have to wear a little body hugger with it just to smooth out the lines, but hell- lifelong skinny people have to do that.

I posted a pic of me in the dress- check it out!. Then I went and put on some cute heels that were actually comfy. I've ALWAYS wanted to love shoes and shoes with heels. NOW I CAN!!!

I'm just so amazed by the transition my body is going through... every day I am just amazed. 

Now that my cellulitis is resolving, I need to get in the gym and start working on my legs and abs... so I can wear WHATEVER I want and look hot as hell hehe. 

God, it's great to feel like a normal, average person. Feeling normal was highly underrated by me for so long. Now I realize how GREAT it is!!!!!

And now I want to buy all sorts of dresses!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I suck with the updates

Apr 14, 2008

I cannot believe that I've already lost 93 pounds in almost 4 months.... I cannot believe how much my body is changing.... this weekend my girlfriend took me shopping for some new work slacks (I was keeping my 28s together with safety pins... it was really bad). I went to Macy's and fit into size 20 pants. I started to cry in the dressing room. I can't remember the last time I could shop at Macy's. Then I went to Old Navy and bought cargo shorts. I've never bought any bottoms from Old Navy EVER. Oh and I bought some hot booty jeans. I couldn't help it. 

My face is totally narrowing. I can feel bones undernealth my skin (it's weird!). I can see the bones in my hands... sometimes I can't even look at my hands because it freaks me out- they just look so tiny!!!!! I can cross my legs like a lady. I can fit a freaking normal towel around me! When I look at pictures of myself in a group, I don't really stand out anymore. I just kind of fit in. At our derby tournament this weekend, I was FOR ONCE not the fattest girl out there. There were many girls bigger than me! That's such a weird thing because at 344, you're used to being the biggest in the room 99.9 percent of the time. 

Derby has been great. I love feeling myself fly! I cant keep up with everyone just fine. Still can't get up after falling super quick, but it gets better and better. I'm loosing my double ass... it's kind of turning into one round ass instead of this double leveled ass shelf I had before lol

I've been doing things pretty strict. I mess up once in a while, but not too big. I mess up by not getting enough protein every day (but most days I get them, so I'm ok with that). I have snacked on a few chips once and done something like that once or twice, but otherwise I"m pretty well behaved.

I am having some trouble with lightheadedness and dizziness, specifically when I go from sitting to standing up. I ordered some iron supplements and I'm switching to sublingual b12 instead of injections because I'm not doing a great job of keeping up with injections (I hate needles). Hopefully that will solve that. Also, at derby, I'm finding myself crashing. Actually, our resident medic at derby almost benched me at our tournament because I was dizzy and she said my eyes were hugely dialated. I was popping glucose tablets in between periods but apparently that didn't do the job. 

So I posted on the Excercise boards here. They suggested iron and more carbs before and during the bouts. So I went aout and got Kashi 7 grain crackers and organic, raw almond butter. I also got some dry roasted edamame and a few other more carby things that were easy to eat. Also got some Kashi protein bars. So we'll see if all of that, in combo with the iron and b12 supplements, help at all.

The only other problem I had was that I did have an ulcer (I had several in the past year pre op) so they put me back on Nexium. And now I have a cellulitis in my other leg which is refusing to resolve after numerous weeks of treatment. In Novemember when I had this I was a miserable human being about it. Now, I'm just moving along, doing what I'm asked by the docs. That's all I can do.

I have a new gf (yeah, not the one below). Don't ask. But she's great. The most normal person I've dated EVER. And she's so supportive of everything. She actually plays on the team, so she is totally cool with my life being consumed by derby. It's not a hinderance or an issue. I've never gotten along with anyone I've dated EVER this well. We rarely fight, and if we do we discuss things like normal human beings. We express our feelings and opinions. We laugh all the time. I love being with her. I like everything about her. I love her. But it's not liek the love I'm used to. It's like this solid, stable, deep, warm love that's hard to explain. It's not all firey, crazy, tumultuous and unhealthy like I'm used to. It's love from mutual respect, desire, and support for one another. It's amazing.

It's just ironic that 4 months ago I was having an emotional break down, I was 344 pounds, hating myself and life, and now I'm just trucking along.... l am so greatful for having the chance to have WLS. Now that I'm past the half way point, I just have to up the ante in getting this other half off as quickly as I can. Once the leg thing is resolved, it's into the gym for some more ass kicking :)

Better update.

Feb 19, 2008

So everything is going wonderfully. I was in this big panic because I hadn't lost anything in 2 weeks... I was obsessing... I was weighing multiple times a day... freaking out. So I hid my scale last week and I'm not going to weigh until tonight. I will report the results. 

I have been tolerating everything just fine... no problems to report except 2 weeks of painful constipation. Now it's better but not perfect... I'm having a BM every 4 days now. I talked to my doc about it, and he says not to worry about it. Just take some stool softner and wait it out. He didn't seem too concerned.

I do have a new gf, which I know is a WLS no no. But I have been trying to get this one back for 5 years (she was my first gf ever when I was 20, but I just wasn't into serious relationships then, so I broke it off) and finally the Universe brought her to me. She is wonderful and is such a kind, sweet, and caring person. I have always loved her very much. 

She and I joined LA Fitness, a big gym down here. I'm going for my first work out after work. :) Also, I talked to my derby coach (who's also a trainer) about designing a specific work out program tailored to skating. She's going to make me one! :) yay!

I went to the Florida State Roller Derby Championships this weekend (we didn't play- our debut is in April) and it just motivated me soooo much to start training. There were some awesome athletes there and for the 2009 championships, I want to be wowing people with my skills :) 

In other derby news, I went back to skating derby last Wednesday. It was AWESOME. I kept up in the drills, my feet didn't hurt, I wasn't becoming winded easily at all. I was like a normal player. I even scrimmaged and put down some decent hits considering I've been benched for the past month and a half. I just felt so good after that practice... it was a major high. Now I can really start training for the sport I love so much and see results. One problem I had was that I became parched really quickly, especially since I had a mouth guard in. As a captain, you don't want to be taking water breaks all of the time... it looks bad. So I don't know what to do about that, but I'm going to post in the exercise group to get some ideas on how to stay better hyrdrated. Good news was that I could down water without discomfort. I mean, I didn't go crazy with it like I would have pre op. But I could take a good sized drink and feel fine. :)

Domme is back!

Mini Update

Feb 19, 2008

New body. 

New feeling.

New girlfriend. 

New life. 

Couldn't be happier. I'm so happy and busy that I don't have any time to write in here anymore! lol. One of these days I'll catch everything up. But I am alive and I am doing well.


Jan 31, 2008

I have felt better than I have in like way over a year!!!! Getting away from my ex was the BEST thing I could have ever done for myself. WHY DIDN'T I DO IT SOONER?!?! lol Silly Kate

I've been hanging out with friends pretty much every day, going out, having a good time. I went and got my eyebrows done and my hair cut, got some new skin stuff that I'm hoping is totally gonna wipe out this acne. Or at least majorly improve it. And new glasses.

I skated this week and I am SOOOO much quicker with that 50 pounds off. I lead a pace line and was yelled at for going TOO FAST. lol That's certainly never happened before. I am, however getting winded really really quickly and easily and I have to remind myself that I am stil only a month post op. So I do try to take it easy. And I'm not doing any contact drills. It sucks because I have some veteran roller girls coming down on Saturday and they're bringing hit bags! grrrr. That's alright, my time will come soon enough. 

I am in just such good spirits. I'm sleeping like a rock again (for the past few months, I haven't been getting very good sleep). I'm getting back to my normal sleep schedule (going to bed at midnight, getting up at 7:30) (when I was with her, I was going to bed at 9:30 or so and getting up at 8- TOO much sleep!). 

I'm doing better with getting in my protein. I ordered a trial pack of assorted samples from BSN. Yesterday it was vanilla which was GROSS. Today is strawberry which is MUCH better. Tomorrow I'll try chocolate. They also have a new banana and creme flavor but it's new so no sample packs yet :( I do need to keep working on my water. I'm getting in about 40 oz of water plus whatever water I drink with my shake (1 cup or so). I keep forgetting to take my vitamins in the morning. I remember to do calcium during the day. I think I'm going to bring my vits with me to work and leave them here so I don't forget when I'm in the hustle of getting out of the house in the morning. 

I'm finally getting my mojo back. I have always been told that I have this "thing" that attracts people to me (it also causes some people to dislike me, but that's cool). But over the past year, I haven't been my usual strong, confident self. I haven't really felt sexy or hot or whatever. Getting cheated on a bazillion times and living with a liar will do that to a person I suppose. But now, it's all coming back. I even hit on a hot butchie cop the other night. And she totally bit. She works detail at my rink (after our practices, they have different theme nights that they always have 2 cops working). So I've seen her a billion times but I was with my ex and I just don't even flirt when I'm with someone. I'm just not interested in other people when I'm in a relationship. SO, I finally *noticed her* And totally hit on her. I actually impressed my own self with my moves lol. funny. This week I'm giving her my number. I have no desire to get into anything serious with ANYONE. I want to have fun. I mean, I finally realized that I am a lesbian and now I wanna play and enjoy it! :-)

Life is goooood.

Jan 27, 2008

I am officially a Broward County resident!! I finished moving all my stuff over this weekend and I am soooo happy. I still have alot of boxes to unpack but I'm there!!!! It took me 15 minutes, in traffic, to get to work today! Much better than over an hour drive! :-D Couldn't be happier!

And I feel like I'm over the ex. I mean, I still have some resentment and stuff which I'm sure won't go away soon. But I'm SOOOO grateful that I got away from her. I've been trying for so long and now found myself strong enough to do it! No more of her BS to f*ck up my life! 

I do count my moving as excercise, although other people did most of it, as I was trying not to do much lifting. But on Sunday I took the dogs on a 2 mile walk to the dog park and a 2 mile walk back. Of course, on the walk back it started raining so I did a bit of sprinting to find the big trees. So I'm counting this as interval training! hehe. So I'm adding 60 minutes to my exerthon tally. That's my first real exercise. I mean, I've done walking around the block and stuff but I don't consider that to be real exercise, so I'm not counting it. 

I've been doing NOT so good on getting my protein in. I mean, I'm eating all protein but I still need protein shakes and I think that I'm just getting sick of this particular shake flavor that I have. So last week I ordered a trial kit of the same company's flavors so we'll see. I was doing the protein bullets but those are gross and I only want to use those on trips or emergency situations. Plus it just doesn't make my pouch happy. 

So now I'm just waiting for my new wheels to get here although i might wear my outdoor wheels tonight. I'm going to skate easy and at half speed- work my way up. :) Yay!!! So that will be 120 minutes of work out, or however much I can skate without getting too tired.  YAY!!

Movin' On Up!

Jan 25, 2008

I'm moving tomorrow!! Yay!!! I'm so excited!!! It's going to be alot of work this weekend but worth it! I'm going to be like 4 miles from work or something. A mile for a dog park. And I just looked into LA fitness which is about 2 blocks away. Once I'm ready to start lifting weights and do more than walking, I'm going to go join! I also have a few derby friends who go to that gym, so I'll have work out buddies. 

I am totally counting this weekend for my Exerthon minutes, which will be my first set, since I haven't really done anything all week. 

I choose

Jan 23, 2008

I choose.

Because you never know where life is going to take you
And you can't change where you've been -
But today, I have the opportunity to choose.

Here I am now looking at 30
and I've got so much to say.
Gotta get this off of my chest,
I've gotta let it go today.
I was always too concerned
about what everybody would think.
But I can't live for everybody -
I gotta live my life for me.

I have reached a fork in the road of my life and
Ain't nothing gonna happen unless I decide.

And I choose
To be the best that I can be.
I choose
To be authentic in everything
I do.
My past don't dictate who I am.
I choose.

I've been through some painful things
I thought that I would never make it though.
Filled up with shame
From the top of my head
To the soles of my shoes.
I've put myself in so many chaotic cirmstances.
By the grace of God
I've been given so many second chances.

But today I've decided to let it all go.
I'm dropping these bags,
**I'm making room for my joy.

And I choose
To be the best that I can be.
I choose
To be authentic in everything
I do.
My past don't dictate who I am.
I choose.

Because you never know where life is going to take you
And you can't change where you've been
But today, I have the opportunity to choose.

** Release the guilt about my things and how they
Because life is going to do what it do.
And every day, I have the opportunity to choose.

From this day forward I'm going to be
Exactly who I am.
I don't need to change the way that I live
Just to get a man.
Even had a talk with my mama,
And I told her today I'm grown.
This day forward, every decision that I make
Will be My Own.

And I choose
To be the best that I can be.
And I choose to be courageous in everything
I do.
My past don't dictate who I am.
I choose.

And I choose to be the best that I can be.
I choose to be authentic in everything I do.
My past don't dictate who I am.
I choose.

Because you never know where life is going to take you
And you can't change where you've been -
But today, I have the opportunity to choose. 

Exes and Exerthons!

Jan 21, 2008

So I've been doing really good getting over anything. I have some down moments, but all in all, I'm excited about getting her out of my life, once and for all. 

Today she is moving her stuff out. She can't just be cool about things, she has to call my job yelling and carrying on about a missing book and a missing something else. Like I'm trying to steal a book. I have like 200 books. I don't need anymore books. In fact, I'm trying to GET RID of books. 

She's just trying to get in my head. And I'm trying my damndest not to let her. I asked her twice to settle down and be respectful. She didn't. So I said "You can call me when you're going to speak respectfully" and I hung up. I don't like to hang up on people but I refuse to allow her treat me poorly anymore. 

I've done nothing wrong to her yet she's acting like I killed her dog or something. lol. Mind games... she just can't stop playing them, even after the break up!

In better news... I start thie 20's board Exer-thon today. My plan is to walk consistently through derby practice :)

I think I should be at 50 down right now, but I don't want to weigh until tomorrow, because I've been naughty and weighing like every other day and I don't want to get in that habit. So yay for tomorrow's weigh in!!!

About Me
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 111

Latest Blog 65
Walking not running
Recent goals unachieved.
Gas and Good Times
October Goals
Damn you hamstring!
Triggers and Stepping It Up
First day of Couch to 5K
